Taming The Beast

Gunne scored Victorious. He bathed in his win by standing over the Godrick knight that scolded him ruthlessly. But as his first battle ended, bodies were laid out on the path. The more he looked onward, the more bodies he saw. In the distance, tentacles wrapped around the throat of a Stormveil Knight and tightened.

"...,.." Watching Jelly completely demolish everyone in its path while Gunne only killed one wasn't encouraging.

Meanwhile, in the seal. The area was black that faded like a gradient into a blue lighting. Amongst this location, loud screeches with a low depth echoed throughout chamber. Raging from the large one within. "Is this what you're gonna do? Just yell at me the whole time?" Tyr said to the large one.

Peering over to whomever was standing in front of Tyr, there was a large gate with black separations between the two. On the other side of the gate was the Flying Dragon Agheel. Angry, at his loss, and at the leash placed on himself.

"Don't get angry at me because you lost!!" Tyr announced.

"Lost? Hardly, you merely forced a recognition of power upon me. Then rudely confined me to this cage." A voice that was deep, husky, left the dragon. In this realm, their souls are linked. So understanding one another verbally would be the basics.

(So now he speaks. Before, he was just screaming at me nonstop. And if I'm correct, aren't dragons supposed to be very arrogant? Is that what's going on here?) Tyr lightly gripped his chin while glaring at Agheel.

"So release me from these constraints!!" Agheel demanded.

Tyr sighed. "Alright, I'll let you out." He popped his knuckles. "But that's only if you beat me." He starts stretching his arms and legs within this realm. "if you beat me, I'll let you out and let you eat me. But if I beat you, you're gonna stay halled up here and comply."

"A strong Tarnished like you must have a delectable taste. Fine then." Agheel approached the gate as Tyr opened it.

Once the gate opened up completely, the dragon rushed at him. "RAAAAAAH!!!" With a roar that could be heard from miles, Agheel propelled himself at Tyr. His jaws clamp onto space that Tyr occupied yet Tyr wasn't in that position any long.

Above Agheel's head, Tyr sat there without a care in the world. "Did you get em?" Tyr asked in a mocking yet encouraging tone.

"Huh? You little!" Tyr held his hand above his head and folds his fingers into his palms. Chakra kneads into his fist and comes down on Agheel's dome. BOOM!! Agheel's jaw hits the ground ferociously. Tyr hops off the head of the dragon, landing right in front of his mouth.

(This Tarnished.....is he stronger than his previous being??") Tyr's leg cocks back and rams into Agheel's jaw. The head shot back from the force.

"See last time, I wanted to conserve stamina cause I didnt know how strong you were. But now." His knee crammed into the dragon and it winced in pain. His knee adjust its position. His hips rise and drop his leg onto the dragon. Agheel hits the floor in agony

and winced his from the pain. "I don't have to do that."


His meditation came to an end. The man's eyes pry open and gaze onto reality again. Bodies upon bodies are exposed on the battlefield. (I would've been so pissed if they lost to cannon fodder.)

"M'Lord!!" The sound of Gunne's voice hit. He looked to the left and saw his soldier with a jellyfish beside him.

"You two did a great job while I was gone!" Tyr smiled at the twos victory.

"I appreciate your praise M'Lord but it was Sir Jelly's might that overcame Godrick's forces." While Gunne was being humble, he wasn't entirely wrong. However, Tyr noticed the nick in Gunne's ear and the blood that shrouded his spiritual blade.

(It feels he got stronger after this. Is it because he's linked to my chakra?) Tyr pondered. "Both of you still did a great job clearing this place out." He put his hand on top of Jelly. "Now, I have another task for you two."

"What may it be," Gunne swiped his sword to the side to force the blood off his blade. "M'Lord?"

"Gunne, do you know a place called Castle Morne?" Tyr asked.

"I believe that is one of Godrick's territories. Down in the Weeping Peninsula."

"Right so you do know. That place is most likely ridden with misbegottens right now. I will leave you two in charge with conquering it." Tyr summoned longsword he was given to by Gunne before his death.

"But your majesty, we are only two people. Taking over an entire base by ourselves is..." Gunne was unsure of this idea. From the perspective of a soldier, wars are fought by two sides and an enormous amount of people on each. Tactics both egregious and straightforward are used by either side of the battle. And only one victor remains. But Tyr sees it differently.

"Gunne, a thousand ants will be slain by one troll. Let alone two. Stop underestimating yourself and questioning my judgement. I will not send you to your doom." Tyr's perspective was quality vs quantity. And quality always wins.

"Yes M'Lord, We will head to Castle Morne as fast as we can." Gunne informs him.

"Good, make sure you use the technique I taught you. You'll get there faster if you do. I will give you three days time to take Castle Morne by storm." Tyr said.

(Thy faith in me is impenetrable. Does thou not know failure?) Gunne looked at Tyr in awe.

"Also, if you meet a girl with impaired vision. Do not leave her unattended." Tyr imbued some of his chakra into Jelly. (If I'm right, spirit ashes should realistically work like Edo Tensei. So I shouldn't have to be close to them for them to function on their own.)

"Understood, we shall depart. I pray thy are victorious in the days to come." With that said, Gunne turned his back to Tyr and lunged down the tile road. Jelly makes an ecstatic gesture toward Tyr before departing.

Tyr wandered into the hallway past the platoon's defenses. In there was a Site Of Grace. His hand hovers over the illuminant construct and registers his being, lightning up that small portion of the corridors for a split second. (Wait, if it does work like Edo Tensei then I should get more spirit ashes to cover more ground.)

As he thought of the future actions he should take, his beautiful maiden appears. "Greetings, Tyr."

"Sòlas!" He wrapped his arms around her. "It's good to see you!!"

She was shocked by his suddenness but responds to his greetings. "Have I been missed?"

"You could say something like that." Tyr smiled.

"I apologize, I set off to find an item that may aid you in your upcoming battle." She pulls out the Twin blades and hands the weapon to him. (The twin blades!! How'd I forget to grab these?)

"This weapon is called the Twin Blades. It is known for its attacks in quick succession. Fitting for someone of your caliber." Tyr takes the gift happily. "Thank you. The bigger guys are usually slower so this will come in handy."