Chapter 7 An Appointment Among Old Classmates

"Yanqiu, let's go. Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings!" Yao Jianyong took the opportunity to hold Zhou Yanqiu's hand and led Zhou Yanqiu towards the door.

"Jingjing, you must think it through by yourself. Mom is doing this all for your own good! You said that I, as your mother, could I harm you?" Zhou Yanqiu said affectionately while standing at the door. At this time, she had already changed her strategy because the words of Wu Zhiming just now made her feel scared. She had a premonition that if she continued to lose her temper, the consequences would definitely not be very good.

"I know what I'm doing." Yao Jing said.

"All right, Mom believes in you!" Zhou Yanqiu said as she opened her arms to hug Yao Jing, patted Yao Jing's back, and then turned and left.

Yao Jing closed the door properly and walked to sit opposite Wu Zhiming.

"Why won't you divorce me?" Wu Zhiming asked a question that he had always wanted to ask.

"Maybe I'm just born cheap. The more someone pushes me away, the more I don't want to leave." Yao Jing said faintly.

Wu Zhiming frowned and looked at Yao Jing. Of course, he wouldn't believe such words from Yao Jing. However, looking at Yao Jing's appearance, she didn't seem willing to tell him the truth.

"Really not divorcing?" Wu Zhiming asked.

"Well." Yao Jing nodded.

"Well... Can we sleep together at night?" Wu Zhiming asked again.

"Did I stop you from sleeping with me?" Yao Jing asked.

"Well, not really." Wu Zhiming smiled and scratched his head, saying, "It's better to sleep separately."

"Zhiming, come here for a moment." Yao Jing beckoned to Wu Zhiming.

Wu Zhiming got up and walked in front of Yao Jing, squatted down and asked, "What's the matter?"

"You've changed." Yao Jing looked directly at Wu Zhiming and said, "You've changed since yesterday. You are no longer submissive, you start to be glib, and you speak more domineering than before. You've become not like you."

"People will change, especially after having enough power." Wu Zhiming said.

"Then tell me, behind you, is there really no one?" Yao Jing asked.

"No." Wu Zhiming shook his head.

"You still don't take me as your wife!" Yao Jing sighed, and then got up and walked back to her own room.

Wu Zhiming smiled helplessly. If she were Yao Jing, she would definitely not believe that he could casually take out one billion.

That's one billion, not ten yuan.


At this moment, Wu Zhiming's mobile phone rang.

Wu Zhiming picked up the phone and put it to his ear.

"I just received the news that Shen Hongyue has submitted black materials about the Wu Group to the higher-ups." Dong Jian's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"That woman... Does she hope to increase the fine amount imposed on the Wu Group by the higher-ups?" Wu Zhiming asked.

"It should be like this." Dong Jian said.

"What a silly woman." Wu Zhiming's mouth curled up slightly and said playfully, "The black materials of the Wu Group are the black materials of Wu Xingzhi. She thinks she has got through the upper-level relationship and doesn't need to care about this little bit of black materials. Little does she know that any little bit of black materials is pushing Wu Xingzhi to a dead end. It's not me who kills Wu Xingzhi, it's his mother!"

"Do you want me to call Minister Xu and ask him to say hello to the industry and commerce here in Haixia City to reduce the fine amount?" Dong Jian asked.

"The Wu Group has done something wrong and should be punished. There is no need to call Lao Xu for that little bit of money. Let that woman keep jumping around. The good show is about to be staged soon." Wu Zhiming said.


Downstairs of Wu Zhiming's home.

Zhou Yanqiu walked out of the building with a cold face.

"No matter what, we must let Wu Zhiming divorce Jingjing as soon as possible, and then let Jingjing go to find Young Master Li. Only in this way can Jingjing get back her position as the CEO!" Zhou Yanqiu said.

"But Jingjing is determined not to divorce. What can you do? That Wu Zhiming has changed his temperament greatly and doesn't seem to be as easy to bully as before!" Yao Jianyong said helplessly.

"He is just relying on a backer, so he is so confident? Wait, as long as his company goes bankrupt and the backer abandons him, he will become the same as before! Humph, a guy who depends on a woman, really thinks his wings are hard!" Zhou Yanqiu said viciously.


Outside the Meet Café on Zhongshan Pedestrian Street.

Yao Jing and Song Siqing are sitting under the brown umbrella outside the café.

There are people coming and going on the pedestrian street, and there are many beautiful women.

Haixia City is a city that produces many beautiful women, and the number of beautiful women is enough to rank among the top few in the entire Dragon Kingdom.

However, among the pedestrian streets with many beautiful women, Yao Jing and Song Siqing are definitely at the BOSS level.

People coming and going on the road, as long as they see these two people, it is very difficult to move their eyes away.

