Chapter 3 costs $1 billion

Wang Hai's words, like ground thunder general, will be because of the success of cash shares and jubilation of people to blast dull.

Everyone can't believe looking at Wang Hai, and then looking at Wu Zhiming.

The general manager of this Yao gold capital, how can call Wu Zhiming boss?

"What, what's going on here? !" Shen Hongyue looked at Wang Hai in horror and said, "Wang, you, you have the wrong person?"

"The boss of Yaojin Capital, how can I be wrong?" Wang Hai said with a smile.

The boss of Yaojin Capital?

Hearing this, the crowd was again in a trance.

That weak and incompetent Wu Zhiming, how changed, became the boss of Yao gold capital?

Wu Zhiming mouth with a slight smile, with those acquisition contracts went straight to the chairman's position, and then sat down.

This is the first time Wu has sat in this position in his life.

Looking at the dazed crowd in the meeting room, Wu Zhiming waved his hand and said, "You can all go away, Wu's Group, now it is mine."

Those in the past did not take Wu Zhiming in the eyes of the Wu Group executives, at this time is finally a taste.

This Yao gold capital, actually is Wu Zhiming! And Wu Zhiming actually used Yao gold capital acquisition Wu Group!

Is this the same cowardly and incompetent Wu Zhiming? How did he become the boss of Yaojin Capital? You know, Yaojin Capital just came up with a billion cash acquisition of Wu's group!

Even at the peak of the Wu Group, it is absolutely impossible to have more than $1 billion in cash on the books!

Where did Wu get the money?

This series of questions, let everyone doubt to the extreme.

"Wu Zhiming, how can you be the boss of Yaojin Capital, impossible! You bastard, where did you get the money? !" Shen Hongyue pointed to Wu Zhiming, excitedly called.

"Spawn?" Wu Zhiming sneered and said, "Wang Hai, throw her out of my company."

'Yes! Wang Hai nodded, command a few men directly will Shen Hongyue stand, go to the meeting room.

"Wu Zhiming, you can't do this, I am your aunt, I am your father's house, how dare you... Ah!"

Shen Hongyue's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a scream. I think it should be really thrown out.

The meeting room was silent, and the executives of the Wu Group, as well as the relatives of the Wu family, all stood in place at this time.

"Are you going to be thrown out, or walk out?" Wu Zhiming looked around at the people present, asked.

They looked at each other and left.

At this time, there are too many doubts in their hearts, but it is certain that Wu Zhiming is no longer the former Wu Zhiming.

"Congratulations to the boss, hibernation for so long, one fell swoop to win the whole Wu Group." Wang Hai said with a smile.

"The value of a Wu Group is less than one-tenth of the owner's wealth. If the owner didn't want Wu Group to go bankrupt, the group would not even have the value of acquisition." Dong Jian said from the side.

"Anyway, Wu's group is my father's effort, can't be destroyed in this way in Shen Hongyue's hand, and this, just a small step to counter, good play is still behind, if let these people find, they sold Wu's group with one billion, immediately will be worth tens of billions, don't know what they will be expression." Wu Zhiming said with a smile.

"They will regret their death. The best revenge is not physical destruction, but mental torture, ha ha ha!" Wang Hai laughed.

Wu Zhiming smiled, just want to talk when the phone rang suddenly.

Wu Zhiming took a look and found that it was a cold call, but it was local.

Wu answered the phone.

"Wu Zhiming, I am Yao Jing's bide friend Song Siqing, if you were a man, you would immediately come to Tianjiao company, Yao Jing was bullied! In the company meeting room!" The other end of the phone came an excited woman's cry, and then did not wait for Wu Zhiming to answer, the other party hung up the phone.

Wu Zhiming put away the phone, got up and walked out.

"Where are you going, boss? "Wang asked.

"Tianjiao Company."

Meanwhile, Tianjiao company.

Song Siqing hung up the phone, the corner of her mouth slightly warped, showing a proud smile.

She lied that Yao Jing was bullied, if Wu Zhiming did not come, then she will tell Yao Jing this thing, Yao Jing will be very sad, then will divorce Wu Zhiming.

If Wu Zhiming came, it would be better, Yao's snobbish eyes can be in the meeting room, with Wu's current situation, Wu Zhiming came, will be absolutely humiliated.

Yao Jing as the company's executive president, her husband was humiliated in public, unless she did not want to do, otherwise no matter how, this marriage, she will leave!

"Quiet, I also this is good for you, you don't blame me!" Song Siqing murmured in secret.

Ten minutes later.

Mr. Wu's Hyundai Elantawas parked in the parking lot of Tianjiao.

Wu Zhiming got off the car and walked to the elevator with his mobile phone.

A woman's voice came from the phone.

"Yao Jing is currently attending the company meeting, and most of the attendees are Yao's family members. I didn't find anyone bullying her. Song Siqing, who called you, tried to persuade Yao Jing to divorce you this morning."

"I see." Wu Zhiming said, hung up the phone, and then walked into the elevator.

The elevator soon reached the office floor.

Wu Zhiming stepped out of the elevator and headed straight for the office.

"Here it is! Song Siqing saw Wu Zhiming appeared, some surprised, according to her inference, Wu Zhiming this coward, a great probability is not to appear.

But good for showing up!

Song Siqing stood up and walked toward Wu Zhiming.

At this time, many people in the whole company are paying attention to Wu Zhiming.

