Adam's mother

Selina was a little nervous as she stood in front of Adam's house. Today, she was invited to Adam's home as a guest, which was a first for her.

The door slowly opened and Adam greeted her with a smile, 'Welcome to my home, Silvia,' his voice was warm and magnetic, making Selina's mood relax a little.

Adam's home was a luxurious 300 square metre villa situated in a quiet, upmarket residential area of the city. The villa is not only spacious, but also well-designed, with every detail revealing the owner's taste and pursuit of quality of life.

The exterior of the villa adopts a combination of modern and classical architectural styles, with the exterior wall mainly in beige colour and dark brown wooden decorative lines, which looks both elegant and modern. In front of the door is a well-trimmed lawn, surrounded by a variety of valuable flowers and trees, evergreen and fragrant.

Entering the villa, the first thing that catches the eye is a spacious foyer, the floor is paved with high-grade marble, smooth as a mirror, reflecting soft light. A gorgeous crystal chandelier hangs in the centre of the foyer, shining brightly and illuminating the entire space.

The living room was the core area of the villa, spacious and luxuriously decorated. Several oil paintings by famous artists hang on the walls in vibrant colours, adding an artistic touch to the interior. In the centre of the living room is a set of imported Italian leather sofas with delicate texture and comfortable sitting feeling. Opposite the sofa is a huge floor-to-ceiling window, outside the window is a well-designed courtyard landscape, green trees, flowing water.

The dining room is connected to the living room and adopts an open design. There is a long dining table in the dining room, the tabletop is made of high-grade mahogany, with exquisite tableware and crystal wine glasses, which looks very sophisticated. There is a wine cabinet in one corner of the dining room, collecting famous wines from all over the world, which shows the owner's taste.

The kitchen is another highlight of the villa, featuring a modern design with a full set of high-end kitchen appliances and equipment. The cabinets are made of high-grade solid wood and the countertops are made of hard-wearing quartz stone, which is both practical and beautiful. The kitchen also features a centre island, making it easy for the owner to interact with his family while cooking.

The bedrooms in the villa are bright and spacious, each with its own bathroom and cloakroom. The master bedroom is even more luxurious, with an oversized walk-in cloakroom and a luxurious bathroom with a jacuzzi for the owner to relax after a busy day.

The villa also has a dedicated entertainment room equipped with a home theatre system and a variety of recreational facilities such as a pool table and games consoles, providing a space for family and friends to relax and have fun.

The villa's courtyard is equally exquisite in design, featuring a small swimming pool surrounded by greenery and flowers, as well as an open-air barbecue area, perfect for hosting family gatherings and parties.

The entire villa is not only spacious and comfortable, but also extremely luxurious in design and decoration, with every corner reflecting Adam's pursuit of quality of life and unique understanding of beauty. Such a villa is undoubtedly the ideal residence that many people dream of.

The two sat down in the living room, Adam poured her a cup of tea, and the two began to chat about their plans for the future.

As they chatted, the doorbell suddenly rang and Adam got up to answer it, and there stood his mother, Adam's mother.

Adam's mother, is a typical lady, her temperament and demeanour reveals a kind of innate nobility and elegance. She not only has an enviable family background, but also has a deep cultural heritage and good upbringing.

Adam's mother's appearance is well-maintained, and age does not seem to have left too many traces on her body. Her skin is fair, and although there are slight wrinkles at the corners of her eyes, they add a bit of mature flavour. Her hair was always meticulously combed, or coiled into an elegant bun, or draped over her shoulders, emitting a faint fragrance.

As soon as she entered, she noticed Selina, her eyes revealing a few hints of scrutiny and disdain.

'Adam, who is this?' Adam's mother asked, a distinct coldness in her tone.

'Mum, this is Silvia, my girlfriend.' Adam introduced.

In Adam's home, the atmosphere suddenly became a bit awkward.Adam's mother was sitting on the sofa in the living room, holding a cup of freshly brewed tea in her hand.Her gaze fell on Selina's body through the mist of the tea cup.

