Father is seriously ill

Eagle's eyes are as sharp as a falcon's as he quietly observes Alex and Selina's every move inside the Time Café. He is an experienced bodyguard who was secretly sent by Adam to protect Selina because Adam noticed that Selina always seems to be distracted lately and seems to be hiding some secrets.

Adam does not want Selina to come to any harm. Therefore, he arranges for Eagle to secretly protect her while also keeping an eye on everything around her.

Eagle saw Alex and Selina talking for a long time in the cafe and their conversation seemed very serious. Eagle noticed that Selina's expression ranged from nervous to determined, while Alex sneered at times and looked aggressive at others. Eagle's instincts told him that the conversation between the two was anything but simple.


Eagle returned to Adam's company and he made his way through the busy offices to Adam's private office. After knocking on the door and getting permission, he entered the office and gave Adam a detailed report of what he had seen at the Time Café.

Adam's brows gradually furrowed as he listened to Eagle's report. His feelings became complicated, on one hand he was concerned about Selina, on the other hand he was wary of Alex.Adam did not realise that his beloved girlfriend was actually close to his brother, which made him feel confused and uneasy.

'Doesn't she know that Alex and I are in competition? Why would she still be so close to Alex?' Adam muttered to himself, his mind filled with questions.

Eagle stood by and was silent, he knew that Adam needed time to digest the news.Adam was a sensible man, he didn't make decisions easily, especially when it came to family and relationships.

Adam contemplated for a few moments then looked up and said to Eagle, 'Eagle, I need you to continue to follow and protect Selina. we have to make sure that she is safe and at the same time, I need to find out what secrets she and Alex are keeping.'

Eagle nodded, he understood Adam's concern and the importance of his mission, 'Understood, Mr Shen. I will act carefully to ensure Miss Lin's safety and keep you updated on the situation.'

Adam thanked Eagle for his professionalism and loyalty, knowing that Eagle was one of the most reliable bodyguards in the Shen family. After Eagle left, Adam was once again in deep thought.

He decided to test Selina to find out the relationship between her and Alex.Adam didn't want to hurt Selina because of a misunderstanding, but he also couldn't ignore any factors that might pose a threat to the Shen family.

In the evening, Adam arrived at Selina's door with a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of red wine. He gently knocked on the door, with both anticipation and a little apprehension in his heart. The door slowly opened and Selina stood in the doorway, she had a smile on her face and looked much calmer than the previous days.

'Adam, you're here.' Selina said gently.

Adam hands her the flowers and replies with a smile, 'Silvia, I hope these make you feel a little better.'

The two walked inside together and Adam opened the wine while Selina prepared some simple snacks. They decided to relax by watching a film together.Adam chose Mr and Mrs Smith, a story about two secret agent couples who discover each other's true identities.

When the film started, the two sat on the sofa, and as the plot developed, Adam suddenly turned to Selina and asked, 'Silvia, do you think it's good or bad for Mr and Mrs Smith to hide each other like this?'

Selina stared slightly, then after a few moments of serious thought, she replied 'I think that although their concealment was initially professionally motivated, in the long run this distrust will damage their relationship.'

Adam nodded 'I agree with you Silvia. between us I hope that we can always be honest and face whatever difficulties we face together.'

Adam sat across from Selina and watched her silence as unease welled up in his heart. He had only wanted to enquire about the relationship between Selina and Alex, but he hadn't expected her to react so violently.Adam's brow furrowed slightly, and he began to suspect that Selina might actually have some kind of secret that was too difficult to talk about.

'Silvia,' Adam said softly, trying to break the silence, 'if there's something that's bothering you, I wish you could tell me. We shouldn't have secrets between us, should we?'

Selina's heart trembled and her eyes flashed.

Adam's mobile phone suddenly rang, breaking the silence and tension in the room. He glanced at the caller ID, it was a home number, and a sense of foreboding welled up in his heart. He quickly picked up the phone and listened to the news coming from the other end.

'Adam, your father had a sudden stroke in the study, we are now on our way to the hospital, come over quickly!' An anxious voice came from the other end of the phone.

Adam's heart sank hard, he didn't have time to think more, he turned to Selina and said, 'Silvia, something happened to my father, I have to go to the hospital now.' His voice was full of anxiety and uneasiness.

Selina also felt the seriousness of the matter, she immediately stood up, 'Adam, I'll go with you.'

Adam hesitated for a moment, but seeing Selina's firm eyes, he nodded, 'Okay, let's go.'

The two quickly went out and Adam drove Selina straight to the hospital. Along the way, Adam's mood was unusually heavy, he constantly urged the car to speed up, hoping to get to the hospital as soon as possible.

After arriving at the hospital, Adam and Selina went straight to the emergency room. They saw the whole family gathered in the corridor, with deep concern and grief on their faces. Mother was sitting on a bench, silently weeping, while Alex sat in silence with a stony expression on his face.

Adam walked quickly to his mother's side and softly comforted, 'Mum, Dad will be fine, the doctors are resuscitating him.'

Mother raised her head and looked at Adam with tearful eyes, 'Adam, your father he... He's suddenly like this, I'm so scared...'

Adam held his mother's hand tightly and tried to give her some comfort, 'Mum, we'll get through this together. Dad's going to pull through.'

Alex sat in a corner of the waiting area, his handsome appearance hiding complex emotions. His face was cloudy and uncertain, sometimes with a frown, sometimes with a deep gaze, making it impossible to tell what he was really thinking.

Selina stood aside, her eyes hovering between Adam and Alex. She walked over to Adam's other side and gently held his hand, hoping to give him some strength.

As the minutes ticked by, the door to the emergency room finally opened and the doctor stepped out. The whole family immediately gathered around, and Adam nervously asked, 'Doctor, how is my father's condition?'

The doctor took off his mask and said with a grave expression, 'The patient's condition is very critical, we have tried our best to stabilise his condition, but the next 24 hours are very critical. He needs to be kept under observation in the ICU.'

Adam's heart sank to the bottom, but he knew that now was not the time to give up, 'Doctor, please you must try your best to save my father.'

The doctor nodded, 'We will, please don't worry.'

The family returned to the waiting area, the atmosphere was unusually heavy.Adam sat on the bench with Selina sitting next to him, their hands clasped together in support of each other.

Adam's father's condition had become the family's top priority and all the conflicts and rivalries paled into insignificance in this moment.