A bad wedding

Selina's father is a professor and an austere academic. When he accidentally learnt that Selina had posed as her sister Silvia in an attempt to marry Adam, the son of the richest man in the world, he was extremely angry and disappointed.

'Selina, you are playing with fire!' The professor's voice echoed in the study, his eyes filled with anger and concern, 'How dare you do such a thing, have you thought about the consequences you will face if the truth is revealed?'

Selina stood in front of her father, tears welling up in her eyes. She knew she had done wrong, but her love for Adam was real and she didn't want to lose him.

'Dad, I know I did wrong.' Selina's voice choked, 'But I really love Adam and I don't want to lose him. Please, help me so I can marry him.'

The professor looked at his daughter's tearful face, and his heart was like a knife. As a father, he couldn't bear to see his daughter in such pain, but he also knew that if he continued to hide the truth, the consequences would be unimaginable.

'Selina, you know I've always taught you to be honest, and now you're...' The professor sighed, his heart struggling, 'But as your father, how can I watch you suffer so much.'

After much deliberation, the professor finally decided to take his daughter's side. He knew that this decision of his could bring a lot of trouble, but he was willing to risk it for his daughter's happiness.

'Alright Selina, I promise you.' The professor's voice softened as he walked to his daughter's side and gently patted her hand, 'But, you must promise me that you will never lie again. And, you have to find the right time to confess everything to Adam.'

Selina nodded with teary eyes, she felt a relief and gratitude that she had never felt before, 'Thank you dad, I promise that I will never lie again, and I will find a chance to confess everything to Adam.'

The wedding day approached day by day, and the professor accompanied his daughter, preparing for the grand ceremony together. Although he still had hidden worries in his mind, he tried not to let these emotions affect the wedding preparations.


Selina's heart is filled with joy and gratitude. Since preparing for her wedding with Adam, her life had changed drastically. It made her feel happier and more fulfilled than ever.

Adam's mother, personally took her to pick out the latest models of clothing and jewellery. Each piece was designed by world-famous designers, and each represented the pinnacle of fashion and luxury.

'Silvia, you are my daughter-in-law and deserve the best.' Adam's mum said to her with a smile, her eyes full of love and doting.

Selina felt a joy she had never felt before. She tried on a gorgeous gown, each one perfectly complementing her temperament and beauty. In the jewellery box, all kinds of diamonds and precious stones shone brightly, each of which was worth a fortune.

Selina's life was so full of sweetness and joy that she had almost forgotten the painful memories of a man named Alex, a shadow in her life, a secret she would have preferred to keep buried forever. But now, she feels like she's standing on the threshold of happiness, and her dark past seems to be far behind her.

Adam's love was like warm sunshine, dispelling the gloom in her heart. Every day, she was immersed in all the details of the wedding preparations, from selecting the wedding dress to finalising the guest list, every task made her feel overwhelmed with excitement and anticipation. The Shen family pampered her, which made her feel an unprecedented sense of happiness and security.

Selina and Adam chose a sunny day to take wedding photos. They went to a picturesque seaside, where the sea breeze and the waves lapping at the beach added a touch of romance and serenity to their wedding photos.

The photography team was ready on the spot, the white wedding dress, the exquisite make-up, and Adam's straight suit, everything looked so perfect, Selina was in the dressing room, looking at herself through the mirror, she could hardly recognise herself in the mirror - the woman who was going to be Adam's wife.

Adam walked into the dressing room, and the moment he saw Selina, he was shocked by her beauty. He gently held her hand and said fondly, 'Silvia, you are so beautiful today that I almost forgot to breathe.'

Selina smiled shyly as she felt a happiness and contentment she had never felt before. The two walked hand in hand to the location and the photographer began to instruct them in various sweet poses.

'Closer, closer, okay, smile.' The photographer directed while capturing the love that naturally flowed between the two.

Adam and Selina showed off their sweetness and happiness in front of the camera, every hug, every glance, every smile was permanently fixed in the photo. The sunlight poured over them, adding a golden aura to their photos.

After the shooting, they selected the most satisfactory photos, carefully framed them and hung them in the wedding room.

When it finally came to the wedding day, Selina's mood was both excited and nervous. The first rays of sunlight in the morning gently sprinkled on her face through the gaps in the curtains. She woke up early to prepare for the most important day of her life.

In the spacious and bright dressing room, professional make-up artists and hair stylists surrounded Selina, carefully creating her make-up and hair style. She gradually becomes radiant in the mirror, revealing refinement and elegance in every detail.

Selina's father, the professor, stood quietly on the sidelines, watching his daughter gradually transform into a beautiful bride under the skilful hands of the make-up artists. His heart was filled with mixed emotions, from sadness that his daughter was about to leave him to start a new life, to relief that she was happy.

Adam woke up on the morning of the wedding with anticipation and excitement in his heart. Today was the happiest day of his life, and he would finally be able to marry Silvia, the goddess he had grown to adore - although he didn't realise that it was actually Selina he was in love with, not her sister Silvia.

He stood in front of the mirror, fully dressed, choosing a bespoke black suit with an elaborate bow tie and cufflinks. Each item of clothing had been carefully selected to ensure that he looked his best on this day.

Adam's face was beaming with happiness, he could hardly believe that he would finally be able to spend the rest of his life with the goddess of his heart. He thought back to the moments since he had met Silvia - Selina, actually - and every smile, every conversation, filled his heart with warmth.

Alex hadn't shown up at the house in the last few days, nor had he been involved in any of the wedding preparations. People wondered where he had gone.

Alex's indifference to Adam's wedding, even a little cold, made Adam feel a little lost.

'Where the hell has Alex been lately?' Adam couldn't help but ponder this question in his mind as he prepared for the wedding.

Adam was dressed in his carefully tailored suit and ready to meet his bride.

Adam sat in the backseat of the Rolls Royce, his heart pounding as he travelled to the wedding venue. The interior of the car was lavishly decorated, the view out the window was flying backwards, and everything looked so beautiful. However, a sudden ringing of his mobile phone shattered the tranquillity.

He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and found that it was a message from an anonymous number. Out of curiosity, he opened the message, and then his heart sank.

It was a photo showing his beloved bride Selina, naked and in an indecent pose.Adam's mind went blank, and he felt a sense of anger and betrayal that he had never felt before. His first instinct is to call off the wedding, to find out who sent the photo and the truth behind it.

But calm quickly returned and Adam knew that today's guests included not only family and friends, but also business associates and members of the media. To cancel the wedding at this point would make the family the laughing stock of the world.

He took a few deep breaths and tried to calm himself.Adam decided that no matter what, he had to get the wedding done before he could privately investigate the truth of the matter.

The car slowly pulled up to the entrance of the wedding venue and Adam stepped out of the Rolls Royce, his face had regained its composure. He knew that he needed to be strong.

The wedding site was decorated like a dream, the guests have been seated, waiting for the arrival of the new couple, Adam in the eyes of the crowd, step by step towards the wedding stage.

Selina gazed happily at Adam, her heart filled with visions of the future. However, she soon noticed that something was wrong with Adam's demeanour. His eyes revealed anger and disappointment, which made her feel a sense of unease.

Selina's heart tightened as she wondered why Adam was reacting this way. She thought back to every detail of the wedding, trying to figure out what could have gone wrong. Had the wedding preparations not been thorough enough? Or did someone among the guests say or do something that upset Adam?

But she didn't have time to think about it.

The wedding went on as planned, with Adam and Selina exchanging rings and making a lifelong commitment, guided by the officiant. Despite the huge doubts and pain in Adam's heart, he still disguises himself.