'Adam, I hear you've been getting close to Anne lately.' Adam's mother spoke slowly, a hint of imperceptible smugness in her tone.

Adam was slightly stunned, he knew that his mother had a high opinion of Anne, but he didn't expect her to bring it up on such an occasion.

'Mum, Anne and I are just friends.' Adam tried to explain, but Adam's mother didn't seem intent on stopping there.

'Anne is such a nice girl, not only does she come from a prestigious family, but she's well brought up and has a classy demeanour, a real lady.' Adam's mother continued, her gaze sweeping over Selina intentionally or unintentionally, as if hinting at something.

Selina was sitting beside Adam, she could feel the sharpness in Adam's mother's words, but she did not show any displeasure. She knew what Adam 's mother was trying to do, but she was also aware that Adam's feelings for her were genuine.

'Yes, Anne is indeed excellent.' Selina tried to restrain her nervousness and inferiority complex, 'But I believe that everyone has their own unique strengths and charms, and suitability is not determined by birth and external conditions.'

Adam's mother obviously didn't expect Selina to answer this way, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

'Of course, everyone has their own shining points.' Adam's mother adjusted her tone, but still insisted on her point of view, 'But as a family like ours, choosing a daughter-in-law naturally requires more consideration.'

Adam stood up, he walked to Selina's side and gently held her hand, 'Mum, I understand your considerations, but I believe in love more.Silvia is irreplaceable to me.'

Adam's mother was obviously not satisfied with this answer, she turned to Selina, her tone held a bit of contempt, 'Silvia, I've heard that your family conditions are very ordinary and your parents are divorced. I hope you can understand that Adam's future needs someone who can match him.'

Selina felt a wave of aggravation and humiliation.

Adam's eyes were firm, 'Mum, I respect your opinion, but my love life should be decided by myself.Silvia is very important to me, I hope you can respect my choice.'

Adam's mother left with disdain.

Adam's mother's words were like a needle in her heart. Though she tried to keep a smile on her face, the feeling of inferiority inside her came like a tidal wave and suffocated her.

Every word and every look from Adam's mother was a silent reminder of the gap between her and Anne, who came from a prestigious family, was well-educated and had an elegant demeanour, whereas she, Selina, was just an ordinary girl from an ordinary family, with no illustrious lineage and no glamorous background.

After Adam's mum left, only Selina and Adam were left in the living room.Adam looked at Selina with worry and heartache in his eyes.

'Silvia, don't listen to my mum,' Adam softly comforted, 'you are you, the person I love is you, no one else.'

Selina looked up at Adam, a glimmer of tears in her eyes.' I know, Adam,' her voice held a hint of a tremor, 'but, I have to admit, between Anne and I, there really is a big gap. I, I feel like I don't deserve you.'

Adam held Selina's hand, 'Silvia, love isn't about comparison, it's not about who's better, who's more deserving. I love you because you are you, the unique you.'

Selina finally couldn't hold back her tears, 'I know, Adam, but I, I really feel inferior. I'm afraid, I'm afraid that one day you'll leave me because I'm ordinary.'

Adam gently wiped away Selina's tears, 'Silvia, listen to me, I won't leave you. Your ordinariness, your ordinariness, is the most precious thing to me. I love you, I love everything about you, including your imperfections.'

Selina leaned into Adam's arms, tears soaking his shirt.' Thank you Adam,' her voice had a catch in it, "Thank you for loving me and accepting me for everything I am."

Adam hugged Selina tightly, 'I'll always be there for you, no matter what happens, I'll always be there to support you and protect you. You don't need to compare yourself to anyone because in my heart, you are the best.'

Selina's tears gradually stopped, she raised her head and looked at Adam, a glimmer of determination flashed in her eyes.' Adam, I will try my best, I will become better and not let you down.'

Adam gently kissed Selina's forehead, 'You're already the best, Silvia. i believe in you, we'll work together and become better together.'

The two hugged each other tightly, although Selina was still a little uneasy inside.