Strangers who know each other best

Selina finally slumps helplessly on the couch in her anxiety and exhaustion, her eyelids getting heavier and heavier as she eventually drifts off to sleep in a daze of worry and restlessness. The dream was not a peaceful one, she dreamt that Adam left her and no matter how much she called out, Adam never looked back. The dream was so real that it made her feel deep despair even in her sleep.

When she woke up from the nightmare, sunlight had flooded the room through the curtains, and she looked at the clock and realized that it was already noon the next day. Her heart raced, and she immediately picked up her cell phone and tried to call Adam again, however, there was still an unanswered beep on the other end of the line.

Selina felt helpless, but she knew she couldn't just give up. She thought of Adam's work, he was an unrelenting workaholic, whenever he was under pressure or troubled, he always buried himself in his work. She guessed that Adam might have gone to the office.

She immediately dialed Adam's secretary's number, and the secretary's familiar voice came on the other end of the line.Selina tried her best to make her voice sound calm: "Hello, this is Silvia, is Adam at the company?"

The secretary was obviously a bit surprised by Selina's inquiry, but quickly replied, "Yes, the CEO came in early in the morning, he looks a bit tired but has already started to deal with his work."

Hearing the secretary's words, a stone in Selina's heart finally fell to the ground. At least Adam was safe and he didn't do anything impulsive. She said to the secretary, "Thank you, and don't tell him that I called you."

Silvia sat on the couch in the living room and looked out the window at the darkening sky with confusion and anxiety.Adam's silence was like a wall separating them. She knew that now was not the time to be impulsive, both of them needed time to think calmly.

She sighed softly, knowing in her heart that this misunderstanding could not be explained in a moment.Adam's anger and disappointment, Lu Ting's intrigue and mockery, all of this was like a movie screen that kept replaying in her mind.

In the next few days, Adam did not return to the home he shared with Selina. This home, which should have been filled with the sweetness and coziness of a newlywed, was now cold because of misunderstandings and silence.

Selina didn't call Adam again, she didn't want to disturb him and didn't want her anxiety to affect him. She learned from Adam's secretary that Adam went to work every day and dealt with the heavy workload. This information reassured Selina a little, at least Adam didn't let his emotional problems affect his normal life.

Every day, Selina spends time alone in her empty home. She tries to keep herself busy by cleaning the house, organizing the garden, and even starts learning to cook new dishes. She hopes to distract herself from the pain in her heart through these small, everyday tasks.

However, whenever night fell, the loneliness and worry would return. selina would sit on the couch in the living room, looking at the clock on the wall, waiting for Adam to return. But every night, she went to sleep alone in disappointment.

Selina sat in front of the delicate dresser, gently brushing her long hair. Her gaze through the mirror seemed to be gazing at her other self. Before the wedding, Adam's dad and Adam's mom specifically talked to her.

Adam's mom's words revealed the family's expectations and traditional concepts: "Silvia, as the daughter-in-law of Golden Corporation, we hope that you can withdraw from the workplace and focus on your family. As you know, the whole company knows you, you are Adam's wife, the daughter-in-law of the richest family, we don't want you to show your face outside."

Adam's father also added on the side, "Yes, Silvia, we want you to tone up your body and bring the next generation to our family. If it's a boy, that's naturally the best, Golden Corporation's future needs an heir."

Selina understood the family's expectations, and she knew that as the daughter-in-law of the richest family, her role and responsibilities had changed. She smiled and agreed to Adam's mom and Adam's dad's request, but in her mind, she had her own plans.

Selina sat in the empty bedroom, looking at the double bed that should have belonged to her and Adam, and an indescribable loss welled up in her heart.The expectations of Adam's mom and Adam's dad, about having a baby, now seemed even more of a distant dream.

Adam's dad and Adam's mom had been so busy with Golden Corporation that they didn't immediately notice the subtle changes between Adam and Selina. It wasn't until half a month later, when the driver inadvertently revealed that Adam hardly ever came home, that Adam's mom realized the seriousness of the problem.

Adam's mom immediately put down the work at hand, she decided to go to the company to look for Adam in person, when she walked into Adam's office, she saw her son sitting in a wide office chair, in front of him were piled up with documents and reports, his face looked a little haggard.

Adam's mom's heart was tight, she walked to Adam's side and asked softly, "Adam, what happened between you and Silvia? Why haven't you been home for so long?"

Adam looked up and saw his mother's concerned eyes and a wave of mixed emotions welled up in his heart. He didn't want his parents to know about these personal matters, let alone worry them.

"Mom, I..." Adam wanted to say, he didn't know how to explain all this to his mother.

Adam's mom looked at her son, she knew that Adam must have his difficulties, but she, as a mother, was more concerned about her son's happiness.

"Adam, no matter what happened between you and Silvia, home will always be your harbor. It's so unfair for Silvia to be left alone in the house when you don't come home like this." Adam's mom's words had a hint of reproach in them, but more than anything, they were concerned.

Adam was silent for a moment, he had to at least pretend in front of his parents that nothing had happened.

"Mom, I know." Adam said, "I'll be home tonight."

Adam's mom looked at her son, she gently patted Adam on the shoulder, "Good, remember, no matter what happens, we're all family."

As night fell, Adam's car slowly pulled into the driveway in front of the house.Selina caught a glimpse of Adam through a gap in the curtains. Her heart began to race with a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. She straightened her dress and prepared to greet Adam, hoping that this time she would be able to talk to him.

However, Adam didn't walk into the bridal room. His steps were heavy and he eventually stopped in front of the door to the guest room. He pushed the door open, stepped inside, and then gently closed the door without even glancing back in the direction of the bridal room.

Selina's heart sank as she stood in the doorway of the bridal room, looking into the guest room that Adam had entered. She wanted to walk over to him, to knock on the door. But in the end, she didn't move, her hand stopped in mid-air, not daring to knock.

The door to the guest room was gently locked, and the slight "click" was like thunder in Selina's mind. She stood outside the door, feeling an unprecedented loneliness and helplessness. Her expectations were dashed, and her heart began to ache.

Selina didn't know how long she stood outside the door until her legs felt numb, until tears welled up in her eyes. She finally turned around and slowly walked back to her room.