Chapter Two Master Waste

It was late at night.

In a warehouse in the suburbs of Haixia City.

Faint screams came from the warehouse.

Three men were tied up and hung from the ceiling of the warehouse, naked and covered in bruises.

Beside them were several expressionless suited men.

"I confess, I confess everything! Everything I did was arranged by the eldest young master!"

"Second Young Master, spare us! We dare not anymore!"

The bound men begged desperately in front of them.

Who could have imagined that these tough guys who had done many shady things for Wu Zhixing, the former chairman of the Wu Group, would be so pathetic at this moment.

"Why do you only confess when I'm forced to be rough?" Wu Zhiming said helplessly, sitting in front of the three men, crossing his legs and looking a little majestic in his indifference.

At the age of 28, Wu Zhiming had a maturity that didn't match his age.

Such a Wu Zhiming had already overturned the perception of the three men in front of him.

Before today, they always thought that this good-looking and extraordinary second young master of the Wu family was a weak and incompetent coward.

In fact, many people in Haixia City also thought that Wu Zhiming was a coward, a coward who would not fight back or curse back.

Who could have imagined that such a coward had personally sent his eldest brother, Wu Zhixing, the chairman of the Wu Group, to prison, and at the same time, had plunged the entire Wu Group into turmoil and on the verge of bankruptcy. The chairman of the Wu Group, Wu Zhixing, was sent to prison, and at the same time, the entire Wu Group was plunged into turmoil and on the verge of bankruptcy.

"People are cheapskates, and they won't confess until their bones are broken." A middle-aged man standing next to Wu Zhiming said.

"Dong Jian, you're so cruel! We're all the eldest young master's men!" One of the three shouted excitedly.

"Then break their bones. I hope to get something more valuable." Wu Zhiming said with a smile.

So, several suited men picked up their tools again and started to hit the three men.

The ground was already filled with splattered blood.

Wu Zhiming calmly raised his right hand, extended his middle finger and index finger.

Dong Jian, standing next to him, skillfully took out a cigarette and placed it on Wu Zhiming's fingers, then lit it.

Wu Zhiming smoked, leaned back in his chair, and said softly, "The best song in the world is the moan of an enemy. Don't you think so?"

"Yes!" Dong Jian nodded. He didn't feel any sympathy for the tragic situation of the three men in front of him. These three people had done too many things that were hated by both man and God, and now, it was just retribution.

 As for the so-called eldest young master... Dong Jian smirked. The self-righteous rich young master had committed many evils, and now he was waiting in prison for the judgment of the law. He probably never dreamed that his weak and cowardly younger brother had grown into an ambitious person without his notice!

After a long time, the three bound men once again revealed some big cheese black material about Wu Zhixing.

Wu Zhiming finished smoking a cigarette at this time. He pinched out the cigarette and said to Dong Jian, "That woman has been actively lobbying at the top recently, hoping to keep the sentence within the scope of probation. With these things, I think he will never get out of prison in his life, right?"

"Why not just kill him!" Dong Jian said.

Wu Zhiming was silent for a moment and said, "The most painful thing for a person is not to end his life, but to let him live and watch the things that once belonged to him being taken away by the person he looks down on the most. The feud between me and him cannot be ended simply by killing each other. I...want him to suffer even more."

 Wu Zhiming said this with incomparable calmness, as if he was saying something as mundane as "I want to eat". However, the content of his words was bone-chilling.

The three already tortured men, who were now on the verge of death, could no longer contain their inner horror. One of them trembled and said, "Second Young Master, the Eldest Young Master is, after all, your elder brother, and he has treated you well. How could you treat him like this?"

"Blood brothers? Treated me well?" Wu Zhiming looked at the other party, smiled coldly, and said, "If it weren't for my father's protection, and if I hadn't done my best to be a useless second young master of the Wu family for so many years, my so-called blood brother would have sent me to see the ancestors of the Wu family long ago. For the sake of the Wu family, I chose to endure, but I never expected that in the end, he and that woman would attack my father! Toppling Wu Zhixing is only the first step. The hatred of killing my father is unforgivable. One day, everyone will pay the price for what happened three years ago! None of them can escape!!"

 At this point, a terrifying killing intent erupted in Wu Zhiming's eyes, and a powerful pressure burst out from Wu Zhiming's body.

Whether it was Wu Zhiming's men or the bound men, everyone felt a terrifying sense of suffocation.

At this moment, the bound men really realized that the second young master of the Wu family was not a weak and incompetent person at all!

He is definitely a man-eating devil!

Weak and incompetent, just his disguise!

 Jingle Bell.

Wu Zhiming's cell phone suddenly rang.

Wu Zhiming picked up his phone and took a look, and the killing intent on his body dissipated instantly.

"Hello, Jingjing." Wu Zhiming said in a gentle voice.

