Break with the family

Adam's dad and mum were distraught when they learnt about their two sons' clash at a nightclub. As the leaders of the family, they knew they had to calm the furore as quickly as possible.

Adam's dad and mum quickly make their way to the police station, with Adam's dad's brow furrowed and Adam's mum praying anxiously and silently along the way.

As the richest man in the city, the family has a lot of influence in the area. The police station showed great respect and caution when they learnt of Adam's dad and mum's arrival.

After some negotiation, the police department, taking into account the special circumstances of the family and the fact that Adam had not actually fired any shots, finally decided to release Adam, but demanded that he must promise not to engage in any further excesses.

Adam's dad and mum were overcome with anger and disappointment when they learnt the truth about the photo.

Adam's mum and dad's view of Selina has fundamentally changed. In their eyes, Selina is no longer the gentle and virtuous future daughter-in-law, but a culprit who destroys the family harmony.

In the living room, the atmosphere is unusually tense. The family is sitting around, ready to discuss the recent events, Adam's dad's face is grim, his eyes sweeping over everyone present.

Adam's dad breaks the silence first, his voice low and strong with anger. He berated Selina for not only seducing his oldest son, Adam, but now going after his youngest son, Alex.

Selina sat on the couch as every word from Adam's dad pierced her heart like a knife. She felt extremely aggravated and helpless, tears were welling up in her eyes, but she forced herself not to cry.

Just as Selina was about to speak, Adam held her hand, and his gesture gave her strength and comfort. His eyes were firm and his voice was calm but strong.

Adam reveals the truth of the matter and tells everyone present that it was Alex who got Selina drunk at a party and did something unforgivable to her.

Adam's dad and mum were shocked beyond belief to hear this. They didn't think their youngest son would do such a thing .

Alex vehemently denied Adam's accusations in front of the family and he turned to Selina, claiming that she had initiated the seduction, a statement that sent those present into shock once again.

Selina is extremely shocked and angry to hear Alex's words. She couldn't believe her ears, let alone know how to deal with such a despicable and false accusation.

Adam couldn't bear to watch Selina being humiliated, and he filed a police report, hoping to bring Alex to justice. He believes that only the law can clear Selina's name.

Adam's dad hears Adam's offer and immediately rejects it. He couldn't accept that his youngest son had become a criminal, and was even more worried that it would cause irreparable damage to the family's reputation.

Adam stood in the centre of the living room, his eyes firm and his voice revealing unquestionable determination. He took Selina's hand and made his position clear to the family. "Fine, if you guys won't let me call the police. Then you will never see me again, and tomorrow I will take Silvia abroad."

The air in the living room seemed to freeze as Adam's words brought everyone present to silence.Adam's mum and dad looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

Selina felt the warmth of Adam's hands, and her heart was both touched and conflicted. On the one hand, she didn't want to leave Adam; on the other hand, she didn't want to make Adam break with the family because of her own personal matters.

Adam didn't give anyone a chance to retort, his attitude was resolute, showing his support and protection for Selina. He did not want to see Selina suffer any injustice.

Tears welled up again in Adam's mum's eyes as she felt helpless and miserable. She didn't know what to choose or how the future would unfold.

Early in the morning, Adam and Selina prepare to leave. The gate slowly opens and the two embark on a journey to a foreign country.