Competition from younger brother

Adam's villa is situated on the other side of the city, a modern, uniquely designed building that stands in stark contrast to his parents' traditional mansion. Here, he is able to enjoy a moment of peace and quiet away from the family chaos. However, since the advent of Alex, Adam finds it increasingly difficult to find peace here.

Adam's father dotes on Alex almost to the point of no return. Whenever Adam returned to his parents' home, he could always sense his father's preference for Alex. With a smile of pride and contentment, his father always listened to Alex's stories about his life abroad and praised him for every achievement.

Adam's mother, although she kept her elegance and poise in front of outsiders, Adam could see a hint of helplessness and heartache in her eyes. She said to Adam, 'Adam, I know this is hard for you, but Alex is after all your father's flesh and blood, and he is entitled to his father's love.'

Adam understood his mother's pain, but his heart still felt a stabbing pain. He knew that Alex's return was more than just the addition of a family member; it was a redistribution of power and emotion in the family.Adam felt challenged in both his position and his emotions.

Adam's father had done everything he could to meet Alex's needs, whether it was material fulfilment or career help.Adam couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as he watched this happen. He knew that he had been loved by his father since he was a child, but he had never been so unconditionally supported and pampered as Alex was.

Adam's mother's attitude towards Alex was even more complicated. On the one hand, as the daughter-in-law of the family, she understands how important Alex is to the family; on the other hand, as a mother, she can't help but feel threatened and uneasy by Alex's presence.

Adam's mother often reveals her dissatisfaction and concern about Alex in front of Adam, 'Adam, Alex's presence is a huge variable for us. We must be careful how we deal with him and not let him affect your position and future at Golden Corporation.'

Adam felt the pressure like never before. Not only did he have to deal with Alex's competition at Golden Corporation, but he also had to deal with emotional entanglements within the family. He began to realise that this game within the family was far more complex and difficult than he had imagined.

Adam's heart is full of contradictions and struggles, but he also knows that this is the process of his growth and maturity. He must learn to face the complex relationship of the family and find his own foothold. He believes that as long as he sticks to his beliefs and faces the challenges bravely, he will be able to find a way to solve the problems and guard everything he holds dear.

Adam remembers his father as a serious and busy man who rarely had time for him. His father's father, at the helm of Golden Corporation, always devoted most of his time to his work. However, Adam didn't know that his father had another unknown past abroad.

Alex's mother, Mary, was a beautiful and young nurse. When Adam was very young, his father went abroad to recuperate for a while due to health problems. Mary was responsible for taking care of her father's daily life in a foreign country.

Mary's job was to look after her father's daily needs, but soon her role went beyond that of a nurse. She was always around her father, filling his recuperation time with her lively words and joyful laughter. Her concern for her father was not a professional requirement, but came from a place of genuine caring.

Father finds himself captivated by Mary. Her vivaciousness, in contrast to the dignity of Adam's mother, gave him a new feeling; Mary was like a happy bird flying freely, and her presence gave him a sense of relief and pleasure that he had not felt for a long time.

As time goes by, the bond between father and Mary grows deeper and deeper. They had a very good time together, a rare moment of relaxation and joy in Father's life. Soon, Mary became pregnant and Father knew that it was his child.

However, the father knows he can't marry Mary off. He already had a family, with Adam, and he couldn't abandon his wife and son. So he made the difficult decision to let Mary and the baby in her womb live abroad while he went over to visit them regularly.

Two years ago, when his father learnt of Mary's death, he felt shock and grief like never before. He sat in his study, holding the obituary from abroad in his hands, his heart filled with guilt and remorse. He recalled the time he spent with Mary, her laughter, her warmth, her love of life, everything was vivid in his mind.

Father knew deep down that what he owed to Mary could never be repaired. He didn't give her the name she deserved, didn't make her part of his family, and wasn't even there for her when she was sick. All of this became an indelible regret in the father's heart.

Father began to visit Alex abroad more frequently, and he tried to make up for what he owed Mary by caring for Alex.

When Adam insisted on refusing to break up with Selina, father felt disappointed and angry. He believes that Adam's stubbornness is not only against the family's wishes, but also irresponsible to the family's reputation.

Driven by such emotions, the father finds a chance to put a face to the name and decides to take Alex to himself.