That boy

Selina sat in the back row of the company's conference room, and her eyes were attracted by the new deputy CEO Alex, who stood at the front of the conference room in a well-tailored suit that accentuated his upright figure, and he was introducing the company's future development direction to the staff in fluent and confident English.

Selina was a bit surprised, Alex's silhouette and Adam have a striking resemblance, but the temperament is very different, Adam is a typical domineering president, he is elegant and graceful, always inadvertently exudes a kind of awe-inspiring aura. Alex, on the other hand, is handsome with a hint of uninhibitedness, and his smile seems to hide an evil charm that makes people involuntarily attracted to him.

Selina was immersed in her own thoughts when Alex suddenly turned his head, his eyes met Selina's. Selina was shocked, she felt as if she had been read through her mind. the corners of Alex's mouth rose slightly, revealing a sinister smile, which seemed to say: 'I guessed what's on your mind. '

Selina felt a heat in her cheeks, she hurriedly lowered her head and pretended to record something in her notebook to hide her embarrassment. She was secretly surprised in her mind that Alex's aura was very different from Adam's, yet he had the same charisma that was hard to ignore.

After the meeting was over, Selina was still lost in her own thoughts as she began to wonder if there was any connection between Alex and Adam.


Selina held the company's investment plan in her hand, ready to report to Alex, who sat behind a wide desk, listening in silence, his eyes never left Selina.

Selina felt an invisible pressure, Alex's gaze made her feel a little uncomfortable, her face involuntarily blushed slightly. She cleared her throat, trying to make her voice sound more confident.

'Deputy CEO, do you have any questions about the investment plan?' Selina asked, trying to break the silence.

However, Alex didn't answer her question. He stood up, walked around the desk, and slowly walked to Selina's side.Selina felt a sense of nervousness as she wondered what Alex would do next.

Suddenly, Alex reaches out and gently touches Selina's hair.Selina is startled by this sudden movement.She instinctively gets up from her chair and takes a step back.

Alex looked at Selina and a small smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He opened his hand and inside was a small leaf.' You have a leaf in your hair.' Alex's voice was gentle and magnetic.

Selina felt a twinge of embarrassment; she hadn't expected Alex's gesture to be just to help her take the leaf off her head.' Thank you Deputy CEO,' she whispered, the blush on her face becoming more pronounced.

Alex's behaviour confused Selina. She felt as if Alex was purposely flirting with her, teasing her, but on the other hand, she thought that maybe she was overthinking it. After all, Alex was so handsome and had a prominent family background, how could he lack a girlfriend?

Selina's mood was complicated, she didn't know how to face Alex. she decided to end this debriefing as soon as possible and leave Alex's office.

'Deputy CEO, if there are no other questions, I will leave first.' Selina said, a hint of urgency in her voice.

Alex looked at Selina, a hint of playfulness flashed in his eyes.' Okay Silvia. if there are any follow up questions I will get back to you.'

Selina nodded as she quickly gathered up her papers and turned to leave Alex's office. She was in a state of shock for a long time, confused by Alex's actions.

Back at her own work, Selina's mood remained unsettled. She wondered what Alex's true intentions were.

As for Alex, he stood in front of his office window and watched Selina's figure fade away. A meaningful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, as if he was planning something.


The sudden addition of a younger brother in Adam's life was undoubtedly a big deal. Not only did this younger brother bring complications in family relationships, it also made his life extremely busy. He needs to spend more time after work to take care of and get to know this sudden family member. This has greatly reduced his dating time with Selina. Adam, who was already struggling to get away from his busy schedule at work, now finds it even more difficult to find suitable time to spend with Selina.

Adam knows that if he tells Selina about all this, she will be shocked and distressed. He doesn't want Selina to be hurt because of his family problems, and he doesn't want her to be involved in this complicated family dispute. Therefore, Adam chooses to remain silent and he decides to bear all this alone.

Selina is a sensitive and sentimental girl, she has deep feelings for Adam, but at the same time, she is also prone to rambling thoughts. During the days of Adam's absence, she begins to wonder if Adam is busy with other things, and even begins to wonder if he is seeing Anne again.

Finally one day Selina found the two of them alone, he had a tired smile on his face but Selina felt an inexplicable surge of anger.

'Adam, what the hell have you been up to lately?' Selina's voice had a quiver in it.

Adam looked at Selina, he knew that she had misunderstood, but he also knew that he really hadn't been doing his job as a good boyfriend.

'Silvia, I've been really busy lately, I have some personal things that I need to take care of and I...' Adam tried to explain.

But Selina didn't give him a chance to explain, her emotions had exploded, 'Busy? So busy that you didn't even have time to see me? Or did you go to Anne again?'

Adam froze, he hadn't expected Selina to think that and he felt a wave of powerlessness and heartache.

'Silvia, I didn't go to Anne, I swear.' Adam patiently tried to calm Selina's anger.

But Selina's emotions were out of control and she felt deeply neglected and hurt, 'Adam, you always do this, always have an excuse. I've had enough!'

The argument between the two grows more and more heated, and despite Adam's efforts to try to explain and appease, Selina's emotions can no longer be calmed. Eventually, the two parted ways after a heated argument.

Adam stood still, looking at Selina's distant back, his heart filled with remorse and helplessness. He knew that he needed to find a way to solve the immediate dilemma and at the same time repair his relationship with Selina. But all of this, needed time, and time, was exactly what he lacked the most right now.