"It's quite late. I'm going to sleep." A woman's voice came from the other end of the phone. The voice was not cold, but very insipid like plain water without any other emotion.

"Well, okay. I'll be right back." Wu Zhiming replied as usual.

After hearing this, the other end hung up, and then Wu Zhiming put away his phone.

"Mrs. Young?" Dong Jian asked from the side.

 "Yeah!" Wu Zhiming nodded.

"Master, during your years of lurking, the one you feel most sorry for is Mrs. Young, who is kept in the dark!" Dong Jian said.

"Yeah..." Wu Zhiming nodded and said, "Yao Jing is a business strong woman who is famous throughout Haixia City. She is the most beautiful rose with thorns. When I married her four years ago, it was the biggest joke in Haixia City. I thought she would give up and leave me in at most one year, but unexpectedly, she lasted for four years and was also laughed at for four years."

 "What are your plans then?" Dong Jian asked.

"I've been lurking for three years and now I rise to power overnight. That woman and her family behind her will surely not sit idly by. The road ahead won't be easy, and there's no need for her to take on this risk. I think it's time for me to divorce her!" Wu Zhiming said seriously.

"Will Mrs. Young agree?" Dong Jian frowned.

"These four years haven't been easy for her. Maybe she's also waiting for me to bring it up. After all, no one likes a coward, especially a strong woman like her." Wu Zhiming said with a touch of melancholy. It was late at night.

Room B1002, Jingyuan Community, Haixia City.

Wu Zhiming pushed open the door of his own home.

A slight cool breeze came from inside the door, and a woman was sitting on the sofa in the living room, typing on the computer.

This is Yao Jing, the woman who has been married to Wu Zhiming for four years.

Yao Jing is a woman who is enough to cause a disaster to the country and the people.

If you don't know what the four great beauties in ancient times looked like, as long as you see Yao Jing, you will know that the so-called four great beauties are nothing more than this.

Yao Jing is 1.7 meters tall, which is a slightly tall height that doesn't put pressure on men.

 Her weight has never exceeded 95 pounds, nor has it dropped below 90 pounds. This combination of weight and figure is a golden ratio.

She has a head of soft and long hair and a pair of beautiful big eyes.

The thin lips at home are not painted with any lipstick, but they are extraordinarily red, making people can't help but want to kiss them.

The slightly low-cut clothes show her white neck and collarbone without any obstruction.

The silk pajamas are slightly loose, but still can't hide her perfect body curves.

Yao Jing, who is skilled in yoga, has the most perfect golden ratio for both her chest, waist, and hips, and she can unlock any difficult movements.

 Four years ago, Yao Jing, who was in her early twenties, attracted countless eyes as soon as she appeared in the business world.

It is said that her suitors could roll the entire Haixia City.

Therefore, when Yao Jing married Wu Zhiming four years ago, the hearts of all the men in Haixia City were broken, while all the women were as happy as if it was the New Year.

What could be more delightful than an exceedingly beautiful young marrying a weak and useless man?

Over the past four years, countless people have gloated, and even more people have spread rumors about Yao Jing and other men's affairs.

After all, Wu Zhiming is such a coward man, no one believes that Yao Jing would willingly become Wu Zhiming's woman.

Wu Zhiming walked to Yao Jing's side and sat down. "Jingjing, my eldest brother, he... has been arrested," Wu Zhiming said cautiously after a moment's hesitation.

"Hmm?" Yao Jing stared at the computer screen without saying much.

"I heard that the Wu family is in turmoil, and they will face huge fines and compensations in the future. It is estimated that they are not far from bankruptcy," Wu Zhiming added.

"And then?" Yao Jing stopped her actions and looked at Wu Zhiming calmly.

"And then... I was thinking, four years ago, you were married to me by the Yaos. I know it wasn't because we had feelings for each other, but because the Yaos wanted to tufthunting the Wu family. Now... the Wu family is no longer what it used to be, and it doesn't have muchvalue in use for the Yaos. Then you... in fact, you can also leave me. I know you haven't been happy these four years. Don't worry, I will tell others that I offer the divorce... it won't affect you," Wu Zhiming said, carefully looking at Yao Jing's face. "Is that all?" Yao Jing asked calmly.

Wu Zhiming nodded.

"Go back to your room and sleep. I still have some things to deal with." Yao Jing said.

"What about the divorce?" Wu Zhiming looked at Yao Jing in confusion.

"me, Yao Jing, it's your wife for a day and your wife for a lifetime. Even if I die by your side, I will not divorce you." Yao Jing said, waving her hand.

Yao Jing's words shocked Wu Zhiming.

He thought that the divorce would be a smooth thing, but he didn't expect Yao Jing to refuse, and so firmly.

Why? He and Yao Jing had no physical relationship, not even slept together. Why didn't Yao Jing divorce him?

Wu Zhiming looked at Yao Jing and after a moment of silence, got up and walked back to the room.