Anne: Perfect girl

Selina sat at home, a newspaper in her hand, her eyes fixed on the picture of Adam and Anne talking and laughing. Her face grew hard as an unspeakable sourness welled up in her heart. Her relationship with Adam had always been a delicate one, and although there were no clear feelings between them, Selina had already planted a seed of fondness in her heart.

On the cover of a glossy weekly entertainment magazine, Anne and Adam were pictured side-by-side, with a bold headline proclaiming: 'The political marriage between the daughter of the shipping group and the president of Golden Corporation is about to kick off as the crown prince of Seiken Group fails miserably to get married. The report was full of speculation and praise for the union of the two business giants, rendering the yet-to-be-disclosed relationship as a fairy tale.

A sourness welled up in Selina's heart, her eyes glued to the TV screen as she watched Adam and Anne talk intimately. Her fingers unconsciously gripped the edge of the sofa, and there was an indescribable hard feeling in her heart.

Anne on the TV was smiling coquettishly, her every movement revealing elegance and confidence, complementing Adam's subdued demeanour.


Adam and Anne's paths crossed at the annual auction organised by the Charity Federation.

Anne stood on the stage at the charity auction with the lights focused on her, wearing an elegant evening gown with a gently swaying skirt that accentuated her curvaceous figure. Her beauty is not only on the outside, but also a kind of intellectual and erudite temperament that radiates from the inside out, making her the centre of attention.

Her voice was warm and infectious, each word like a carefully crafted pearl, strung together into a beautiful necklace, attracting the ears of everyone present. She introduced each auction item, from antique paintings and calligraphy to modern works of art, the story behind each piece was narrated by her, making it seem as if people were able to travel through time and space and feel the unique charm of those works.

The gentlemen sat on the stage, their eyes following Anne's every movement and every smile. Many of them tried to approach her in the hope of winning her heart, but Anne always kept her distance in a polite but firm manner.

The parents of the wealthy families were also present, and their gazes were full of admiration and anticipation. In their opinion, Anne not only has outstanding appearance and talent, but also has high quality and sense of responsibility, which makes her an ideal candidate for daughter-in-law. They hoped that through her, they could bring honour and reputation to their family.

However, Anne's mind is not on these gentry and rich families. She was more concerned about how to raise more money for those in need through this charity auction.

As the atmosphere at the auction grew more and more heated and the bidding continued, Anne maintained her grace and poise, guiding the bidding with her wit and charm, making the auction both orderly and energetic.

It was then that a special item was brought onto the stage - a themed painting by a famous artist - and Anne looked at it with a twinkle in her eye, knowing that it was more than just a painting. She knew that the painting was not just a piece of art, but also a symbol of spirit, a love and support for charity.

The painting, a piece of bamboo, was not an ordinary piece of bamboo. It has been given life and soul by a master painter, and every stroke and every ink reveals a deep charm and unique mood. The bamboo in the painting is so tall and lush that it is as if you can hear the sound of them swaying in the wind. The green leaves of the bamboo become vivid under the artist's brush, and they swing with the wind, seeming to tell an ancient story. The bamboo trunks are strong and tough, each one straight upwards, showing the indomitable spirit of bamboo. In the background of the painting, a light cloud hangs around, adding a bit of mystery and hazy beauty. The sunlight pours through the clouds, creating dappled light and shadow on the bamboo forest, making people feel as if they could feel the warm sunshine and fresh air. The bamboos in the painting do not exist in isolation, they are nestled together to form a harmonious bamboo forest. In this bamboo forest, you can see a few birds playing on the branches, their songs are clear and pleasant, adding a little bit of life and vitality to the painting. This painting is not only a piece of art, but also a symbol of spirit. Bamboo symbolises resilience, purity and humility in traditional Chinese culture, and this painting is a perfect interpretation of these virtues. It allows every viewer to feel the vitality and resilience of bamboo. At the auction, the appearance of this painting caused a sensation. All those present were captivated by its beauty and divinity, and they raised their cards to own this precious work of art.

She began to describe the background and significance of the painting, her words filled with respect and emotion. Everyone in the room was moved by her words, and they began to raise their cards in droves as the bidding became more and more intense.

