Become Alex's spy?

It was the weekend, and the sunlight poured onto Selina's face through the gaps in the curtains, but it failed to dispel the gloom in her heart. When she woke up, she only felt a deep loneliness and sadness.

Selina closed her eyes, her heart filled with self-blame and pain. She was sorry to Adam, the man who had always cared for her and loved her. she had always remembered Adam's kindness to her, but because of the drunkenness, she had let this relationship overshadowed.

She knew that she had to face her mistake and confess to Adam. But the thought that Adam might leave her because of it cut her heart like a knife.

Suddenly, a line popped up on the screen of her mobile phone, 'I'll be waiting for you at the Time Cafe.Alex.'

Selina's heart raced, she felt a kind of inexplicable tension and panic.Alex, this name is like a shadow, shrouding her life. Every now and then, it reminded her of those unpleasant past events.

She didn't want to see him, didn't want to face those painful memories again. But the message on her mobile phone screen was like a command, making her feel irresistible.Selina knew that if she didn't go, Alex might do something she couldn't predict.

Selina's heart sank hard as she gripped the phone tightly, her fingertips turning pale from the strain.Alex's threat was like a sharp knife pointed right at her soft spot. She knew that if Adam found out about that night, everything she held dear could come to nothing.

She took a few deep breaths and tried to calm herself.Selina realised that running away was not the answer, she had to face Alex and figure out what he really wanted.

Instead of replying to Alex, she got straight out of bed, freshened up briefly and put on a light blue dress, Adam's favourite colour. She fixed her hair in the mirror and tried to look calm and determined.

Selina stepped out of the house as the sun poured down on her, giving her a hint of warmth. She stopped a taxi and told the driver that her destination was Time Cafe.

Along the way, her heart was beating fast and her mind kept replaying Alex's threats and Adam's tenderness. She knew that she couldn't let Alex ruin the relationship between her and Adam.

Arriving at the Time Café, Selina caught a glimpse of Alex sitting by the window.He was dressed in a black suit and looked rather formal, which made Selina feel a twinge of unease.

She walks over and sits across from Alex, her eyes looking straight at him, 'Alex, what do you want?'

Alex smiled slightly, but there wasn't a trace of warmth in his eyes, 'Silvia, I just want to have a nice talk with you.'

'Talk about what?' Selina's voice held a hint of trembling.

'Talk about our night, about your future with Adam.' Alex's voice was calm, but every word felt like a heavy hammer hitting Selina's heart.

Selina gripped the coffee cup in her hand tightly, she knew she couldn't show weakness in front of Alex: 'Alex, don't push me too far, I'm not one to be messed with.'

Alex gently tapped the desktop, his voice suddenly became cold and hard, 'If I tell you that I have something on you in my hand. If you don't agree to my demands, I'll send these photos to Adam.'

Alex proudly held up the screen of his mobile phone to show Selina.

The photos were like a bolt from the blue; they showed her naked and unclothed. The photos pulled her back to reality from her self-loathing and pain. She hadn't realised that her slip up that night had not only traumatised her, but had left such a nasty legacy.Alex had taken pictures of her and was now threatening her with them.

She felt a wave of dizziness and the whole world seemed to be spinning.Selina knew that if these photos leaked out, her life would completely fall apart.What would Adam think of her? And what would her friends think? She couldn't imagine that scenario.

A rage welled up in Selina's heart and she knew she couldn't just give in, 'Alex, what do you want?'

The corner of Alex's mouth curled up into a smug smile, 'What I want is simple Silvia, as long as you agree to one condition.'

'What condition?' Selina asked warily.

'Be my eyes and spy and tell me what Adam thinks and does.' There was a hint of imperturbability in Alex's voice.

Selina's heart tightened and she knew she couldn't agree to such terms. She took a deep breath and said firmly, 'Alex, I'm not going to promise you that. My feelings for Adam and I are genuine, I can't hurt him.'

Alex sneered, 'Silvia, don't forget that I have something on you. If you don't say yes, I will make you regret it.'

Selina's heart was struggling fiercely.Alex's conditions were undoubtedly despicable, but the existence of those photos was like a sword of Damocles hanging over her head. She was afraid of losing Adam, of losing everything she held dear.Alex's words echoed in her ears and she knew that if Adam saw those photos, the trust between them would be gone.

She covered her face with her hands as tears slipped through her fingers. She felt pushed to the brink, left with no choice.Alex's threat was like a poisonous snake, wrapping itself around her heart and preventing her from breathing.

In the end, in desperation and fear, Selina made a decision. She agreed to Alex's request and became his eyes and spy. She tells herself that she is only doing this to protect her future with Adam, but deep down, she knows she has betrayed Adam and the trust between them.

Alex seemed to anticipate her answer, and there was a hint of smugness in his tone, 'Very well, Silvia. remember, you made the right choice. As long as you listen, everything will be as you want it to be.'

Selina felt a deep sense of powerlessness and sadness. She knew that from this moment on, her life would no longer be pure, and there would always be a stain in her heart that she could not erase.

She looked at Alex with pain and confusion in her eyes, 'You are blood brothers, why did you hurt him like this?'

A complex emotion flashed in Alex's eyes, his voice was low and full of resentment, 'I hate him, we are obviously sons of the same father. He enjoys fine clothes and is a rich young master, while I, on the other hand, can only live in the shadows as a bastard who cannot see the light of day. Now that I've returned to the family, I'm going to take revenge on him.'

Selina felt a chill run down her spine as she realised that Alex's hatred was deeply rooted and that his vindictiveness was far beyond her imagination.

She took a deep breath and tried to keep her voice calm, 'Alex, I know you have a lot of resentment and anger in your heart, but getting back at Adam won't solve the problem. You're only going to put yourself in deeper pain.'

Alex sneered, his eyes filled with disdain, 'Silvia, you think you know me? Do you think you can convince me to give up my revenge? You're so naive.'

Selina's brow furrowed as she felt a deep sense of powerlessness and fear.Alex's ambition and vindictiveness shocked her and she couldn't imagine how Adam would face such a blow.

'Alex, how are you going to get back at Adam?' Selina's voice had a hint of trembling in it.

Alex smiled coldly, his eyes revealing a kind of determination and greed, 'At least I'm going to rob half of the family's property. That way, I can feel fair and give Adam a taste of loss.'