Rejecting Love

His eyes were cold and his fingers squeezed the edges of the newspaper so tightly that they almost tore it apart. This newspaper was not only an invasion of his privacy, but also a challenge to his family's reputation, and Adam knew that there was nothing simple behind it.

Golden Corporation was a major player in the city, holding most of the media and newspapers in town, but this newspaper was an exception, and Adam had no idea that it would make his private life public.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself.Adam knew that he couldn't let his anger dominate his behaviour and had to deal with this calmly.

Adam's anger did not stem from his embarrassment at being the centre of the media spotlight, but rather a deeper concern. His eyes fell on the paper again, but this time, they penetrated the exaggerated headlines and photos and focused on a corner of his heart - a corner that belonged to Silivia.

Silivia, a woman who appeared in his life but could never define a relationship. Her presence is like a gentle light that illuminates the most secret part of his heart.Adam is acutely aware that his relationship with Silivia, though subtle, means a great deal to him.

He is worried that the scandal in the newspaper will make the kind-hearted Silivia misunderstand him and regard him as a frivolous playboy, thus alienating him. adam knows that Silivia has her own standards and bottom line in her heart, and once she touches them, she may choose to leave, and he is definitely not willing to lose her.

Adam decided to go to Silivia personally to explain. He needs to let her know that those media reports are just nonsense, and that his feelings for her are genuine and unquestionable.


In the evening, Adam drove Selina home.

Selina sat in Adam's car with a hint of relief in her voice, as if she was talking about something that had nothing to do with her.' Hahaha, you've been a news hit lately.' She tried to hide her inner turmoil with a laugh, but that laugh sounded a little harsh to Adam's ears.

Adam's brow furrowed as he turned his head and stared at Selina with a torchlight gaze, 'Is she really not jealous at all?' The thought swirled around in his mind, making him feel an unspeakable loss.

Adam's silence was like a heavy stone that pressed into the suffocating air of the car.Selina could feel Adam's anger.His silence was not one of speechlessness,but of a strong emotion that was churning in his chest but could not find an outlet.

The colour of the night contrasted sharply with Adam's mood at the moment.Selina turned her head to look at Adam, the outline of his side face looked extra cold and hard in the moonlight, and his eyes glittered with complex emotions.

Finally, Adam spoke, his voice was low and strong, every word seemed to be well thought out, 'It's just the first time I met her. She was the host of the charity gala. It's only a business engagement.' His words revealed a kind of helplessness, but also a kind of insistence, he wanted to set the record straight, wanted Selina to understand the truth.

Selina's heart missed a beat, she could hear the seriousness and helplessness in Adam's words. She realised that Adam's anger was not unprovoked, but because he cared about her opinion.

Selina avoided Adam's gaze, her voice was calm and firm, 'That's your personal matter, it has nothing to do with me, we're just superior and subordinate.' Her words revealed a deliberate sense of distance, as if she was deliberately emphasising the identity boundaries between them.

When Adam heard these words, the loss in his heart instantly transformed into anger. He didn't like Selina's attitude, he didn't like the way she defined their relationship so clearly and coldly. He slammed on the accelerator, and the car sped through the night like an arrow off a string.

The speed of the car is getting faster and faster, but Adam's mind is getting more and more confused. He didn't understand why Silivia was treating him like this, why she was deliberately keeping her distance like this. He wanted to prove himself, wanted to let Silivia see his true heart, but he didn't know how to go about it.

Selina sensed the abnormal speed of the car, she turned her head and saw Adam's tense side face, her heart couldn't help but tighten.' Adam, drive slower, this is too dangerous.' There was a hint of worry in her voice, but Adam continued to accelerate as if he didn't hear her.

The car weaved through the night, the scenery on both sides flew back as if the whole world was trembling under their wheels.Selina tightly grasped the armrest of the car door, her heartbeat accelerated, but at the same time, a wave of inexplicable emotions surged up in her heart.

She looked at the side of Adam's face, at his hands gripping the steering wheel, and suddenly, she realised that Adam's anger was perhaps not just because of her indifference, but because he cared about her, about their relationship.

The car finally stopped at a silent beach, Adam turned his head and looked deeply at Selina. 'Silivia, do you really think that our relationship is just up and down?' There was a tremor in his voice that revealed his inner turmoil.

Selina looked at Adam, and she was struggling inside as well. She knew that her feelings for Adam were much more than that, but she was afraid, afraid that once she crossed that line, everything would change.

Selina knew that the person in Adam's heart was Silivia, not her. Whenever he calls out 'Silivia', an unspeakable sadness wells up inside her.

Adam looked at Selina with a look of confusion in his eyes. He couldn't understand how Selina was able to face all this so calmly, why she was able to draw the line so firmly.

'Of course, we are just up and down.' Selina's voice was calm and strong, her words were like a sharp sword that cut off all the illusions in Adam's mind, 'I appreciate your help to me.'

Adam listened to Selina's words and felt a sense of shock and helplessness that he had never felt before. He, Adam, had always been the pride of the people and no woman had ever rejected him. Yet, Silivia had no feelings for him.

A wave of complex emotions surged through his heart, a mixture of loss and resignation.Adam had never felt his powerlessness so truly, and he began to question himself, his charm, and everything about himself.

Selina looked at Adam, she could feel the fluctuation of his emotions. There was something in her heart that she couldn't bear, but she knew that it was necessary. She couldn't allow herself to get into a fruitless relationship, and she couldn't allow Adam to continue further and further down the wrong path.

On the night by the sea, the moonlight poured over the two of them, and the waves gently lapped against the shore, making a serene and peaceful sound. However, Adam and Selina could not find peace in their hearts. They stood on the seashore, facing each other, but it was as if there was an insurmountable gap between them.

Adam took a deep breath, he knew he couldn't just give up. He needed to find a way, a way that would impress Silivia and show her that he really meant it.

'Silivia, I want you to understand that I didn't do what I did for you just to get your gratitude.' Adam's voice was low and sincere, 'I want us to be more than just an up and down relationship.'

Selina looked at Adam, she could feel the sincerity in his words. Her heart was a little shaken, but she knew that she couldn't just change her decision so easily. She shook her head firmly, 'I don't like you Adam, I see you as my leader. I've never liked you, so please stop saying those things. Thanks! '

She turned to the road, stopped a taxi and ran away as if she had fled.

Her true identity, like a time bomb, could explode at any time, destroying everything she had carefully constructed.

She knew she was the perfect assistant in Adam's eyes, an impeccable employee. But that image is built on a lie, and once the truth comes out, she fears she'll lose everything-not just her job, but Adam's trust and respect.

'If Adam doesn't find out who I really am,' Selina muses in her mind, 'maybe I'll be able to work with him for a long time.' She fantasised about the future, about being able to continue to be by Adam's side, to see him every day, to hear his voice, to feel his presence.

But this fantasy is soon shattered by another thought, 'If Adam finds out who I really am and realises that I'm actually a liar, I might have to be driven away from him.' Thinking about this possibility, Selina felt a wave of fear and despair. She was afraid of losing Adam, of losing this person whom she deeply respected and relied on.

So, she preferred to keep a far distance.