What should I do?

The next day, Selina dragged her heavy steps into the office. Her face was pale, with faint shadows under her eyes, and she looked listless. Her heart was filled with conflict and fear, not knowing how to face Alex, the being who had become a demon in her mind.

She sat at her workstation, distracted, the work in her hands like a mess, unable to make sense of it.Adam's concern and offer echoed in her ears, his gentleness and understanding gave her a slight sense of comfort, but at the same time it added to her feelings of guilt.

'Silvia, if you're not feeling well, you can rest at home for a few days.' Adam's words were full of concern.

But Selina knew that since that incident had happened, she would be even more ruminative when left alone, and would sink even deeper into endless self-blame and panic. She was afraid of being alone, of facing an empty room and a head full of questions.

What should she do?Selina's heart struggled. She didn't dare to sue Alex, that night, she did drink so much that her memory became blurred. But then she gradually realised that her intimate act with Alex might be seen by many people. They might think that she was having an intimate relationship with Alex of her own free will, an idea that made her feel a deep sense of shame.

And not just because of the lack of evidence, but because she was afraid that if this came out, her relationship with Adam would fall apart. She didn't want to lose Adam, didn't want him to be hurt because of what she had done.

Therefore, she could only choose to endure, pretending that nothing had happened, continue to go to work, continue to face Alex. she began to avoid Alex's gaze, whenever his eyes swept over, she would unconsciously lower her head or find an excuse to leave.

Alex also seemed to notice Selina's strange behaviour, his eyes were probing and playful, he seemed to be enjoying this cat and mouse game. But at the same time, he didn't take further action, which made Selina feel even more scared.

Adam noticed Selina's slump.

'Silvia, let's have dinner together tonight.' Adam found Selina at lunch time, his tone was gentle but firm.

Selina looked at Adam, a flicker of hesitation in her eyes, but eventually nodded.

In the evening, the two sat opposite each other in a quiet restaurant.Adam carefully ordered Selina her favourite dish and then looked at her seriously.

'Silvia, I know you've been under a lot of stress lately, and I want you to tell me what's going on.' Adam's voice was filled with sincerity.

An urge surged through Selina to tell Adam everything, but she eventually held back. She was afraid, afraid that the truth would ruin what was good between them.

'Adam, I'm just... It's just that work has been a bit stressful lately, I'll adjust.' Selina's voice carried a hint of trembling.

Adam sat across from Selina, a hint of exhaustion and helplessness on his face. During this period of time, he really felt an unprecedented amount of pressure.The battle for Golden Corporation's heir had plunged him into a fierce competition.Alex, as his rival and likewise his half-brother, the rivalry between the two forced him to invest more energy and time.

'Silvia, I've been really tired lately.' There was a hint of huskiness in Adam's voice, 'Alex and I are in competition. He and I, only one of us can be the heir to Golden Corporation. So I neglected you, and you forgive me, okay?'

Adam's intention was to apologise to Selina, he knew that he had neglected her during this period of time, and he hoped to get her understanding and forgiveness.

However, after Selina heard Adam's words, her heart felt even more guilty. She knew the pressure Adam had been under during this period of time and how much effort he had put in for the future of Golden Corporation. As for herself, she made him even more troubled because of what happened that night.

Adam's words were like a needle that pierced her heart, Selina felt an unspeakable pain, her tears flowed uncontrollably and she began to sob softly.

Adam's heart tightened when he saw Selina crying, he thought she was still angry with himself, and hurriedly reached out to wipe her tears, 'Silvia, don't cry, I know I'm wrong, I'll spend more time with you in the future, forgive me, okay?'

Selina shook her head, her tears surged even more, 'Adam, it's not your fault, it's me... It's my fault...'

Adam felt a twinge of confusion, he didn't understand what Selina meant, but he could feel her sadness and guilt.

'Silvia, whatever happened, it wasn't your fault.' Adam held Selina's hand tightly, 'We are lovers, no matter what difficulties we encounter, we should face them together and solve them together.'

Selina looked at Adam, her heart was filled with gratitude and love. She knew that Adam loved her with all his heart, she couldn't destroy this relationship because of her impulse.

'Adam... I'll tell you everything.' Selina's voice held a hint of determination, 'But not now, I need a little time, I need to organise my thoughts.'

Adam nodded, trust and understanding in his eyes, 'Okay Silvia, I'll wait for you. No matter how long it takes, I'll be here for you.'