Painful wedding night

Selina stood in front of the bathroom mirror and gently removed the makeup from her face. As the last of her lipstick disappeared, she revealed her original clean face. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nervousness. Tonight, her wedding night with Adam, was a big moment in her life.

After showering, she felt the warmth and relaxation from the moisture, her skin looking extra smooth in the soft light.Selina changed into a carefully chosen nightgown that she had prepared for this special night. She stood in front of the mirror, gently arranging the folds of her pajamas with a mixture of shyness and anticipation.

Inside the bridal room, the lighting was soft, and the air was filled with the faint scent of flowers.Selina sat on the edge of the bed, her hands unconsciously fiddling with the edges of the sheets. She imagined Adam walking into the room, picturing his gentle gaze and warm embrace.

Time passed by and Selina's heartbeat gradually accelerated. She heard footsteps at the door; it was Adam returning. She stood up and nervously straightened her hair before taking a deep breath and preparing to greet her husband.

Adam's steps looked a little staggering, the alcohol making his form unsteady.Selina heard the movement outside the door and immediately greeted him, ready to help stabilize him. However, just when she reached out her hand, Adam suddenly pushed her away with a force.

Selina was pushed so hard that she stumbled and almost fell. She stabilized herself, her eyes full of surprise and disbelief.Adam's face did not have the gentleness that should be present on the wedding night, instead, it was replaced by anger and disappointment.

Adam didn't say anything, he took out his cell phone from his pocket, his fingers trembled as he opened a photo, and then handed it to Selina.Selina took the cell phone, and the moment her eyes fell on the screen, her heart sank hard.

Alex took advantage of the hustle and bustle of the wedding to send that photo to Adam.He waited, expecting Adam's reaction, expecting this scene he had carefully planned to play out.

A flicker of viciousness flashed in Adam's eyes, and he gripped his cell phone tightly, as if he wanted to crush it." Tell me, who was that man? Did he force himself on you? If so, I'll go kill him now!"

Selina's heart clenched as Adam's words struck fear into her like never before. She knew that Adam was a man of his word, if she really let him know the identity of that man, the consequences would be unimaginable. She sobbed and shook her head helplessly, tears blurring her vision.

"Adam, calm down and listen to me," Selina tried to calm Adam down, "that man... He didn't do anything to me, really, it was all a misunderstanding."

Adam's heart surged with mixed emotions, from anger to despair, he felt a deep sense of powerlessness. He had thought that Selina was innocent, having been forced to take the photos by that man, and he was ready to stand up for her and seek justice. However, Selina's reaction was completely out of his expectation.

Selina's silence and tears, her protection of that man, are like a needle in Adam's heart. He didn't understand why Selina didn't want to tell the truth, why she defended that man.Adam felt a pain of betrayal, and he began to doubt whether he really knew Selina, and whether the love between them was as strong as he thought.

Adam took a few steps back, his eyes became hollow and his voice carried a hint of trembling, "Silvia, why are you defending him? Did you sleep with him of your own free will?"

Selina's heart was like a knife, she could feel Adam's pain and despair. She knew that if she didn't explain clearly, the misunderstanding between them would get deeper and deeper. But how could she say Alex's name out easily. adam might really kill Alex on impulse.

"Adam, it's not what you think." Selina's voice was almost low enough to be heard as she struggled to explain but was afraid that the truth would cause more harm.

A glint of pain flashed in Adam's eyes and he turned away, unwilling to look at Selina again, "I'm not going to share a room with you until you tell me the truth."

Selina looked at Adam's back, her heart filled with helplessness and pain. She knew that Adam needed time to digest all this, and she needed time to find the right way to explain things clearly.

Adam stepped out of the bridal chamber and walked alone in the garden of the villa. The stars twinkled in the night sky, but his heart was as dark as a cloud, unable to find a single ray of light. He didn't know how to face Selina, didn't know if their marriage could still continue.

Selina, on the other hand, stayed in the bridal room, her tears soaking her pillow. She felt an unprecedented loneliness and fear, she didn't know what tomorrow would be like, she didn't know if she and Adam would be able to get through this.

This wedding night, which should have been full of happiness and sweetness, had become so bleak.Both Adam and Selina were facing inner struggles and pain.


Selina sat on the edge of the bed in the wedding room, the anger in her heart was like a burning fire. She couldn't believe that Alex would do such a despicable thing as to send that photo to Adam and ruin her and Adam's wedding night. She gripped her cell phone tightly, her fingers trembling as she dialed Alex's number.

Alex's voice came on the other end of the line, he sounded relaxed and lazy, as if everything was under his control.Selina's voice trembled with anger: "Why did you hurt me? Why did you send the pictures to Adam?He's so angry right now he could kill someone!"

Alex laughed on the other end of the line, a laugh that was full of mockery and disdain, "Tell him, Selina, tell him that the man you slept with was me. Let him know that his brother and his wife have an unspoken secret between them." His laughter became more maniacal, "Hahaha, isn't that more fun?"

Selina felt a wave of nausea, she couldn't believe Alex could be so cruel and shameless. Her voice was filled with despair, "Alex, why are you doing this? Why are you destroying my happiness like this?"

Alex's voice suddenly turned cold, "Because I enjoy this game, Selina. watching you suffer, watching your world fall apart because of me, that's my pleasure."

Selina felt fear and helplessness like never before, she knew that Alex had gone crazy, there was no logic or bottom line to his behavior.


Selina dialed Adam's number over and over again, but each time it went to voicemail mercilessly. She knew that Adam must be in great pain at the moment and she was afraid that he would do something irrational out of anger and desperation.

The night was deep and Selina's mind was filled with anxiety. She couldn't wait any longer, she had to find Adam herself.She put on her coat and hurried out of the matrimonial home. She knew that Adam might not come home, but he might go to the place where they used to spend quality time together.

Selina called up the family's driver, a tremor in her voice, "Quick, take me to that lake we always go to."

The driver looked at Selina's anxious appearance, and without asking any more questions, immediately started the car. The car sped through the night, Selina's heart silently prayed that Adam would be safe.

They came to the lake, the moonlight sprinkled on the calm lake, everything looked so peaceful and beautiful, but Selina's heart could not be calm. She searched along the edge of the lake, but only the sound of wind and water answered her.

Time passed by, Selina searched all the places where they used to date, but there was no trace of Adam. Her heart was getting more and more scared and helpless. She didn't dare to tell Mrs. Shen, didn't dare to let more people know about this, she was afraid of causing more panic.

The east gradually showed the white of the fish belly, the night of searching without any results. selina sat on the bench by the lake, tears once again welled up. She felt an unprecedented loneliness and fear, she did not know where Adam was, did not know if he was safe.