Life on the island

Adam stood on the deck of the luxury yacht, the sea breeze brushed his face, taking away a trace of sorrow.Selina snuggled up beside him, both of them with their eyes on the faraway island.Adam's heart was filled with disappointment towards his family, and especially anger towards his younger brother, Lu Ting. He couldn't forgive the family for their injustice to Selina, nor could he accept their decision to stop him from calling the police.

The air is fresh and the sun shines brightly on the island, where Adam and Selina have found a quiet place to live, far away from the hustle and bustle of the world. Adam decides to take over the family's property here, and he wants to use his own efforts to create a happy future for Selina.

Early in the morning, when the first ray of sunshine through the clouds, gently sprinkled on the island's land, the whole island seems to be gilded with a layer of golden light. The sea breeze, with its salty scent, gently brushes past, awakening the sleeping earth and sea. The birds on the island began to sing joyfully, their songs crisp and pleasant, accompanied by the rhythm of the waves lapping the shore, constituting nature's most harmonious symphony.

The vegetation on the island is lush and green, with a variety of tropical plants growing competitively, forming a dense jungle. Coconut trees tower over the island, their broad leaves gently swaying in the breeze, casting dappled shadows. Occasionally, a monkey jumps between the trees, its lively figure adding a bit of life to this tranquil green.

On the beach, the delicate white sand glistens in the sunlight, and the waves come up to the shore again and again, and then slowly recede, leaving behind strings of foam and shells. Early risers are already out at sea, their small boats cutting a ripple in the sea, intertwined with distant sailboats and yachts, forming a moving maritime landscape.

The architecture of the island is full of exotic flavours, with colourful houses strewn across the hillsides and coastline. Each house is like a jewel on the island, glittering in the sun. The hospitality of the islanders, with their warm and sincere smiles, gives you a sense of the unique charm of this island.

As the sun rises, the island's markets begin to bustle with activity. Vendors set up fresh fruits and seafood, and the colourful stalls attracted many tourists and locals. Children chased and played in the market while adults enjoyed bargaining and shopping.

Evenings on the island are even more enchanting. The sun sets like fire, colouring the sky orange-red, and the sea is flooded with golden waves. People enjoy a delicious dinner at a restaurant by the sea while admiring the magnificent sunset scene. Seagulls circling in the sky seemed to be enjoying this peaceful and beautiful moment as well.

As night falls, the lights on the island gradually come on, mirroring the starry sky. The sound of the waves becomes clearer, accompanied by the lights on the distant fishing boats, creating a peaceful and mysterious atmosphere. People on the island walk under the starlight, enjoying the coolness and tranquillity of the night.

This island is like a paradise far away from the hustle and bustle of the world, and its beauty and serenity attracts everyone who comes here. Here, people can slow down, feel the beauty of life and enjoy the gifts of nature.

Although away from the family, Adam knows that the family's influence is everywhere. He must be careful to deal with it and not let the family's shadow affect his and Selina's lives again. He begins to learn the local laws and business rules to make sure that his actions do not cause trouble for the family.

Selina watched Adam's busy figure with gratitude. She knew that Adam had given up a lot for her, but she was more touched by Adam's defence and love for her.

Selina sat by the window, holding a cup of hot tea in her hand, gazing softly at the sea view outside the window. Her heart was filled with happiness and gratitude, Adam's love was deeper and stronger than she had ever imagined. She had worried that Adam would leave her when he learnt about her past with Lu Ting, but Adam's choice surprised and warmed her.

Adam knew the shadow in Selina's heart and he decided to help her out of her past in his own way. Every evening, he finishes his work early and takes Selina to the beach for a walk. With the sea breeze and the waves lapping at the sand, it was a pact between them, a pact of love and healing.

As the sun set, Adam and Selina walked side by side on the beach, Adam spoke softly about their dreams for the future, and Selina listened quietly, a sparkle growing in her eyes. They talked about the little things in life, shared their joys and sorrows, and these ordinary but warm conversations became the most precious memories between them.

On the moonlit beach, Adam held Selina's hand, and they sat on the beach, looking at the starry sky.Adam said to Selina affectionately, "No matter what happens in the future, I will be by your side, protecting you and loving you." Selina was touched and snuggled into his arms, knowing that this was the most solid support in her life.

Adam discovers that Selina has a keen interest in painting, so he encourages her to pick up her brushes again. During their walks on the beach, Selina would stop and record the beautiful seascape and their silhouettes with her paintbrush, while Adam quietly watched over her, enjoying watching her concentration, which was the most beautiful picture in his heart.

When the island's traditional festival came, Adam and Selina decided to participate in it together. They put on the local traditional costumes and enjoyed the festival with the islanders by singing and dancing together. On this day, Selina's smile was extraordinarily bright and she felt that she had truly integrated into this warm community.

As time goes by, Selina gradually steps out of the shadow of the past with Adam by her side. She began to face life and work more positively, her smile grew and her paintings became more vivid, Adam watched her change with great relief.

At dusk, Adam and Selina walked hand in hand on the beach, the golden sunshine poured on them, the waves lapped on the sand, accompanied by their brisk pace. adam stopped, turned around, and gazed into Selina's eyes with deep love.

"Silvia," Adam's voice was soft and firm, "Let's have a baby. I want a child of ours, he or she will make our lives happier."

A flash of surprise flashed in Selina's eyes, then was replaced by deep emotion. She held Adam's hand tightly and tears welled up in her eyes.

"Adam, I want a child of ours too," Selina's voice carried a hint of trembling, "I believe that he or she will be the crystallisation of our love and will make our world more complete."

From that day on, Adam and Selina had something new to look forward to in their lives. They began to prepare for the arrival of their future child, from picking out the colours of the nursery to discussing the child's name, every detail was filled with love and hope.

Adam became more attentive and considerate, preparing nutritious meals for Selina to ensure that both she and the future baby would receive the best care, while Selina recorded this wonderful time with her paintbrushes, which were full of motherly love and anticipation.