Family dinner

Adam sat in the backseat of the Rolls Royce, gazing coldly out of the window at the street scene whizzing by. His mood was just like this city, bustling and cold.

Selina sat next to him, a hint of melancholy in her eyes. She was wearing a light blue dress that made her look elegant. Although she tried to remain calm, she could not hide the uneasiness and anticipation within her. She knew that today's family banquet was an opportunity that might break the deadlock between them.

As the car slowly pulled into the family mansion, Adam and Selina both took a deep breath and prepared themselves for what was to come; Adam was the first to get out of the car and did not look back, nor did he offer a hand to help Selina, who followed closely behind, a faint sense of loss welling up in her heart.

In the family's banquet hall, there were brilliant lights and laughter.Adam's father, the head of the family, was talking to several important guests.His eyes swept over his son and daughter-in-law, and he frowned slightly.Adam's father, the head of the family, was talking to several important guests.His eyes swept over his son and daughter-in-law, and he frowned slightly.

Adam's mother, noticing her daughter-in-law's displeasure, gently patted Selina's hand, conveying comfort with her eyes.Selina barely managed to squeeze out a smile.

Who knows, the next second, Alex and Anne appeared together holding hands. The atmosphere of the dinner party became tense because of the appearance of Alex and Anne, Adam and Selina looked at each other, each other's eyes showed complex emotions, Adam's heart mixed feelings, he and Anne once had a period of time very ambiguous, entertainment newspaper every day headlines.

Alex didn't seem to care about Adam and Selina's awkwardness, he graciously introduced Anne to the guests, 'This is my girlfriend, Anne', which was like a bomb that exploded in the ballroom, causing a lot of whispers.

Adam's mind went back to the past, the ambiguous relationship between him and Anne, although it was not publicised, but everyone around seemed to be aware of it. although Selina didn't show anything on the surface, but Adam knew that this matter had always been a thorn in her heart.

Alex's introduction was like a bolt from the blue, shocking both Adam and Selina. although Anne's smile was sweet, her eyes revealed complex emotions, and Adam keenly captured the glance she threw at himself, which was full of resentment and unwillingness.

Although Selina kept her composure on the surface, her heart was in turmoil. She knew about Adam and Anne's past and how that relationship had cast a shadow over her love. Now, seeing the look in Anne's eyes, she couldn't help but worry if that past would affect her relationship with Adam again.

Anne does her best to keep a polite smile on her face at the party, but inside she has mixed feelings. Her resentment towards Adam was not without reason; she had genuinely liked him but for one reason or another it hadn't worked out. Now, seeing him and Selina living happily ever after, her heart couldn't help but well up with mixed emotions.

Adam's eyes darted back and forth between Alex, who was his rival for the family's inheritance, and Anne, who had once expressed her feelings for him but was politely rejected by him. Now that they were paired up, the sudden change planted a seed of doubt in Adam's mind.

Alex's intimacy with Anne deepens Selina's suspicions. She began to suspect that Alex's real purpose. Could it be to use Anne and conspire to take over the family fortune? The thought sent shivers down her spine.

Father sat at the main seat of the banquet, his gaze revealing satisfaction. He had always favoured Anne as the perfect choice for the family's daughter-in-law. Although Anne did not become the wife of his eldest son Adam, it would certainly be a beautiful thing for the family if she could be united with his youngest son Alex.

Anne is known as one of the city's richest women, and her beauty, intelligence, and wealth make her the object of pursuit for many of the gentry's sons. Father believes that a marriage with such a woman would greatly enhance the family's social status.

Father's warm hospitality to Anne made almost everyone feel his preference for this possible future daughter-in-law. At the party, he constantly asked Anne about her tastes and preferences, trying to make the best impression possible.

Anne's answers were always gracious, her manners elegant and well-spoken, perfect for a lady of the house. She always answered her father's questions with courtesy and gratitude, winning the appreciation of everyone present.

Selina sat in the corner of the banquet, watching her father's warm hospitality to Anne, and an uneasiness of being neglected welled up in her heart. She knew that she seemed to be no match for Anne in terms of birth and looks.

Selina's heart began to grow low self-esteem and jealousy. She is afraid that if Anne does marry into the family in the future, her own status will be threatened and she may even be bullied by Anne at every turn.

Father does not realise that his passion for Anne has hurt Selina, and his mind is fully focused on how to incorporate Anne into the family in order to raise the family's status.

Although Adam and Selina were at the same banquet, they seemed to be separated by an invisible wall. They didn't talk to each other, only occasional eye contact revealed the boredom and helplessness in each other's heart.

Selina's heart was like a shadow hanging over her.

The hustle and bustle of the banquet seemed to be in stark contrast to Adam's mood. He longed to escape from it all, yet he had to maintain a polite smile and deal with the guests around him.

Adam's heart was struggling with the fact that he knew he needed to communicate with Selina and resolve the issues between them. But he was afraid that if he opened his mouth, it might cause more conflict.

Inside the ballroom, his father stood at the podium, his eyes sweeping over every guest in the room and finally settling on his two sons. His voice was clear and firm through the microphone, ''You two brothers, give me a grandson early. Whoever is able to give birth to a grandson first will have a great advantage when the family property is divided in the future."

These words were like a heavy bomb that exploded in the banquet hall, causing everyone present to feel the tension.

Adam and Alex sat in their respective seats, their eyes clashing in the air.

Alex, on the other hand, looked very excited as he turned his head to Anne beside him and said, 'Looks like we're going to have to pick up the pace.'

Anne smiled slightly, but there was a hint of concern in her eyes, 'Is that really a good idea? Using a child to decide the family fortune."

Selina sat beside Adam, her hand tightly gripping her wine glass, her father's words made her feel an unprecedented pressure.

Inside the ballroom, guests began to whisper and discuss their father's statement. An older relative said to the person next to him, 'This family, it looks like it's about to change.'

Adam stood up and approached the podium, 'Father, I understand your hopes for the future of the family, but it's not fair to use children as a condition for the distribution of the family fortune.'

Father frowned and responded, 'Adam, this is for the future of the family, don't you understand?'

Alex also stood up, a hint of provocation in his voice, 'Brother, this is father's intention, we as sons should respect it.'

Adam turned his head to Alex and said coldly, 'Respect is one thing, but to decide the birth of a child in this way, I don't agree with it.'

Selina stood up as well, her voice weak, 'Father, Adam and I want our child to be born in love, not in a deal.'

The father looked at Adam and Selina, a flash of disappointment in his eyes, 'Are you challenging my decision?'

The mood of the party became heavier and heavier as Adam and his father conversed. Guests began to leave the venue in droves, and the banquet, which was originally a joyous one, eventually broke up unhappily.

At the end of the party, in an unusually heavy atmosphere, Alex walked through the crowd towards Adam and Selina, holding Anne's hand. He has a smug look in his eyes and a sly smile at the corner of his mouth.

Alex stopped in front of Adam with undisguised arrogance in his voice, 'Brother, Anne and I are getting married soon. When we get married, we'll have children right away. By then, the family's property will be mine, hahahaha."

Adam's brow furrowed, he didn't expect Alex to express his ambition so bluntly on such an occasion.

Anne was being held by Alex and she felt a twinge of embarrassment. She didn't like the fact that Alex was being so blatantly provocative, but she also knew that she was now on the same side as Alex.