Illegitimate son

In Adam's family, family traditions and reputation are viewed with the utmost importance, and Adam and Selina's relationship, while it may seem like a beautiful love story to the outside world, has caused quite a ripple within the family.

Adam's grandfather and grandmother, as the elders of the family, are much more conservative in their outlook. In their view, marriage is not just a matter of two young people, but a union of two families. They firmly believed that only a marriage between the right people could ensure the stability and prosperity of the family.

The atmosphere in the living room was unusually heavy.Adam's grandfather, a stout and serious-looking old man, sat on the main seat and stared at Adam with a torch-like gaze.

'Adam, you are the only son of our family, your behaviour concerns the future of the entire family.' Adam's grandfather's voice was low and strong, 'Anne is the daughter of a great family, her family background and upbringing matches our family. She is the most suitable person to become our family's daughter-in-law.'

Adam's grandmother also chimed in, 'Yes, Adam, grandma knows that you like Silvia, but her origin and background do not match our family. We hope you can make the right choice for the sake of the family.'

Adam stood in front of his elders, his eyes firm and strong.' Grandpa, Grandma, I understand your concerns, but Silvia and I truly love each other. I believe that true love should not be limited by family and background.'

Adam's grandfather's brows tightened, 'Adam, you are too young to understand the importance of family. Marriage is not a child's play, it should not be based on emotion alone.'

Adam's grandmother also sighed, 'Adam, grandmother knows that you are a good boy, but you also have to think about the future of the family.Anne is a good girl, she can bring happiness and glory to you, to our family.'

Adam was silent for a moment, then slowly spoke, 'Grandpa, Grandma, I respect your opinions, but I also hope you can respect my choice.Silvia may come from an ordinary background, but she is kind, strong and talented. I believe that she can bring new vigour and hope to our family.'

Adam's grandfather and Adam's grandmother looked at each other, and a complex emotion flashed in their eyes. They knew that Adam's will was strong and not something that could be changed easily.

Adam's father, the helmsman of Golden Corporation, had seriousness and determination written all over his face.

Golden Corporation was the glory of the family and also Adam's future responsibility.Adam's father had always hoped that Adam could take over the family business and continue to carry it forward.

'Adam, I hope you can understand that the future of the family business is more important than anything else.' Adam's father's voice was low and carried an undeniable authority.

Adam was aware of his father's concerns and expectations, but his heart was firmly set on Selina.

'Dad, I understand the importance of the family business, but Silvia and I truly love each other.' Adam's voice was firm, 'I believe that I am capable of handling both the family business and my love.'

Adam's father's brow furrowed, 'Adam, you're naive. Love and business, sometimes you can't have it both ways.Silivia's origin and background are not compatible with our family. I am worried that she will influence your judgement and affect the future of Golden Corporation.'

Adam took a deep breath, 'Dad, I respect your opinion, but I also hope that you can respect my feelings.Silvia is an excellent girl, she has talent and ambition, I believe that she can be a good partner for me in my career, and also a part of Golden Corporation.'

Adam's father was silent for a few moments and then spoke slowly, 'Adam, if you insist on being with Silvia then I must consider whether or not to allow you to take over Golden Corporation. the family business needs a leader who can devote himself to it without outside interference.'

Adam's heart tightened as he realised what his father's decision meant. But he wasn't quite convinced, since he was his father's only son.

Who knows, one day, his mother suddenly pulled him into a room and told him a shocking news.

His father actually had an illegitimate child abroad!

Adam's heart was filled with shock and disbelief. He stood in his mother's room, holding the photo that she had handed him. The man in the photo had facial features that were extremely similar to Adam's father, especially those deep eyes and resolute chin, which were almost exactly the same as the father Adam remembered.

'This... How is this possible?' Adam's voice trembled as he couldn't believe the sudden news.

Adam's mother sat on the edge of the bed, her eyes revealing a hint of helplessness and sadness.' Adam, I know this is hard for you to accept, but it's the truth. Your father does have an illegitimate son abroad, and his existence is a secret in our family.'

Adam's mind was in turmoil and he felt his world crumble in a flash.' So... What about me? If I'm with Silvia Lin. Dad, he... Is he really going to let that person take over Golden Corporation?'

Adam's mother sighed softly, 'Your father is a traditional man, he always wanted the family business to be taken over by the heir with the purest bloodline. What if... If you insist on staying with Silvia, your father might consider that person to inherit Golden Corporation.'

Adam felt a wave of powerlessness, 'Mum, I love Silvia, but I don't want to lose my family responsibilities either.'

Adam's mother walked over to Adam and gently patted him on the shoulder.' Adam, as your mother, I want you to be happy. But as the daughter-in-law of the family, I also want you to understand the importance of the family. You have to make a choice, it's about your future and the future of the family.'

Adam left his mother's room, his mind filled with confusion and struggle. He knew that this choice would affect his life and the future of the family. He needed time to clear his mind and find the best solution.