Agreement on the birth of child

Selina sat in the spacious cloakroom surrounded by rows of designer bags and sparkling jewellery.The unlimited limit card that Adam's mum had given her was a symbol that she could buy anything she liked at will. However, there was not a single smile on her face.

Selina gently stroked a delicate clutch bag, but inside she felt an unspeakable emptiness. She had everything that money could buy, but her heart felt as if it had been emptied.

Adam left early and returned late, busy with his work every day, she didn't know what he was busy with and didn't dare to disturb him.

Adam's figure disappeared outside the door, and an inexplicable loneliness welled up in Selina's heart. She longed to understand his life, but was afraid of disturbing him.

That day, Selina reads a news in the newspaper that an exhibition of paintings by the famous painter Monet will soon be held in the art gallery in the city centre. With a flutter in her heart, she decides to drive there to find a sliver of solace for her soul. Inside the art gallery, Monet's paintings are so colourful and full of light and shadow that Selina seems to be able to feel the emotions and stories of the painter's paintings. She stopped in front of the paintings and felt a long-lost peace in her heart. selina stepped into the exhibition hall of the art gallery, and her eyes were immediately attracted by one of Monet's paintings. On the canvas, colours, light and shadows, as if alive, jumped in front of her eyes. Monet's Water Lilies series came into view. The delicate brushstrokes captured the shimmering water, and the water lilies swayed gently in the morning light and twilight, as if she could hear the breath of nature. As she continued on, a painting depicting a sunrise stopped her in her tracks. In Impression - Sunrise, the morning in the harbour is tinted with golden light by the rising sun, and the light and shadow dance on the water, making people feel the beauty of the flow of time. Monet's use of colour is like the notes in a symphony, harmonious and layered. In the series of Haystacks, under different light, the haystacks show different colours and textures, which makes people feel the change of seasons. selina is standing in front of Woman with Parasol, and the silhouettes of the characters in the painting are soft and dreamy in the light and shadow. Through the changes in light and shadow, Monet conveys a light melancholy and a fondness for the good times. She scrutinises the details of each painting, and Monet's capture of light and shadow is at its peak. Even the smallest changes in light and shadow are captured and expressed with such skill that one can't help but marvel at them. selina wanders in front of Monet's paintings, each one giving her a different feeling. Her mind was deeply touched by the paintings, as if she had found a way to communicate with the world. Monet's paintings are not only a visual pleasure, but also a spiritual comfort, and Selina feels that art has an unspeakable power to touch the heart and connect the soul.

Selina immersed herself in Monet's paintings, feeling the harmony of light and colour. Her eyes wandered from painting to painting until a familiar voice broke her concentration.

"Silvia, is it really you? It's been so long!"

Selina turned around and was surprised to find her old friend Tony standing behind her with a teasing smile on his face.

Tony sized up Selina, a hint of playfulness flashed in his eyes, 'I didn't expect that the last time I saw you, you were an insignificant little secretary, but now you're Adam's wife. You really have a knack for it."

Selina was a little embarrassed, she didn't like Tony's flirty attitude, but she still responded politely, 'Tony, you're still the same, you like to joke around.'

Tony seemed to know everything about the family's affairs, he moved closer to Selina and whispered, 'I know a lot about Adam. You should hold on to him, don't get snatched away. Hahaha."

Selina's heart tightened, she didn't want to be the centre of gossip, but she was also curious about what Tony actually knew.

At the painting exhibition, Tony's teasing surprised Selina, but then his attitude changed and he seriously invited her, 'I was joking, I want to invite you to dinner, there's something I want to ask for your help.'

Selina was a bit surprised, she asked suspiciously, 'What can I help you with?'

Tony looked around and lowered his voice, 'This matter is a bit complicated, it's not something that can be made clear here. Let's find a quiet place to talk about it in detail."

Selina turned around and was surprised to find her old friend Tony standing behind her with a teasing smile on his face.

Tony sized Selina up, a hint of playfulness flashed in his eyes, 'I didn't expect that the last time I saw you, you were an unassuming little secretary, but now you're Adam's wife. You really have a knack for it."

Selina was a little embarrassed, she didn't like Tony's flirty attitude, but she still responded politely, 'Tony, you're still the same, you like to joke around.'

Tony seemed to know everything about the family's affairs, he moved closer to Selina and whispered, 'I know a lot about Adam. You should hold on to him, don't get snatched away. Hahaha."

Selina's heart tightened, she didn't want to be the centre of gossip, but she was also curious about what Tony actually knew.

At the painting exhibition, Tony's teasing surprised Selina, but then his attitude changed and he seriously invited her, 'I was joking, I want to invite you to dinner, there's something I want to ask for your help.'

Selina was a bit surprised, she asked suspiciously, 'What can I help you with?'

Tony looked around and lowered his voice, 'This matter is a bit complicated, it's not something that can be made clear here. Let's find a quiet place to talk about it in detail."

Selina hesitated, but out of curiosity and concern for her old friend, she agreed.

