Inferiority and pride

Adam gently wiped away Anne's tears, he didn't realise that this scene had been overheard by his girlfriend Selina.Selina's heart sank, she felt an indescribable loss and pain.

Adam remembered Selina after comforting Anne.He took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Selina: 'Silvia, where are you? The meeting is over, I'm ready to go home.'

Selina looked at the text message sent by Adam with mixed emotions in her heart. She didn't want Adam to know what she had just seen, so she replied to the text message, 'I'm not feeling well and have gone home first.'

Receiving Selina's reply, Adam felt worried. He knew that Selina would rarely leave such an occasion early, and her discomfort made him feel uneasy.

Selina sat on the sofa at home, she was having trouble calming down. She needed time to compose herself and think about how to deal with what she had just seen.

Adam hurries home and looks even more worried as he sees Selina curled up on the couch. He walked over to her and asked softly, 'Silvia, what's wrong with you? Do you need to see a doctor?'

Selina looked into Adam's concerned eyes and she hesitated. She didn't know if she should tell him what she had seen and she was afraid it would hurt their relationship.

Selina hesitated for a moment and then replied, 'I had my period today and I wasn't feeling well, so I came back first.'

Adam knew that Selina occasionally felt sick because of her cycle, but he also sensed something unusual in her tone.

Adam didn't ask any more questions and just stayed quietly by Selina's side. He prepared a hot water bag for her, made a cup of hot tea and tried his best to ease her discomfort.

Although Adam's care warmed Selina's heart, she still insisted on not letting him know how upset she really was. She didn't want to let a momentary emotion affect their relationship.

After Adam left Selina's home, the door to her room closed softly, but it was like a hammer blow to Selina's heart. She sat alone on the sofa in the living room, feeling sad and depressed like never before.

Selina knew that her relationship with Adam was unequal; Adam came from the richest family and had everything, while she herself was very ordinary. This difference makes her always feel inferior and powerless in front of Adam.

Whenever emotions come to her mind, Selina dares not show them in front of Adam. She was afraid that her true feelings would scare him away, and even more so, she was afraid that she would not be able to maintain her current life after losing him.

Since she got together with Adam, Selina never worried about money. The material abundance makes her life easier, but it also makes her cautious in front of Adam, afraid that one of her outbursts will lead to losing it all.

Selina begins to feel depressed and she is afraid to express her dissatisfaction and anger, fearing that these negative emotions will affect her relationship with Adam and thus the affluent life she depends on. Therefore, she is afraid to get angry even when she sees Anne and Adam getting close.

Selina stands in front of the mirror and stares at her reflection. She sees a well-dressed woman with a carefree life, but her eyes reveal confusion and self-doubt. She begins to despise herself, and the once strong, independent girl seems to have disappeared.

Looking back, Selina used to be a girl full of dreams and passion. She didn't rely on anyone and believed that she could win everything with her hard work. However, as time goes by, she finds herself becoming more and more addicted to the affluent life that Adam offers.

A shadow of unease hangs over Selina's heart. She is deeply in love with Adam, but she is afraid that Anne, who grew up in a wealthy family and seems to have it all, will steal him away from her, while Selina feels that the only thing she has is Adam's love.

Anne is the centre of attention wherever she goes, her elegance, intelligence and wealth make her shine in a crowd.Selina feels an unspeakable inferiority complex and jealousy every time she sees her.

Selina's heart struggles with the fact that she doesn't want to be a jealous person, but she can't control her suspicion and fear of Anne. Little does she know that Anne is just as jealous of her.

Adam loves Selina very much and tries his best to give her material satisfaction in the hope that it will ease her burden. In addition to material help, Adam also tried his best to support Selina in her career, introducing her to contacts in the industry and providing her with learning opportunities in the hope that she would be able to succeed in her career.

Despite Adam's efforts, Selina's inferiority complex did not disappear. She was grateful for Adam's help, but deep down the insecurity and self-doubt always followed her.

In the midst of her thoughts, Selina falls asleep.