Adam's anger

Selina is about to become Anne's sister-in-law. She understands the importance of this wedding to both families. Therefore, despite her reluctance, she took on the heavy responsibility of helping Anne prepare for the wedding. From choosing the bouquets to arranging the guests, she tried her best to make every detail perfect.

One day, with a little shyness and anticipation, Anne asked Selina to help her book a dream wedding dress.

Selina's eyes travelled among countless wedding dresses until her gaze rested on a unique one. It was like a flowing poem, the lightweight gauze shimmered softly in the light, like the glitter of dewdrops in the morning sun.

The design of this wedding dress is full of artisanal details. The delicate lace spreads along the hemline like flowers blooming on a vine, delicate and vivid. Each flower and leaf is given life by the designer's hand.

The waistline design of the wedding dress skilfully outlines Anne's figure, showing her elegance without losing her femininity. The hemline below the waistline spreads out smoothly like a waterfall, light and unassuming.

Between turns, the back design of the wedding dress is equally stunning. A row of delicate pearl buttons, extending from the neck to the waistline, like a string of pearl necklaces, elegantly embellish the bride's back, adding a touch of classical flavour.

The design of the skirt is the soul of this wedding dress. Layers of gauze, light and without losing the sense of hierarchy, with the bride's steps gently swaying, as if the clouds fluttering in the wind, dreamy and unreal.

The veil that matches the wedding dress is also a work of art. It lightly covered in the bride's head, half-covered to reveal the bride's face, adding a little mystery, people can not help but want to find out.

When Anne put on the wedding dress and stood in front of the mirror, she seemed to be in a dream world. Every detail of the wedding dress blends perfectly with her temperament, making her look both noble and pure.

On the eve of the wedding, Anne's wedding dress was displayed in the anticipation of the crowd. However, an unfortunate thing happened - a visible stain appeared on the wedding dress.Anne's face instantly turned pale, she turned around angrily and accused Selina: "It's you, you deliberately stained my wedding dress!"

Adam's mum also became angry immediately after hearing Anne's accusation. She sternly reprimanded Selina, "How could you treat Anne's wedding dress like that? Do you know what this wedding dress means to her?"

Selina felt extremely aggrieved and helpless. She knew she hadn't done anything wrong, but she felt her voice was insignificant in the face of Anne and Adam's mum's accusations. Tears welled up in her eyes and eventually flowed uncontrollably.

In the midst of this furore, Selina's fiancé Adam, however, appeared to be unusually aloof. He stood aside and did not defend Selina or give her any comfort. His silence made Selina feel even more heartbroken.


The wedding was underway and the entire banquet hall was filled with a festive atmosphere. The MC's voice is full of passion and vigour as he is telling the guests the love story of the bride Anne and the groom Alex.

A sweet video of Anne and Alex was played on the screen, from every moment they met, knew each other to fall in love. The guests were deeply touched by these heart-warming moments and applauded enthusiastically.

However, just when the atmosphere was at its most enthusiastic, the screen suddenly shifted and an indecent photo of the groom, Alex, appeared on the big screen. In the photo, there was a dishevelled woman lying in his arms, and although the woman's face was blurred, the scene was enough to cause the guests present to be in an uproar.

The atmosphere in the banquet hall instantly froze, the guests began to whisper and talk.Anne's face became pale, she couldn't believe what was in front of her, while Alex froze in place, not knowing what to do.

Anne's parents, seeing the scene, were overflowing with anger and disappointment.

Selina was sitting at the guest table, and when she saw the picture, her heart raced suddenly. She knew that the woman was herself, and despite the blurred face, her clothes and figure were undoubtedly her.

She peeked over at Adam, only to see his eyes widen, obviously having realised that the woman in the photo was her. Her face instantly turned pale and panic filled her mind.

Adam's feelings at the moment were complicated to the extreme. He couldn't believe what was in front of him, so the one who had a secret relationship with his wife was his own brother?

Anne couldn't bear this sudden blow, her tears were like broken pearls, she covered her face and ran off the stage, escaping from the wedding scene she once dreamed of.

Adam's mum and dad felt unprecedented shame and embarrassment. Their carefully planned wedding had turned into an uncontrollable farce.

The wedding scene turned from festive to chaotic, with guests murmuring, some sympathetic, some mocking, some angry, and the whole banquet hall turned into a noisy marketplace.