They agreed to meet at a quiet French restaurant.Tony arrived early and chose a corner seat to make sure their conversation would not be disturbed.

Selina arrives at the restaurant on time and she sees Tony already sitting and waiting. She sat down and asked directly, 'Tony, what exactly is it you need from me?'

There was obvious dissatisfaction in his tone, 'For Adam's harbour acquisition project, instead of borrowing from the bank I hold shares in, Adam chose a competitor, which is very unfavourable to me.'

Selina was shocked; she hadn't realised that Tony's request had anything to do with the family's business decisions.

Selina tried to understand the situation, 'Tony, business decisions are always complicated, Adam must have his reasons.'

Tony smiled bitterly, 'Reasons? I only know the outcome, I need your help Silvia."

Selina struggles internally, she doesn't want to get involved in her family's business decisions.

She said firmly, 'I never get involved in the family's business decisions, you should find someone else.'

Tony's eyes suddenly became sharp, 'If you can help me, I can find someone to cure your mother.' Selina was stunned, she didn't expect Tony to know her mother's secret.

Selina's mother had been sick for a long time, and it was a secret she had always kept alone, not even Adam had told her. She couldn't understand how Tony had learnt about it.Selina tried to calm down as she asked, 'How did you know?'Her voice carried a hint of trembling.Tony smiled mysteriously, 'There is no impermeable wall in this world, Silvia.I have enough resources to help you solve this problem.'Selina's mind was torn between her concern for her mother's health and her loyalty to Adam and respect for the family's business ethics.

When she got home, Selina couldn't sleep.She paced back and forth in her bedroom, contemplating Tony's offer and the possible consequences.Selina's mind was filled with doubt and fear. She thought, 'How much does Tony really know about my past? Does he know I'm my sister's double?" 

Tony seemed to grasp some of Selina's past, and his every word made Selina feel uneasy.She was afraid that Tony would tell Adam about it.Selina sat in the quiet study with waves in her mind. She knew that once she decided to help Tony, she might get involved in the whirlpool of the family business, but the news that her mother was seriously ill was like a thorn in her heart. After much struggle, she finally decides to try to help Tony in the hope that he can really find the doctor who can cure her mother.

Selina stood in front of the door to Adam's study, her heart beating like a drum. She knew that once she knocked on the door, it would mean facing Adam's possible indifference and questioning. But for the sake of her mother, she knocked on the door anyway.

Adam hadn't wanted to bother Selina; he had mixed feelings of both resentment at her behaviour and deep love for her. After a moment's hesitation, he let her into the study.

Selina sat across from Adam, she took a deep breath and gathered her courage to say, 'Adam, I have something I want to ask you for.' Her voice trembled slightly, revealing her inner turmoil.

Adam listened to Selina's request with an incredulous expression on his face, 'What did you say? This is a $5 billion project, why would you want to help Tony?"She made up a lie, 'Tony helped a friend of mine get a job, a position in a bank that Tony holds a stake in.I was hoping to return the favour."

Adam's eyes were cold and his voice was firm and strong: 'The amount of money for this project is very large, there is no way I can promise you.' His words were like a heavy hammer, shattering Selina's hope.

Tears welled up in Selina's eyes, and she begged bitterly, 'Adam, I'm really very grateful to Tony, and I just want to return the favour. Please, think about it."

Adam looked at Selina's teary eyes and doubts welled up in his mind. He couldn't understand why she was so obsessed with this.

Adam's eyes suddenly became sharp as he coldly asked Selina, 'Do you really want me to help you with this favour?' The tone of his voice revealed a hint of imperceptible temptation.

Selina was shocked by Adam's cold attitude, but her heart was filled with concern for her mother's health, she nodded her head in a hurry, 'Yes, Adam, I really need your help.'

Adam struggled internally as he watched Selina's eagerness. He knew there had to be a deeper reason behind this request, but his instincts told him that Selina wasn't telling the whole truth.

Adam's eyes were as cold as ice and frost, and his words carried an undeniable cruelty: 'I can help you, but you must promise me one condition - you have to give birth to a child for me, I need an heir. We'll sign a contract, and after we have the child, you must divorce me, and you must leave the family."

Selina was shocked beyond words by Adam's demands, and her heart ached as if it had been pierced by a sharp blade. She did not expect that the man she loved so much would make such cruel conditions.

Selina was alone in her bedroom, tears like broken pearls, kept slipping down. Her heart was filled with pain and confusion, not knowing how to face Adam's merciless demands.

Selina stayed awake all night as she weighed the situation over and over in her mind. She longed to help her mother, but Adam's conditions made her feel desperate. She doesn't want to lose her family, and she doesn't want to lose Adam.

Adam is alone in his study, brooding, his mind equally full of contradictions. He makes the offer out of consideration for the future of the family, but deep down, he still loves Selina.

After much deliberation, Selina makes a decision. She is willing to accept Adam's terms, but she wants some time to spend with her child after it is born.

Adam agrees to Selina's request, and the two come to an agreement in pain and helplessness.