Next generation?

The news of Golden Corporation's chairman's serious illness spread rapidly through the major media like a heavy bomb. As the world's No. 1 ranked company, Golden Corporation's influence spreads all over the world, and the magnitude and complexity of its family assets have always been the focus of attention in the financial media.

Soon after the news of the chairman's serious illness broke, various speculations and analyses began to spring up in the media. Some media outlets began reviewing Golden Corporation's entrepreneurial history, while others were predicting Golden Corporation's future direction, but more reports focused on the question of where the property would go.

'If the chairman of the board unfortunately passes away, how will his vast fortune be distributed?' A reporter for a financial magazine posed the question in his story.

On the TV news, experts were sitting down and analysing possible property distribution options within the family and the impact this would have on Golden Corporation and the global economy.

The internet, various forums and social media outlets are also filled with discussions about the fate of the Golden Corporatio fortune. Some speculate that brothers Adam and Alex may be at odds over the property, while others expect a smooth transition of power in the family.

At Golden Corporation's headquarters, the public relations department is busy as they have to deal with enquiries from all sides and issue an official statement urging outsiders to respect the chairman's privacy and stating that Golden Corporation's operations will not be affected by the chairman's health condition.

While the chairman's condition is in the public spotlight, a momentous occasion is quietly awaited within Golden Corporation - the announcement of the chairman's will, the contents of which Adam and the chairman's wife, despite being the chairman's closest family members, know nothing about. The chairman had signed an agreement with the chairman's wife prior to their marriage, clarifying where the property would go, which meant that the chairman had complete freedom to decide where his property would go.

An atmosphere of tension and uncertainty pervades the family, with everyone speculating about what they might get or what decisions the chairman would make. However, the only person who really knows the contents of the will is Robert, the chairman's most trusted lawyer.

Robert is an experienced lawyer and has been a close confidant of the chairman for many years. He is well aware of his professional ethics and duty of confidentiality, so even in the face of Adam's and the chairman's wife's enquiry, he always keeps silent and does not disclose any information about the will.

During the period when the chairman was in a coma, the atmosphere of the family became extremely tense, and the relationship between Adam and Alex deteriorated to the extreme because of the family's interests and power struggles. Golden Corporation was gradually split into two camps, with one part being loyal to Adam as the rightful heir, and the other part being in favour of Alex, valuing the ambition and ability that he showed after his return to the family. 

The split was felt by the staff and management of the company, and the corridors and meeting rooms of the office were filled with whispers and tension. Some are beginning to take sides, while others are trying to remain as neutral as possible so as not to get involved in this family infighting.

Alex seemed to be getting special favour from the chairman since he returned to the family. The close relationship between them surprises many people because Adam, as the eldest son, was supposed to be the chairman's most favoured heir. But the chairman's displeasure with Adam seems to be related to his romance with Selina.

Adam and Selina's love story has not been a secret within the company for a long time, and Adam has gone to great lengths to guard this relationship against his father, which has made the chairman disappointed and angry. In the chairman's opinion, Adam should put the family's interests first instead of indulging in personal feelings.

Alex, on the other hand, uses this opportunity to deepen his relationship with the chairman and aggressively extend his influence within the company. His strategy and ambitions were supported by a section of shareholders and management, who felt that Alex could bring new energy and direction to Golden Corporation.

Adam is not afraid of competition, but he is concerned about the impact that a split in the family could have on the stability and long-term growth of the company.

Among Golden Corporation's competitors are several powerful companies that have been eager to shake Golden Corporation's dominance.

As the chairman's coma grows longer and longer, the tension between the family and the company reaches a peak, and Adam and Alex know that once the chairman awakens, the contents of the will will be revealed, and all the conflicts and struggles will have a clear outcome.

Fortunately, the chairman of the board awoke.

As the chairman's health gradually improves, tensions begin to ease. The chairman decided to hold a family meeting to resolve the internal strife within the family and to plan for the family's future.

On a sunny afternoon, family members gather in the chairman's study. The chairman sat in his wheelchair, and although his body had not yet fully recovered, his eyes shone with determination and wisdom.

'I know that all of you have been concerned about the distribution of Golden Corporation's equity for some time now,' the chairman spoke slowly, with a hint of fatigue in his voice, but more than anything else, he was determined, 'but I am more concerned about the next generation of our family. '

Adam and Alex looked at each other, they didn't expect their father to bring up this topic at this time. The chairman continued, 'Adam, Alex, as the heirs of the family, you should not only focus on the immediate benefits, but also think about the future of the family.'

The chairman's gaze hovered over his two sons, and his expression became serious, 'I hope you can start a family soon, get married and have children. Your next generation, if they can demonstrate excellent qualities and abilities, then I will focus on them in the future distribution of equity.'

The chairman's expectations, though motivated by the family's future, are difficult for Adam and Alex to fulfil: Adam and Selina have had a bumpy road to love, with the family's parents never fully accepting Selina as the family's daughter-in-law. Alex, on the other hand, has never seemed to fall in love with any woman.

Adam knows that it will take time and more effort to get his parents to accept Selina.

The chairman's serious illness seems to have made him start longing to enjoy the warmth of his family, especially for his grandchildren. The chairman suddenly said gently, 'Adam, bring Silvia next time so I can talk to her.'

Adam heard his father's words and uncontrollable joy welled up inside him. He had never thought that his stubborn father would take the initiative to propose to see Selina and have a good talk with her, which was undoubtedly a precursor to acceptance of Selina.

'Father, are you really willing to meet Silvia?' confirmed Adam excitedly.

The chairman nodded.


Selina's heart was torn and troubled. Her love for Adam was genuine, but becoming his wife meant that she would be stepping into a world that was very different from the one she had grown up in. The chairman's attitude has changed, but Selina knows that there is still a long way to go to gain full acceptance in the family.

During the meeting at the hospital, the chairman inquires about Selina's family background, and his expression eases when he learns that her father is a university teacher. The chairman inwardly thought that at least Selina came from a family of books, which to some extent met his expectations of his daughter-in-law.

The chairman nodded, his attitude remained distant but at least there was no outright rejection: ''A bookish family is better than an illiterate one. I hope you can understand that as the elder of the family, it is only natural for me to have expectations for Adam's future mate.'

Selina felt the weight of the chairman's words, and she hurriedly replied, 'I understand. I also hope to receive your and the family's approval.'


On the way out of the hospital, Adam held Selina's hand and said softly, 'Silvia, don't put too much pressure on yourself. My parents will see how good you are and I will always be by your side to support you.'

Selina looked at Adam and a trace of warmth flashed in her eyes.