Who is the family heir?

Adam stood outside Golden Corporation's high-level conference room, his heart sinking. Just now, he learnt a news that shocked him: his father, had arranged that bastard son into Golden Corporation and directly appointed him as the deputy CEO of the group.

This news was like a bolt from the blue, making Adam feel an unprecedented crisis. He knew that this was not only a challenge to his personal status, but also a threat to his future with Selina.

Adam's mother is even more worried after learning the news. She approached Adam and again tried to convince him to give up Selina.

'Adam, your father has made a decision, he has placed that child in Golden Corporation, and this is his way of warning you.' Adam's mother's voice was filled with worry, 'If you continue to stick with Silvia, you may lose more.'

Adam's mind was filled with conflict and struggle. He loved Silvia deeply, but he was also aware that as the only son of the family, he had the responsibility to maintain the family's interests and reputation.

'Mum, I know you're worried about me, but I really can't give up Shallow just because of the family's pressure.' Adam's voice was firm, 'I believe that as long as we love each other, nothing can stop us.'

Adam's mother looked at her son's determined eyes, she knew Adam had made his choice. She sighed, 'Adam, as a mother, I just want you to be happy. But as the daughter-in-law of the family, I also want you to understand the importance of family.'

Adam nodded, 'I will, Mum. I will find a way to balance love and family responsibilities.'

Adam had mixed feelings of anger and curiosity.Alex's presence would undoubtedly make a huge difference in his life.

At nine a.m., Adam walked into the conference room on time, ready to start the day. His eyes scanned around the conference room and eventually landed on an unfamiliar figure. It was a man wearing a black suit with a straight posture. With a hint of evil in his eyes and a cynical smile at the corner of his mouth, it was none other than Alex.

Alex's handsomeness was obvious, he possessed short black hair that was slightly curled, revealing a hint of unruly. His eyes were deep, as if they could see into people's hearts, flashing with a sharp light. His face was well-defined, with delicate features, every line as carefully sculpted, so perfect as to be almost unreal.

However, Alex's temperament was in stark contrast to his appearance. There is always a hint of evil in his eyes, as if he can see through the weaknesses of the human heart, so that people can't help but be attracted to him and at the same time feel a hint of fear.

Alex's smile is always a little cynical; the corners of his mouth rise slightly, revealing his white teeth, but there is a hint of danger hidden in that smile. He liked to wear black suits with slightly open lapels, displaying an uninhibited elegance.

Adam took a deep breath, stepped forward and extended his hand.' Hello, I'm Adam.'

Alex stood up and shook Adam's hand, a hint of provocation flashing in his eyes.' Alex. nice to meet you Adam.'

As the meeting begins, Adam starts to report on the recent progress of his work. However, when he talked about an important project, Alex suddenly interrupted him.

'Wait a minute, Adam,' Alex's voice carried a hint of unquestionable dominance, 'I have a few questions about this project.'

Adam was slightly taken aback, he hadn't expected Alex to question his work in their first meeting. He took a deep breath and did his best to remain calm.' Okay Alex, go ahead.'

Alex stood up, walked to the front of the room, and began to offer his questions and suggestions about the project. His words revealed a confidence and decisiveness, as if he already knew Golden Corporation's business inside out.

Adam listened attentively to Alex's presentation, and he had to admit that Alex's insights were unique and the suggestions he made were insightful. However, he felt a twinge of unease that Alex was more than just a new colleague; his presence was a challenge and a threat to Adam.

After the meeting, Adam approached Alex.

'Alex, I think we need to talk.' Adam's voice was calm, but there was a hint of caution in his eyes.

Alex smiled slightly, 'Of course, Adam. and I look forward to our exchange.'

The two made their way to Adam's office, Adam closed the door and looked straight at Alex.

'Alex, I know you're my brother, but I want you to understand that this is Golden Corporation and everything has to be about work.' Adam's voice was firm.

Alex leaned back on the couch, the smile at the corners of his mouth intensifying.' Of course, Adam.I'm here for the job. But I also want us to play fair, don't we?'

Adam's heart tightened, knowing there was another layer of meaning in Alex's words. He took a deep breath, 'Alex, I respect you, but I also want us to remain professional.Golden Corporation is our shared responsibility, and we should work together, not compete against each other.'

Alex stood up and walked over to Adam, an unfathomable glint in his eyes.

'Adam, I agree with you. But I believe that competition can sometimes be a form of co-operation. Let's see who can better contribute to Golden Corporation.'

Adam looked at Alex, his mind filled with mixed emotions. He knew that Alex's presence would bring a huge change in his life. He had to be prepared for the challenges ahead.

Alex's appearance was not only a personal problem for Adam, but also an important variable in the future of Golden Corporation. The relationship between the two men, how it would develop, and the future of Golden Corporation, where it would go, all of this was full of unknowns and variables.

Adam sat alone in his office, holding Alex's hair in his hand, which he had asked his subordinate to find a way to get. Ever since Alex entered Golden Corporation, Adam's heart was full of doubts and uneasiness. He couldn't believe that his father had another son out there who was now sitting across from him as a colleague.

Adam decided to take action, he needed to know the truth.Fu took the hair and started the testing process.

Waiting for the results is an ordeal for Adam. He has mixed feelings, hoping that Alex is not his brother so that he can get rid of this complicated family relationship, and fearing that if Alex is really his brother, how will he deal with this sudden family member.

A few days later, Fu delivered the test results to Adam's hands.Adam's heart raced, he took a deep breath and opened the report. The data and conclusions on the report were clear and unambiguous - there was a blood relationship between him and Alex.

Adam felt a wave of loss and frustration as he leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, trying to calm himself. The result meant that Alex was not only his rival, but his kin. How was he supposed to deal with such mixed emotions? How was he going to face Alex, and the father they shared?

Adam knew that he needed time to digest the news, and he needed to rethink his relationship with Alex, and his future at Golden Corporation. He stood up, walked out of the office, and walked aimlessly through the city streets, trying to clear his mind.

As night fell and the lights came on, Adam stood on a bridge and looked down at the river flowing underneath, an indescribable feeling welled up in his heart. He thought of his mother, his family responsibilities, his love for Selina, and Alex's evil smile.

Adam knew he couldn't let this revelation break him. He was the eldest son of his family, the future leader of Golden Corporation, and he needed to be strong, wise, and courageous. He decided that no matter what the future held, he would face it with courage, for himself and for those he loved.

He took a deep breath and looked up at the starry sky, vowing in his heart that no matter what Alex's appearance brought him, he would stay on his path, not giving up, not backing down.Adam believed that as long as he stood up for what he believed in, there would be nothing that could stop him from moving forward.