Business trip

At the end of the month Selina took out a month's salary from the bank, $50,000, lying quietly in her handbag. This Adam gave her salary, even though she already had a villa and a car, Adam still wanted her to have a better life.

Selina's heart was filled with gratitude, but this gratitude didn't stop her. She drove to the city's People's Hospital, where there was someone she had been holding onto for years - her mother. The smell of disinfectant filled the corridors of the hospital, and she walked through the long corridor to her mother's ward.

Selina sat by her mother's bedside, she gently held her mother's hands, which were once so soft and warm, but now became cold and powerless. Tears glistened in her eyes, but her voice was unusually firm: 'Mom, don't worry, I will make you better.'

She paid all of her salary for the medical expenses, and looking at the numbers on the list, there was a hint of comfort in her heart. She knew that as long as she was there, her mother would not be alone.

Adam's villa and car were more than just material help to her. She knew that she had to work harder to repay Adam's generosity and trust.


Adam's business car slowly drove out of South River City and headed to North Sea City. The purpose of his trip was to negotiate an important business co-operation, and Selina, as his right-hand man, naturally accompanied him. Inside the car, Adam was flipping through the documents intently, while Selina was sitting quietly opposite him, ready to provide the necessary assistance at any time.

Helen, Adam's other assistant, stood in front of the window of the company building and watched the vehicle drive away. A complex emotion surged in her heart, a mix of jealousy and helplessness. She didn't understand why Adam only chose Selina as his accompanying assistant this time, but she also knew that she couldn't change the decision.

A few hours later, Adam and Selina arrived in Beihai City. They stayed at a five-star luxury hotel, which not only had all the facilities, but also a huge outdoor swimming pool with turquoise blue water sparkling in the sunlight, surrounded by lush tropical plants, just like a small holiday resort.

After a busy day, Adam changes into a form-fitting swimsuit that shows off his strong, athletic body. He leaps into the pool with ease, stirring up circles of water, like an elegant dolphin travelling through the water.

Selina, on the other hand, is sitting on a lounge chair by the pool, wearing a sexy bikini, but just sitting quietly with a colourful drink in her hand, watching Adam swim with a smile on her face. Her swimming costume framed her delicate figure, but her eyes revealed a hint of embarrassment and helplessness.

After Adam swam a few rounds, he leaned over the edge of the pool and looked at Selina curiously, 'Silvia, why don't you come down and swim with us? This water is very comfortable.'

The smile on Selina's face stiffened a bit, and she lowered her head, gently stirring her drink in her glass as if searching for the right words. After a few moments, she raised her head and tried to make her voice sound as natural as possible, 'Adam, I... I'm not up to it today, I'm a little under the weather.'

Adam froze slightly, then revealed a look of understanding, 'Oh, so that's it. Then you have a good rest, no need to force yourself.'

Selina stood by the pool and was talking happily with Adam, completely oblivious to the movement behind her.

Suddenly, a rush of footsteps broke the peace. A little boy, about seven or eight years old, was holding a beach ball in his hand, excitedly running wildly around the pool. His eyes were firmly fixed on the ball in his hand, completely oblivious to Selina in front of him.

At that moment, the boy hit Selina's back, and with a cry, she lost her balance and fell headlong into the pool. Splashing around, Selina struggled in the water, her arms and legs flailing as she tried to find support.

'Help!' Selina's cries for help echoed through the pool, panic and helplessness in her voice.

Adam heard Selina's cries for help and he immediately turned around to see her struggling in the water. A flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, which was then replaced by nervousness. Without any hesitation, he quickly jumped into the water and swam towards Selina like a bolt of lightning.

Adam quickly reached Selina, reached out his arm, grabbed her by the arm and lifted her out of the water, Selina grabbed Adam as if he were a lifesaver, a look of gratitude and relief on her face.

Adam swam with Selina to the edge of the pool and carefully helped her ashore, Selina sat on the edge of the pool, panting heavily, her body still trembling slightly, obviously in shock.

Adam sat beside her and asked with concern, ''Silvia, are you alright? Weren't you good at swimming when you were a kid, why can't you do it now.'

Selina calmed her breathing as she covered up somewhat sheepishly, 'I... I was indeed a good swimmer when I was a kid, but it's been many years since I swam, so... So forgot.'

Adam looked at Selina, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, but he didn't pursue it. He gently patted her shoulder and comforted her, 'It's okay, I'll teach you to swim in the future. What happened today was just an accident, don't take it to heart.'

The little boy also realised that he had got into trouble, he walked to Selina's side, lowered his head and said in a small voice, 'Sister, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it.'

Selina looked at the little boy, and there was no more blame in her heart.

She smiled and touched the little boy's head and said gently, 'It's okay, little friend, sister is not hurt.Be careful when you play in the future.'The little boy raised his head and revealed a bright smile, 'Thank you sister, I will be careful in the future.'

Adam stood up, reached out his hand and pulled Selina up from the ground. He looked at Selina and said seriously, 'Let's go back to our room and change our clothes, then go get something to eat and replenish our strength.'


Back in her room, Selina's heart was still beating violently inside her chest.

She unlocked the door and leaned her back against it, breathing deeply as she tried to calm herself.

The lavish décor of the room became a blur to her eyes as her thoughts raced, her mind filled with fear and uncertainty about the future.

It wasn't just the fact that Adam had found out that she couldn't swim that scared her, it was the secret that she had been so careful to keep hidden - her true identity and her past.Selina had been a dancer in a nightclub, and that part of her life was a pain that she never wanted to remember. It took all her hard work to get what she has now: living in a luxury villa, driving a luxury car, and having a decent job with a salary of $50,000 a month.

Selina walked to the window and stared at the scenery outside, a strong reluctance welled up in her heart. She didn't want to lose the life she had now, didn't want to sink into that environment that smelled of smoke and alcohol again. She didn't want to face those greedy gazes again, those unsuspecting touches, those nights that made her feel like her dignity had been destroyed.

In the future, she would need to be more careful and avoid any opportunity that might expose her past.


And in Adam's room, he stood in front of the window, a glass of red wine in his hand, gazing deep into the night sky.

He contemplates Selina, the intelligent, independent woman with a secret he doesn't know.

He was beginning to have doubts about her identity, and some of the unusual signs were confusing him.

The changes in her personality are especially noticeable. As a child, he remembers Silvia as a gentle, somewhat introverted girl. However, with this reunion, she had become increasingly energetic and combative, like a completely different person. This change, while positive, also puzzles him.

In addition, Selina's academic background also puzzles Adam. She had a degree from a prestigious university, but when she wrote her report, she spent an unusually large amount of time studying, which was not at the level of a graduate from a prestigious university. He had seen Selina working late into the night in the office on many occasions, poring over thick professional books with furrowed brows, looking a bit overwhelmed.

What puzzled Adam the most was Selina's swimming incident. As far as he knew, she was a good swimmer when she was a child, but during the daytime in the pool, she behaved like someone who couldn't swim and even almost drowned. This contradiction makes him wonder if Selina is hiding something.

This girl who suddenly appeared in his life, her identity became a mystery in his mind. Whenever he tries to unravel this mystery, there is always an inexplicable fear that rushes over him.

He was afraid that the truth would destroy the fragile balance between them, that he would lose this Silvia that he had managed to get back.

Her eyes, her smile, everything about her was so similar to the Silvia he remembered, yet with a slight difference.Adam couldn't help but ask himself if it was all a coincidence, or was she really the one he had loved so much?