Secrets Revealed

The tranquillity of the night enveloped the city as Adam and Selina sat in their room, the atmosphere was tense and depressing.Selina's heart was pounding and she knew that Adam had learnt about the secret relationship between her and Alex.

Selina felt a weight pressing down on her heart like never before. Her relationship with Alex was a spur of the moment thing but she never thought it would turn into what it is today. She wondered how Adam would deal with the secret.

Adam sat on the edge of the bed, silent. His eyes were deep and inscrutable, Selina didn't dare to look directly into his eyes, she was afraid that her secret would be hidden under those eyes.

Adam's eyes were firm and cold, he finally broke the silence.

"What exactly is your relationship with my brother Alex?" Adam's voice was calm but revealed a determination that could not be avoided.Selina's heart sank as she knew the moment had finally arrived.

Selina's heart raced as she hesitated, unsure of how to respond. She was afraid that the truth would completely destroy her relationship with Adam.

Taking a deep breath, Selina gathered her courage and she decided not to run away anymore." Adam, between Alex and I... We used to..." Her voice trembled, but her eyes revealed determination.

Selina recounted everything that had happened between her and Alex, the drunkenness to the sex, to the nude photos being taken. She didn't hide or defend herself.

Adam listened to Selina's confession, and the emotions in his heart surged like a tidal wave. Anger, disappointment, and a sense of betrayal intertwined, making it difficult for him to calm down.

"You had nude photos taken of you by him, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Adam's voice carried a hint of trembling as he felt a deep pain. A crack in trust had appeared and he wondered if it could ever be mended.

Selina shed tears of remorse, knowing she had made an irreparable mistake." I was wrong Adam, I know nothing I can say can make it right, but I truly hope you can forgive me."

Adam stood up and walked over to the window, the city was lit up at night but his heart was plunged into darkness.

Adam left the room, leaving Selina to face the long night alone. Her heart felt as if it had been emptied, leaving her with nothing but endless regret and waiting.

Adam gets into his Ferrari, the roar of the engine is like a roar inside him. He had no destination, only an urge that drove him quickly out of the garage and into the unknown night.

Selina stood at the window and watched Adam's headlights disappear into the night. Her mind was filled with panic, wondering what decision Adam would make, would he go to Alex, would he...

Adam raced through the night, the car getting faster and faster, his thoughts getting more and more confused. He thought about Alex, he thought about Selina, he thought about everything that could happen between them.

Adam's mind was filled with anger and the pain of betrayal. He drove through the city at night and eventually stopped in front of the nightclub Alex frequented. He knew that he needed closure.

Adam stepped into the nightclub and swept his eyes over every corner. He quickly spotted Alex in the crowd and walked over without hesitation.

Without saying a word, Adam launched himself directly at Alex. His fists rained down on Alex's body, each blow filled with anger and disappointment.

The music inside the nightclub came to a screeching halt, replaced by chaotic screams and exhortations to fight. But there was no stopping Adam, who had only one thing on his mind - to make Alex pay.

Alex was good at karate, but he could barely fight under Adam's frantic onslaught. He tries to fight back, but soon realises that he is no match for Adam.

Adam's attacks became more and more violent, as if he wanted to pour all his anger and pain on Alex. His eyes revealed an out-of-control madness.

The surrounding crowd was shocked by this sudden scene of violence. They had never seen Adam like this before, this normally mild mannered man was now like an out of control beast.

Alex started to feel scared and he realised that Adam really wanted him dead.

Adam's anger was like a volcano erupting and he couldn't control his emotions. After a chaotic struggle, he suddenly pulled a pistol from his waist.

The cold muzzle of the pistol was pressed against Alex's head, and Alex felt true despair. He never thought he would face the threat of life or death, and he began to desperately beg for his life.

Alex's pleas for mercy echoed through the nightclub as the surrounding crowd was shocked by the sudden horror of the scene. Unable to believe what was happening in front of them, they backed away, not daring to make any noise.

Adam's hands were trembling and his mind was struggling. He knew he had crossed the border of sanity, but his anger made it difficult for him to put down the gun in his hand.

Just then, the sound of sirens came from a distance, getting closer and closer.

The police were called and quickly arrived at the scene, separating Adam and Alex.

Selina waits anxiously at home for news and her heart sinks to the bottom when she learns that Adam has been taken away by the police.