The First Time

Early morning sunlight poured through the office window and onto Selina's desk. She sat in her chair, absentmindedly flipping through the documents, her eyes stealing glances at Adam's office from time to time. Ever since she rejected Adam's confession, every time she saw him, her heart was filled with embarrassment and mixed emotions.

Adam, however, didn't seem to be affected in any way; he still handled his work calmly and methodically, and even made a point of praising Selina's business skills during the morning meeting. His demeanour did not show a trace of embarrassment or unhappiness at being rejected, as if the confession had never happened.

Selina's mind was full of doubts, she didn't understand how Adam could be so calm. Her emotions were like a jumble of relief and loss at the same time.

In the evening, Selina returned to her own place, she was about to make a cup of tea to relax her tense nerves.

The ringing of the phone cut through the quiet of the night, Selina picked up the phone, a gentle and familiar voice came from the other end, it was Dr Kim, her mother's attending doctor.

'Selina, this is Dr Kim. I have good news to tell you about your mother's condition.' Dr Jin's voice carried a hint of excitement that was hard to hide.

A glimmer of hope surged in Selina's heart as she eagerly asked, 'Dr Jin, what's the good news?'

'Our hospital has recently introduced a special medicine that is very effective in treating your mother's illness. I believe this will be a turnaround.' Dr Jin's words were full of confidence.

Selina's heart felt both elated and heavy. She knew that the price of this special effect medicine was not expensive, needing ten million US dollars, which was an astronomical figure for her at the moment.

'Dr Jin, I ...' Selina's voice carried a hint of choking, her heart filled with hesitation and heartache.

Dr Jin seemed to sense Selina's difficulty, he softly comforted, 'Selina, I understand your situation. But as a doctor, I sincerely hope that you will consider this treatment plan. Your mother's condition cannot be delayed any longer.'

Hanging up the phone, Selina sat on the edge of the bed, her heart filled with struggles. Dr Kim's words were like a boulder pressing on her heart, making her breathless. She thought of Adam's confession, if she had accepted it then, if she could have become Adam's wife, she would have been able to pay the medical bill now.

The image of Dr Kim came to her mind, a senior medical student, elegant and handsome, always with a gentle smile. He took great care of both Selina and her mother, and his concern and professionalism gave Selina a small sense of comfort.

However, Selina also has a hint of persistence in her heart. She doesn't want to accept Adam's advances because of money; she longs for a genuine relationship, not a transaction.

It was late at night and Selina lay in bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. Her mind was filled with uncertainty about the future and worry about her mother.


Inside Adam's office, the atmosphere remained professional and calm.Selina stood in front of his desk, a file in her hand, waiting for Adam's instructions.Adam's gaze lifted from the computer screen, there was not a trace of unwanted emotion in his eyes, it was as if the rejection of his confession had never happened.

'Silvia, this document needs to be double checked by you for tomorrow's meeting.' Adam's voice was calm, his tone revealing a hint of unquestionable authority.

'Okay.' Selina replied crisply, trying her best to make her voice sound as unruffled as possible.

Adam nodded and turned his attention back to the computer screen.Selina turned away and gently closed the office door. She leaned against the wall outside the door and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. She knew that Adam and Anne were getting more and more press that she didn't want to see, but had to deal with.

The female colleagues in the office were sitting around, gossiping in whispers about the latest Adam and Anne news.Selina walked past them, their voices reaching her ears from time to time.

'I heard that the CEO and Anne went to the wedding of India's richest man together, the two of them look so good together!'

'Yes, Anne is so elegant and CEO is so handsome, it's like a match made in heaven!'

A sourness welled up in Selina's heart and she quickened her pace, wanting to escape from the voices. She sat down at her workstation and switched on her computer, but she couldn't concentrate on her work. Her mind kept echoing with the conversations of her colleagues, and her heart was filled with loss and helplessness.

The news about Adam and Anne kept appearing in all the major media, and their photos together were enlarged and became the talk of the town. selina didn't want to pay attention to it, but she realised that she couldn't completely stay away from it.

One afternoon, Selina was making coffee in the pantry when she happened to overhear a conversation between two female colleagues.

'Look guys, CEO and Anne went on holiday to France together this time, it seems like the relationship is really extraordinary.'

'Yeah, I heard that the CEO even bought a villa in Paris for Anne, what a big deal!'

Selina's hand shook and coffee spilled out, burning her hand. She felt a stinging pain, not only in her hand, but also in her heart. She turned away from the pantry, not wanting her colleagues to see the tears in her eyes.


Inside Adam's office, the atmosphere remained professional and calm.Selina stood in front of his desk, a file in her hand, waiting for Adam's instructions.Adam's gaze lifted from the computer screen, there was not a trace of unwanted emotion in his eyes, it was as if the rejection of his confession had never happened.

'Silvia, this document needs to be double checked by you for tomorrow's meeting.' Adam's voice was calm, his tone revealing a hint of unquestionable authority.

'Okay.' Selina replied crisply, trying her best to make her voice sound as unruffled as possible.

Adam nodded and turned his attention back to the computer screen.Selina turned away and gently closed the office door. She leaned against the wall outside the door and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. She knew that Adam and Anne were getting more and more press that she didn't want to see, but had to deal with.