Although Wu Zhiming did not come to the company, but many people know him, after all, their president so strong a person, find so weak a person when the husband, this thing as gossip in the company for many years.

"Wu Zhiming, hurry up, they are in the office!" Song Siqing came to Wu Zhiming in front of, excited said.

Song Siqing is Yao Jing's BFF, Wu Zhiming naturally know her.

'Well! Wu nodded and sped toward the meeting room.

"Wu Zhiming, don't blame me, blame you don't deserve quiet!" Song Siqing looked at Wu Zhiming's? "Whispered the background.

Wu Zhiming came to the door of the conference room.

He knows for a while after opening the door he can meet is nothing more than Yao family scorn for him, Song Siqing lied that Yao Jing was bullied let him come over, estimation is also to let him be Yao family humiliation.

Her husband was humiliated in the company, even Yao Jing, should also be unable to stand it?

At that time, maybe Yao Jing will agree to a divorce!

Wu reached out and grasped the door handle.

Just about to open the door, but heard the door came Yao Jing's voice.

"Ask ME to divorce WU Zhiming, IMPOSSIBLE!"

This sound is very firm, very strong, through the door, directly into Wu Zhiming's ear, and then go to the heart.

Wu stopped his hand and did not continue pushing the door.

"Jing Jing, now the Wu family has no use value, we are also for your happiness! Divorce Wu Zhiming, you can still find, anyway is still young." A woman's voice, this voice Wu Zhiming know, is his mother-in-law Zhou Yanqiu's voice.

"Mother, you don't have to say, I won't divorce!" Yao Jing's voice was as calm and firm as ever.

"Yao Jing, the young master of the Li family has made it clear that he will not care about your past marriage, our company's development has reached a bottleneck, if there is the help of the Li family, the company will easily break through the existing calm, and, the most important point, the Wu family has not been able to, if you are still the daught-in-law of the Wu family, it is possible that we Yao family will also be implicated, so you or divorce. As long as you are divorced, you will still be the CEO of the company. If you are not divorced, you will go to be a clerk." A cold voice came, this is Yao Jing's grandfather Yao Tianlong's voice.

"When the company encountered a bottleneck, it was you who asked me to marry the Wu family. Now the company has encountered a bottleneck again, and you still want to send me out. Is it possible that we can only sell Yao women's bodies to do business? Since you decided to marry me to the Wu family four years ago, I will always be a Wu for the rest of my life. Don't let me be CEO, then I should not, want me to divorce, impossible!" "Yao Jing said.

"Yao Jing, you are too ignorant!"

"That's it, how do you talk to your grandfather!"

"Yao Jing, you take yourself too seriously, the Wu family has been dead, do you think you or the Wu family two young lady?"

All sorts of insults and scorn came from the back of the room.

Wu Zhiming no longer hesitated, grabbed the door handle and pulled hard.

The door of the office opened, and Mr. Wu walked in.

The room was full of Yao's family.

When Wu Zhiming walked into the meeting room, many Yao family members are facing Yao Jingyi Qi command, heard the movement at the door, many people have looked over.

"Oh, isn't this the second master of the Wu family? Yao Jing his husband?" Yao Jing's cousin Yao Shanchuan playful look at Wu Zhiming said.

Yao Jing saw Wu Zhiming, frowned slightly, got up and walked to Wu Zhiming, whispered, "How did you come?"

"My daughter-in-law is being bullied. Of course I'm coming." Wu Zhiming said.

Hear this, Yao Jing Leng once, Wu Zhiming this state of speaking, with usual he is not like.

"Stop fooling around and go home." Yao Jing urged way.

"Come don't hurry to go, Wu Zhiming, see you this posture, is to find us Xingshi blame? How do you, a bankrupt Wu's second young master, also dare to our Yao to show his power?" Yao Shanchuan face contemptuous said.

"It's just that I can't get used to someone bullying my daughter-in-law. I heard something just now at the door. Since you think my Wu family is worthless, from now on, all cooperation between the Wu family and the Yao family will be put on hold." Wu Zhiming expressively said.

Around Yao family heard this, as if to hear some big joke, everyone laughed.

"Wu Zhiming, aren't you crazy? The Wu family is now on the verge of bankruptcy. We would like to break off cooperation with the Wu family. Moreover, what qualifications do you have to be the master of the Wu family based on your second brother?" Yao Shanchuan hubristic big smile.

"Know your destiny, don't say it." Yao Jing took Wu Zhiming's hand, she knows Wu Zhiming is for her head, but Wu Zhiming said these words, in her opinion is too childish.

Wu Zhiming sneered, picked up the phone to make a phone call out.

"From now on, we will immediately suspend all cooperation with the Yao family." Wu Zhiming said. "Oh, the play is a good look, this is to find an actor?" Yao Shanchuan continues to laugh.

Just then, sitting in the top position has been silent Yao Tianlong's mobile phone rang suddenly.

Yao Tianlong picked up the phone, and everyone in the meeting room closed their mouths.

Yao Shachuan playfully looked at Wu Zhiming, wait for his grandfather to finish the phone, he will continue to mock Wu Zhiming this person who does not know the heaven and earth.

"What did you say? Really?" Yao Tianlong called in horror.

All people are curious to look at Yao Tianlong, do not know what he heard so shocked.

After a long time, Yao Tianlong put down the phone, look at Wu Zhiming solemnly said, "You... Just spent $1 billion to buy all the shares of the Wu Group?"

This sentence, let the people in the meeting room collective confusion.