Getting married right away?

In traditional Chinese culture, it is an ancient custom that celebratory events in the family can bring good luck to ailing elders and even help them recover. Although his father had not particularly believed in such practices from a modern scientific point of view, as his health declined, he began to long for his son Adam to have a family, and in particular to see a grandchild in his lifetime. He knew that it was impossible for Alex to get married right away without even having a girlfriend, but Adam could marry Selina.

Father sat in his chair in the study, deep in thought. He knew his time might be running out and his mind was filled with worries about his family and his future. He turned to Adam and said, 'Adam, I've given this a lot of thought and I think it's time for you and Silvia to get married.'

Adam was surprised by his father's sudden request, but understood his father's feelings, 'Father, do you really think so? Silvia and I do have plans to get married, but we want it to be at the perfect time.'

His father sighed, a hint of expectation showed in his eyes, 'Adam, I know that you young people have your own ideas, but my health is getting worse every day, and I truly hope that I can see your children in my lifetime, so that even if I am gone, I can still rest in peace.'

Adam's heart was shaken, he could feel the helplessness and expectation in his father's words. He thought seriously for a moment, then said, 'Father, I understand your wish. I will discuss with Silvia and see if we can arrange our marriage as soon as possible.'

Adam told Selina about her father's thoughts, and Selina had mixed feelings in her heart after hearing it. She loved Adam and understood her father's feelings as an elder, but she also wanted to be able to step into marriage at a more mature and ready moment.

'Adam, I know what your father is thinking and I would love to marry you as soon as possible. But I want our wedding to be because of our love and not for any other reason.' Selina said seriously.

Selina's mind was full of contradictions and kinks. She knew and loved Adam as her sister Silver, and the memories of her night with Alex were more than a little embarrassing. She knew she wasn't ready to step into marriage.

Adam slowly pulled a small, delicate box from his pocket. With a gentle press of his finger, the lid popped open and a dazzling light instantly illuminated the entire room.Selina's eyes were involuntarily attracted to it and she saw a dazzling diamond ring.

The design of the ring was nothing short of luxurious, the main stone was a flawless 20 carat diamond, it was cut in a classic round shape with every facet reflecting light like a million little suns coming together to give off an incredible glow. The diamond is extremely pure and free of impurities, its light is clear and bright, as if it can illuminate one's soul.

The diamond ring's band is crafted in 18K white gold with smooth and elegant lines that complement the diamond's lustre. Each side of the band is set with a row of exquisite small diamonds, which act as guardians against the main stone in the centre, adding a sense of dignity and luxury.

The diamonds are set in a hollowed-out base, which not only allows light to better penetrate the diamonds, but also makes the ring look lighter. The inner circle of the ring is engraved with an inscription that Adam carefully chose for Selina, a testament to their love and a symbol of their commitment to the future.

Selina was so mesmerised by the beauty of this diamond ring that she felt a rush of happiness well up in her heart. The diamond ring not only represented Adam's love for her, but also the importance he placed on the relationship and his commitment to the future.

Adam looked at Selina with anticipation and love in his eyes, 'Silvia, I know this is sudden, but I really want to spend the rest of my life with you. Please give me the honour to be my wife.'

Selina looked into Adam's sincere eyes, a warmth welled up in her heart. She knew that Adam truly loved her, and she, herself, loved him deeply. But at the same time, she was also aware of her own lies and past, which were like a heavy stone pressing on her heart.

'Adam, I ...' Selina wanted to say, she did not know how to confess everything to Adam.

Adam gently held her hand and said gently, 'Silvia, don't be afraid. I will protect you no matter what happens to you in the future.'

Adam said tenderly, 'Silvia, this diamond ring is a symbol of my love for you, and I want it to be a witness to our future together. Please let me put it on for you.'

Selina nodded her head with emotion, and Adam then gently placed the diamond ring on her finger.

The ring fit her finger perfectly, as if it was made for her, Selina looked at the ring on her finger, her heart filled with the vision of the future and her deep love for Adam.

Selina's tears flowed uncontrollably, and Adam's words made her feel warm and comforted. She knew that she could no longer run away, she needed to face her feelings and future bravely.

Once Adam and Selina's marriage was announced, it immediately caused a huge stir in the media. As the son of the richest man in the world, Adam's every move was already in the limelight, and this time, his decision to enter into marriage with his beloved became the focus of all the major newspapers and magazines competing for coverage.

Headlines such as 'Son of the richest man to tie the knot with an ordinary clerk' were everywhere in the media. People were curious about the mysterious bride and speculated about her identity and background. When the truth was revealed that Selina was just an ordinary employee of Golden Corporation, public curiosity was pushed to its peak.

The reports were full of speculations and discussions, and people were interested in the couple's story. In people's eyes, Selina is a modern version of Cinderella, achieving a magnificent transformation from ordinary to respectable.

Alex sat alone in his dimly lit study, clutching a newspaper that had just been slipped under the door.

On the front page of the newspaper was a picture of Adam and Selina smiling happily, Alex's eyes flashed with gloom, his heart felt like it had been hit by a hammer, a mixture of pain and anger.

He couldn't accept that Adam, his brother, was about to marry that woman - Silvia.In Alex's opinion, Adam's happiness was the source of his misfortune.

He had always believed that he was the most suitable heir to the Shen family, and every step of Adam's success felt like a denial of his abilities.

Alex's fingers turned white with anger as he violently crumpled the newspaper into a ball and threw it fiercely on the ground.

His heart was filled with the flames of revenge: 'I will not let you guys get married happily. Brother, just wait, I will get back at you.'