The female colleagues in the office were sitting around, gossiping in whispers about the latest Adam and Anne news.Selina walked past them, their voices reaching her ears from time to time.

'I heard that the CEO and Anne went to the wedding of India's richest man together, the two of them look so good together!'

'Yes, Anne is so elegant and CEO is so handsome, it's like a match made in heaven!'

A sourness welled up in Selina's heart and she quickened her pace, wanting to escape from the voices. She sat down at her workstation and switched on her computer, but she couldn't concentrate on her work. Her mind kept echoing with the conversations of her colleagues, and her heart was filled with loss and helplessness.

The news about Adam and Anne kept appearing in all the major media, and their photos together were enlarged and became the talk of the town. selina didn't want to pay attention to it, but she realised that she couldn't completely stay away from it.

One afternoon, Selina was making coffee in the pantry when she happened to overhear a conversation between two female colleagues.

'Look guys, CEO and Anne went on holiday to France together this time, it seems like the relationship is really extraordinary.'

'Yeah, I heard that the CEO even bought a villa in Paris for Anne, what a big deal!'

Selina's hand shook and coffee spilled out, burning her hand. She felt a stinging pain, not only in her hand, but also in her heart. She turned away from the pantry, not wanting her colleagues to see the tears in her eyes.



On this day, the stars over the city seemed extra bright, but there was not a single light in Selina's heart. It was her birthday, a day that should have been filled with laughter and blessings, but instead it had become her loneliest moment. Her house was silent, no lively party, no family or friends surrounding her, only her shadow alone to keep her company.

Selina sat on the carpet in her living room with a few empty bottles of alcohol and some unopened ones scattered around her. She had tried to numb her emotions with alcohol, but each drink that went down just made her loneliness grow stronger. Her eyes blurred, her thoughts were in turmoil, and the pain in her heart came like a tidal wave that she couldn't contain.

She picked up her mobile phone and with trembling fingers dialled Adam's number. It was a number she knew by heart, but hadn't dialled in a long time. The phone rang on the other end of the line waiting to be connected, and each ring felt like it was pounding on her heart.

Suddenly, the call was answered, but instead of Adam's voice, a lazy, familiar voice came through, the voice of Anne, the TV presenter.' Hello?' Anne's voice carried a hint of doubt and displeasure.

Selina's heart sank, she hadn't expected Adam's phone to be answered by Anne, which meant they were probably together now. A wave of anger and jealousy welled up in her heart, all the aggression and pain erupted at this moment.

'I...' Selina tried to speak, but it was like something was blocking her throat, her voice was hoarse and feeble.

Anne's voice rang again, this time with a hint of impatience, 'Who the hell are you?Adam isn't available right now.'

Selina didn't answer, her mind filled with despair. She didn't want to hear Anne's voice again, didn't want to face this cruel reality again. She pressed the hang up button fiercely and the phone screen went dark, sinking into darkness just like her heart.

She threw the phone aside, tears welling up in her eyes once again. She felt like she had been abandoned by the world, no one remembered her birthday, no one cared that she was happy. She curled up on the carpet and hugged herself tightly, letting the tears mix with the alcohol and drown her sorrows.


Selina's consciousness drifted in an alcoholic haze as she felt herself tossing and turning in her bed, wrapped in warm bedding. Half asleep, she felt someone gently tugging at her covers, gentle and careful.

She struggled to open her heavy eyelids, and a figure appeared in her blurred vision - Adam.Her heart skipped a beat, but then she told herself that it must be a hallucination, an illusion caused by the effects of alcohol.

'I thought you said you liked me?' Selina rebuked loudly at the hallucination in front of her, 'Why are you dating someone else again? I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.' Her voice was filled with pain and anger as tears welled up in her eyes once again.

The hallucinating Adam didn't respond, he just slowly moved closer and then gently kissed her forehead, kissing away her tear tracks.Selina felt a warmth come over her and she tried to fight back, but the alcohol made her body weak.

Selina's world was blurred and spun by the alcohol and she felt herself surrounded by a warm and familiar scent. However, in that scent, she suddenly caught a hint of an unusual scent - it smelled of perfume, and it wasn't hers.

A wave of unease surged through her; the scent was supposed to be Anne's.Selina's mind was suddenly filled with doubt and anguish.

Although the drunkenness made her actions slow, she still struggled to push Adam away with her last ounce of sobriety.Her eyes were filled with tears, and her voice had a trembling and angry tone to it: 'You go away, you smell like her.'

Adam was caught off guard by Selina's sudden move, he looked at her with tears in his eyes and was filled with guilt.

Adam stood still, looking at Selina's shaky figure, his heart felt as if it had been struck by a heavy hammer. He knew that he had to do something, he had to win back Selina's heart, he had to prove his loyalty and love for her.

'Silvia, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have upset you so much.' Adam's voice was low and sincere. His kisses grew heavier and his hands began to wander over Selina's body.

As time passed, his movements were gentle and loving, each kiss, each embrace, was a reaffirmation of his love for her.

The night grew heavy and the two bodis melted into one ...