At Adam's behest, Fu's bids were decisive and powerful. The atmosphere in the auction room became more and more tense as the bidding became more and more intense, and every bid was like a charge on the battlefield, provoking a burst of amazement from the people present.

On the auction stage, Anne maintained her usual elegance and composure.

Henry Smith, the heir to the Seiko Group, is the centre of attention at social gatherings. His pursuit of Anne has long been a well-known secret in the circle. Tonight, it seems that his purpose of attending the auction is not just for charity, but more for winning Anne's heart.

Adam, the head of Golden Corporation, has a calm and deep gaze, and every bid seems to be unhurried but precise. His presence made the auction even more confusing.

As the bidding continued to rise, other bidders gradually withdrew from the competition, eventually leaving only Adam and Henry Smith. The bidding between the two men was like a silent battle, and every time they raised their cards, it seemed to speak of their determination.

'210 million!' Henry Smith's voice echoed in the auction room, his eyes firm as if he was proving his sincerity to Anne.

However, Adam's bid was even more astonishing, '220 million yuan!' His voice was calm, yet it carried an unquestionable power.

Henry Smith's face instantly became ugly, he did not expect Adam to bid such a high price. In front of a beauty, he didn't want to appear petty, but the price of 220 million yuan was already far beyond his budget, otherwise he would go home and his old man would break his legs. He hesitated for a moment, and finally put down the bidding card in his hand helplessly.

A round of applause rang out in the auction room, and a complex look appeared on Anne's face. She didn't expect that Adam was so powerful.

Henry Smith stood up, a hint of resentment and anger in his eyes. He didn't look at Anne or Adam again, and left the auction house straight away. His back looked a bit forlorn, but everyone present could feel the unwillingness in his heart.

In the end, the painting was sold for 220 million yuan, and Anne's face showed a satisfied smile, knowing that the money would be able to help more people and make their lives better.

The charity auction came to a close with a round of applause and Anne stood on the stage and thanked everyone. Her beauty, knowledge and erudition once again won everyone over.


The hustle and bustle of the auction gradually dispersed, and was replaced by a well-planned appreciation banquet. The banquet was held in a luxurious banquet hall with soft lighting and melodious music, creating a warm and elegant atmosphere. The famous paintings hanging on the walls and the flowers on the tables showed the organisers' dedication and respect for their guests.

Adam and Anne were seated together, Adam was dressed in a customised suit, looking particularly handsome and dashing; Anne was wearing a light blue evening dress, fresh and elegant, just like a blooming lotus flower. Sitting together, they were undoubtedly the most eye-catching couple at the banquet.

The conversation between them was relaxed and enjoyable, with bursts of laughter, Adam's humour and intelligence, and Anne's intellectualism and charm, made their exchanges full of fun and sparks. They seemed to forget everything around them and were totally immersed in each other's conversation.

However, this scene did not escape the keen lenses of the reporters. With flashbulbs going off and shutters clicking, Adam and Anne's intimate photos were quickly captured. The next day, these photos made the headlines of all the major entertainment newspapers, and rumours of the two quickly spread through the community.


Selina stood in front of the window, looking out at the bustling night scene, but her mind was barren. She knew that the gap between her and Anne was as insurmountable as the gap between the heavens and the earth, and that Anne had everything she had ever dreamed of - wealth, status, education... and she was just a secretary pretending to be her sister, a liar living a lie. She, on the other hand, was just a secretary who had assumed her sister's identity, a liar living a lie.

Her education, her identity, everything was a sham. All these years, she had been taking her sister's education and identity, deceiving Adam, deceiving everyone. Whenever it was late at night, her mind would be tormented, she hated her deception, yet she couldn't get rid of the shackles of this lie.

Selina's eyes glistened with tears, her fingers gently touched the stolen degree, every word on it seemed to be mocking her incompetence and cowardice. She wanted to confess, to tell Adam the truth, but she was afraid. Afraid that if the truth came out, she would lose everything - her job, her dignity, and Adam's trust and care for her.

Her heart struggles with the knowledge that this magnificent ball built on lies will eventually end, and she, in turn, must face that cruel end. However, her courage is gradually broken like a leaf being eaten away.