A Night of Regret

Selina's mood is as dull and depressing as the dark cloudy sky.Adam's frequent absences make her feel deeply uneasy and suspicious. She began to imagine whether Adam was with another woman again, whether he had forgotten her existence. These thoughts were like poisonous snakes that haunted her mind, making her unable to calm down.

After work, instead of going home, Selina walked into a bar by herself. She needed an outlet, a place where she could forget her troubles for a while. The music in the bar was deafening, the lights were flashing, and people were dancing on the dance floor.Selina sat at the bar and drank one drink after another, trying to numb her nerves with alcohol.

As the alcohol took effect, Selina's mood became more complicated. She felt an inexplicable urge to dance, to release her emotions on the dance floor. She stood up, walked towards the dance floor and began to dance to the rhythm of the music. She danced beautifully and wildly, attracting many people's attention.

Just as Selina was immersed in her world, she suddenly felt someone hugging her from behind. She instinctively tried to break free, but when she turned around, she was surprised to find that the person holding her was Alex.

She didn't understand why Alex was here and why he suddenly hugged her.

Selina's mind still flashed with a moment of clarity. She knew that this move was inappropriate for her relationship with Adam and she needed to break free from Alex's embrace.

She twisted her body as hard as she could, trying to get out of Alex's arms. However, the alcohol had weakened her strength and balance, and her struggling instead threw her off balance, and with a stumble, she stumbled back into Alex's arms.

Alex caught her steadily, his arm around her waist to prevent her from falling.

Selina's sanity was blurred by the alcohol, her vision of Alex overlapped with Adam and she couldn't tell who the person in front of her really was. In her mind, the image of Adam was so clear and so deep that when she saw Alex, a strong wave of emotion surged through her.

'You've been ignoring me lately?' Selina muttered, a hint of aggravation and uneasiness in her voice, 'Are you not in love with me anymore?'

Her words reveal thoughts of Adam and uncertainty about the relationship. She feels neglected and feels that Adam may not love her as much as he once did. These thoughts cause her heartache and make her more vulnerable under the anaesthetic of alcohol.

Alex looked at Selina, a flicker of mixed emotions in his eyes.

Alex picks Selina up, her body light and soft against his arms.

Alex carries Selina and walks out of the pub.


Selina's consciousness slowly awakens from her slumber and she feels a twinge of disorientation and confusion. She opened her eyes and realised that she was not in her familiar bed, but in an unfamiliar hotel room! The room was luxuriously furnished, but instead of bringing her any comfort, this luxury gave her a twinge of unease.

She sat up with a jolt and realised that she was no longer wearing last night's clothes, but a soft robe provided by the hotel! She looked around and the room was empty, she was alone. The situation caused her to feel a deep sense of fear and panic.

Selina's heart raced as she felt an unspeakable panic. She began to try to remember the events of last night, and memories came back to her in bits and pieces like broken films. She remembers going to the pub, remembers getting drunk, and then... She seemed to see Alex.

She remembered Alex hugging her, remembered him taking her out of the bar, and then... The memories became blurry here, and she couldn't be sure what had happened after that. Did he ...

Selina felt a deep sense of fear and self-loathing. She didn't know what had really happened last night, she didn't know why she was in the hotel, why she had changed into her robe. She felt a deep sense of shame, she didn't know how to face Adam, how to explain it all.

Selina's hands trembled as she reached for the mobile phone at the end of her bed, her mind filled with anxiety and fear. She took a deep breath and plucked up the courage to dial Alex's number. Alex's voice on the other end of the line was low, with a hint of ambiguity, as if to suggest that something really did happen between them last night.

'Last night... We...' Selina's voice trembled as she could barely ask that question.

Alex laughed softly on the other end of the line, a hint of playfulness in his tone, 'Last night, you were really charming, Silvia.'

The words came as a bolt from the blue and Selina felt a deep sense of despair. She couldn't believe that she had done such a thing after getting drunk. Her heart was like being torn apart, pain and self-reproach filled her mind.

She hung up the phone, tears gushing out of her eyes uncontrollably. She curled up on the bed and kept crying. She felt a deep sense of remorse, she hated herself for why she drank so much and why she let herself lose her mind.

Selina knew that if Adam knew about all this, he would definitely break up with her. She couldn't imagine her life without Adam, she couldn't imagine how she should face all this.

Selina felt lonely and helpless like never before. She lost her mind, put on her clothes and mechanically walked out of the hotel. Her heart was filled with confusion and fear, not knowing how to face the rest of her life.

Back at home, Selina walked straight to the bathroom, she needed to wash away everything from last night, to wash away the unpleasant memories. She turned on the shower and let the warm water wash over her body, but no matter how much she washed, she couldn't seem to wash away the pain and self-loathing inside.

She cried as she showered. Tears mixed with the stream of water and slid down her face. She felt a deep despair and didn't know how to face Adam or how to explain all this.

Selina knew that the love between her and Adam was pure and beautiful, and she didn't want to destroy this relationship because of her impulse. She was afraid that Adam would leave her because of it, afraid of losing him.

She dried herself, put on her nightgown, and sat on the edge of the bed with her hands on her knees as the tears welled up again. Her mood was like the grey sky outside the window, without a single ray of sunshine.

Just then, her mobile phone rang with a message from Adam: 'Silvia, where are you? I'm worried about you.'

Selina looked at the message and a warm current surged in her heart. She knew that Adam was genuinely concerned about her, and she couldn't let him worry.

She picked up her phone and replied, 'Adam, I'm at home. I... I want to see you.'

Adam quickly replied, 'I'll be right over.'

Shortly after, Adam arrived at Selina's home. He was filled with worry when he saw Selina's red eyes and pale face.

'Silvia, what happened? You look bad.' Adam sat beside Selina and asked softly.

Selina's mood was as shaky as a boat that had been hit by a storm. She sat on the couch, Adam's embrace giving her a hint of warmth, but inside she was in waves. She didn't dare look Adam straight in the eye for fear that he would read last night's secret in her eyes.

Adam gently stroked Selina's hair and said softly, 'Silvia, I'll tell you a secret. I've been thinking about it for a long time, and I still think I should tell you. The new deputy CEO of our company, Alex. i know you are curious about his identity.'

'He is my half-brother.'

Selina felt as if she had been struck by lightning when she heard those words, her heart slammed so hard she could barely catch her breath. She had actually spent the night with Adam's brother, and under those circumstances. Her mind was in turmoil and she didn't know what to do.

Adam didn't notice Selina's abnormality and continued, 'Alex's mother was my father's girlfriend and their relationship was always complicated. It was only after his mum died that Alex came back into the family. I know this may be hard for you to accept, but I hope you understand.'

Tears welled up again in Selina's eyes as she felt a deep sense of guilt and shame. She wanted to tell Adam the truth, but she was afraid she would lose him. She hugged Adam tightly, trying to find a shred of comfort in his embrace.

Adam felt Selina's trembling and he held her even harder, 'Silvia, don't be afraid, no matter what happens, I will be there for you. You don't need to bear everything alone.'

Selina's mind was full of contradictions. She knew Adam was a trustworthy person and she should confess everything to him. But she was afraid that this truth would destroy their relationship. Her heart struggled and she didn't know how to choose.

In the end, Selina decided to keep the secret for now. She needs time to organise her thoughts and needs to find a way to face this complicated reality.