Misunderstanding and jealousy

However, Selina's drunkenness faded as the first rays of sunlight shone through the curtains into the room. Her eyes snap open and she realises what happened last night. Her heart began to beat wildly as she knew that she couldn't have a deeper relationship with Adam - she was pretending to be her sister.

Tears welled up in Selina's eyes as she felt a deep sense of regret and remorse. She knew that her behaviour had not only deceived Adam, but also betrayed her own heart. How should she face Adam and explain all this?

His eyes were firm and gentle, and there was a hint of trembling in his voice: 'Silvia, ever since I met you, my world has been full of colours. Will you be my girlfriend?'

Selina's heart trembled at Adam's confession. She loved Adam deeply, but the secret in her heart was like a heavy stone, weighing her down. She is afraid that once Adam knows the truth, the love between them will be broken.

Adam decides to confront Selina about her emotions and asks directly, 'Silvia, don't you love me? If you don't love me, why are you jealous of Anne?'

Selina is deeply touched by Adam's words, and her heart is filled with contradictions. She was afraid that her past would hurt Adam, but she couldn't deny her feelings for him.

Tears welled up in Selina's eyes as she looked into Adam's sincere eyes, and the love in her heart made her unable to deny it. She nodded, her voice choking, 'Adam, I do.' She became Adam's girlfriend, despite all the angst in her heart.

From then on, the two of them were like glue, and each day was filled with sweetness and happiness due to each other's company.

In fact, Adam's frequent contact with Anne is not what it seems. The two families are preparing to develop a large property project together, and as representatives of the families, they need to communicate closely and work together to push the project forward. The media's misunderstanding and exaggeration have put a layer of ambiguity on this innocent partnership.

Selina's mind is full of doubts and uneasiness. She is deeply in love with Adam, but the news reports make her feel confused. She doesn't know what's really going on between Adam and Anne, and whether she should trust Adam or believe the seemingly conclusive reports.

Adam notices Selina's abnormality and he realises the extent of the problem. He finds Selina and explains to her the true nature of his relationship with Anne: 'Silvia, what Anne and I have between us is just part of a family partnership, there are no personal feelings involved between us.'


Adam, the young heir to the Golden Corportion, always handles business in a calm and professional manner. When the family business collaborates with Anne's family company, he simply sees her as a partner. However, Anne cannot contain her deep attraction to Adam.

Anne is the shining star of the social circle, her beauty and talent attracting numerous suitors. She is always the centre of attention at parties, and the gentlemen are always courting her in the hope of winning her over.

Anne's love for Adam is unique. Despite all the attempts of the other gentlemen to attract her attention, her heart remained unmoved. Her eyes are always unconsciously searching for Adam.

Anne always comes across as shrewd and competent in business meetings. She tries to hide her emotions, but whenever the two are alone, her heart beats uncontrollably.

Anne struggles with the fact that she knows her feelings for Adam are one-sided, but she can't help herself. She is afraid that confessing her feelings will ruin the partnership between the two and may even lose Adam's respect.

After being rejected by Adam, Anne is filled with jealousy and resentment.

The end of the year is approaching and the most important conference in the industry is about to be held. It is an event that brings together elites from all walks of life, and everyone is preparing for the upcoming conference. And this year, the organisers of the conference have decided to select a female moderator to lead the whole process.

Among the many candidates, Anne stood out as the first choice with her excellent eloquence, profound professional knowledge and charming presence. Not only does she have an excellent reputation in the industry, but she has also demonstrated her hosting talents on many public occasions.

Anne became the host of the conference and mesmerised everyone with her beauty and talent. She not only has outstanding appearance, but also has admirable intelligence and ability. At the conference, the gentlemen are all attracted by her charm, but there is only one person in her heart - Adam.

Wearing a carefully chosen evening dress, Anne's eyes search for Adam in the crowd.

The meeting ended and Anne took the excuse to find Adam. with a hint of anticipation and courage, she posed the question to Adam: 'Why haven't you asked me out lately?' Her eyes revealed a hint of uneasiness, as she was aware that Adam and Selina had an unusual relationship.

Adam looked at Anne with some mixed feelings. He knew that Anne was a wonderful woman, but his heart already belonged to Selina.Facing Anne's question, he felt a little difficult and didn't know how to answer.

Adam decided to be honest with Anne and told her about his relationship with Selina.

Anne stood in front of Adam with tears in her eyes. Her mind was filled with confusion and pain.She couldn't understand why Adam was always alone with her and gave her hope only to turn around and fall in love with someone else.

'If you don't like me, why are you always alone with me?' There was a tremor in Anne's voice as her heart waited for an answer.

Adam was silent in the face of Anne's questioning. His heart was equally complex and he knew that his behaviour was giving Anne the wrong signals.

'Anne, I...' Adam finally spoke, 'I did get along with you, but I never thought it would give you the wrong idea. My feelings for you were the closeness of friends, I didn't think ...'

Tears slipped from Anne's eyes as she realised that her feelings for Adam had gone beyond the boundaries of friendship. She was in love with him and he was with someone else.

Adam looked at Anne's sadness and was filled with guilt. He never thought that his unintentional behaviour would hurt her.

Selina made her way through the bustling crowd to the balcony. There, Adam's figure looked lonely in the moonlight. However, when she gets closer, she sees a scene that breaks her heart - Adam's hand is caressing Anne's face, so tenderly.

It turned out to be Anne who was crying uncontrollably after being determined by Adam.Adam hesitated for a moment, but his heart told him that he couldn't just let Anne cry alone. He must at least dry her tears.

He gently took out his handkerchief and tenderly wiped away her tears.

Anne felt Adam's gentleness, which flooded her with even more emotions. She sobbed, releasing the sadness and disappointment inside her.

Adam apologised in a low voice, 'Anne, I'm really sorry for making you so sad. I didn't reject you because you were bad, but because I... I couldn't respond to your feelings.'

Anne lifted her tearful eyes and looked at Adam, there was so much she wanted to say in her mind. 'I know, Adam, I know you have someone else in mind. I just... I just can't help myself.'

The two fell into silence, with only the occasional sob from Anne breaking the silence around them.Adam continued to gently wipe her tears, not knowing how to comfort her.

Seeing this scene, Selina's heart seemed to be held tightly by an invisible hand, pain spreading from the bottom of her heart to her whole body. Her vision blurred and tears welled up in her eyes. She didn't have the courage to face it and turned around, taking her broken heart with her, and fled this place that suffocated her.