Both Yao Jing and Song Siqing are wearing suit skirts, but the two are completely different styles. Yao Jing puts both hands on the armrests of the chair, with one leg cock and placed on the other leg, and the overbearing aura of the cold and glamorous CEO is clearly visible. While Song Siqing has her legs close together, both hands propped up on her chin, facing Yao Jing, her mouth keeps moving, and a pair of eyes are extremely agile and full of spirit. "Jingjing, what exactly happened in the morning? How come after you left, the company announced that your position was removed?" Song Siqing asked curiously.

"Maybe they think I'm not suitable to be the CEO anymore." Yao Jing said calmly, not showing any sign of just losing her job at all.

"And let that Yao Shanchuan be the CEO. They must be really crazy. What kind of person is Yao Shanchuan? He is good at eating, drinking, whoring, and gambling, and he also likes to flirt with female employees. With such a person as the CEO, I don't see any hope for the company's future." Song Siqing shook her head and sighed.

Yao Jing didn't speak, but looked at the people coming and going next to her, as if thinking about something.

"By the way, I also heard a joke just before getting off work. Someone said that Wu Zhiming actually spent one billion to buy the Wu Group. Hahaha, do you think it's funny or not? Just that Wu Zhiming, he may not even be able to take out one hundred thousand yuan, let alone one billion. Hahaha!" Song Siqing laughed.

"Do you also think that he couldn't take out one billion, right?" Yao Jing asked.

"Of course, this is absolutely impossible!" Song Siqing said firmly.

"Then there must be someone behind him." Yao Jing muttered in a low voice. She seldom showed interest in Wu Zhiming's private affairs, but this time was an exception.

"What did you say?" Song Siqing didn't hear Yao Jing's words and asked curiously.

"Nothing." Yao Jing shook her head.

"By the way, do you remember this person He Shuhui?" Song Siqing asked.

"Remember." Yao Jing nodded. He Shuhui was a high school classmate of both her and Song Siqing. She was very good-looking. In other classes, she could at least be a class belle, but unfortunately, she was in the same class as her and Song Siqing, at best she could only be a group belle. If she was unlucky enough to be in the same group as her or Song Siqing, then she could only be a desk belle.

Because of this, He Shuhui was always at odds with them during high school.

"This woman married a rich man in the neighboring Tianlu City. She has returned to Haixia City these two days and is convening a gathering of our high school classmates. You have to be careful. That woman was suppressed by the two of us in high school. Now that she has married a rich man and come back to hold a classmate gathering, eighty percent is to show off!" Song Siqing said seriously.

"Don't think of people so badly. Maybe she just simply wants to meet with classmates since it's been many years since they haven't seen each other." Yao Jing said.

"Pfft, how could it be? I tell you, anyone who holds a classmate gathering is someone who is doing well and wants to show off! One hundred percent! And this He Shuhui has always been at odds with us. She will definitely take her husband out to show off, especially you. You married a person like Wu Zhiming. If she knows about it, she won't not show off." Song Siqing said firmly.

Yao Jing smiled and just wanted to say something when suddenly her phone rang.

Yao Jing picked up the phone and took a look, and found that it was a strange number, and the number belonged to Tianlu City.

Tianlu City?

Yao Jing seemed to have a premonition and picked up the phone.

Just as he had predicted, a somewhat familiar woman's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Is it Yao Jing?" the person on the other end of the phone asked.

"Well, it's me. Who are you?" Yao Jing asked.

"I'm Shuhui, He Shuhui. We were high school classmates. Do you still remember?" the woman on the other end of the phone asked.

"Oh, Shuhui... remember, remember." Yao Jing said.

Hearing this, Song Siqing on the side lit up and then opened her mouth and whispered, "Classmate gathering."

"Well, like this, Yao Jing. I just came back from Tianlu City and thought that our high school classmates haven't seen each other for a long time, so I'm planning to hold a classmate gathering. The time is tomorrow. You are our class belle and the vice-monitor. You must attend!" He Shuhui on the other end of the phone said with a smile.

"I... may not have time." Yao Jing said while looking at Song Siqing who was looking at her smugly.

"Are you worried that your husband will be jealous? Don't worry. This gathering can bring family members. I also plan to bring my husband! Then it will be just right for them to understand our school days?" He Shuhui said.

"I'll see." Yao Jing said. Although she didn't like to guess others with malice, but... she felt that what Song Siqing said should be right. He Shuhui holding this classmate gathering should be for showing off, and maybe even for stimulating her.

So, for such a gathering, she didn't want to attend.

She is not afraid of others ridiculing her because of Wu Zhiming, but she definitely doesn't have the reason to stick her face out to be beaten by others.

"Stop looking. You must come. I'll send you the address of the gathering later. I can't wait to see you already... Alright, that's it for now. I still have to call others... By the way, you inform Song Siqing. I know you have always been best friends with her. I won't call her." He Shuhui said and hung up the phone.