Chapter 8 Management Reshuffle

"How is it? How is it? Is it about the classmate gathering?" Song Siqing asked with big gossipy eyes wide open.

"Well!" Yao Jing nodded and said, "She said that she will organize a classmate gathering tomorrow night and let me go too, and also said to bring my husband along."

"Even for the gathering, she still asks you to bring Wu Zhiming along! This is definitely up to no good! This woman is planning to step on you and Wu Zhiming at the gathering! She's really insidious!" Song Siqing gritted her teeth and said.

"Don't think of people so badly." Yao Jing said.

"How about we make a bet? I bet she will definitely take the opportunity of the classmate gathering to humiliate you and Wu Zhiming! If I win, you divorce Wu Zhiming!" Song Siqing said.

"I've already told you, don't mention the matter of me divorcing him again. This time I'm really angry. I'm leaving first." Yao Jing got up with a cold face and turned around and left.

"Hey, Jingjing, don't be angry! You're really angry! I just said that casually!" Song Siqing hurriedly chased after her, took Yao Jing's hand and coaxed for a long time before coaxing Yao Jing well.

"Are you really not going tomorrow?" Song Siqing asked.

"No. Both Zhiming and I don't like that kind of occasion. No matter whether we will be humiliated or not, we will feel uncomfortable. Since that's the case, it's better not to go. You can go to participate. She asked me to convey the message to you." Yao Jing said.

"You see her, she won't even make a phone call to me! Humph, but even so, I will go too. I kind of want to see what her rich husband is like and whether he can withstand the temptation!" Song Siqing showed a mischievous smile on her face.

"I can tell you, she is married. Don't mess around!" Yao Jing said seriously.

"It's good that she is married. I can help our classmate He Shuhui test whether her husband is loyal or not! It can also be considered not being classmates for nothing!" Song Siqing said with a smile.

"You, you!" Yao Jing reached out and poked Song Siqing's forehead. This Song Siqing has a lively personality and has always been like this since childhood. In high school, He Shuhui had the most feuds with her. If Song Siqing really goes to the classmate gathering, then the classmate gathering tomorrow night will be lively.

"Well, I won't wander around anymore. I still have to go to work! See you tomorrow!" Song Siqing said goodbye to Yao Jing with a smile, and then left bouncing with her bag in her hand.

See you tomorrow? I won't see you if I'm a ghost!

Yao Jing let out a coquettish grunt and turned to the other side.

On the other side.

In the chairman's office of the Wu Group.

Wu Zhiming's cell phone suddenly rang.

Wu Zhiming glanced at the phone and picked it up.

"It's still me, Song Siqing." Song Siqing's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Well, I know it's you. What's the matter?" Wu Zhiming asked.

"I'm telling you one thing. Tomorrow night is our high school classmate gathering. Jingjing is also my high school classmate, and she is invited to this gathering too." Song Siqing said.

"And then?" Wu Zhiming asked.

"This gathering is the first one after many years. We all hope that more classmates can come. However, Jingjing doesn't seem to plan to participate... It seems that she is afraid that you will be jealous. So, I hope you can help persuade Jingjing. Of course, don't worry, this gathering allows family members to come, and you come too!" Song Siqing said.

"I know. I will tell him later." Wu Zhiming said.

"Well, thank you. By the way... I have a small question and hope you can answer me." Song Siqing said.

"What question?"

"I heard that you spent one billion to buy the Wu Group. Is this true?" Song Siqing asked curiously.

"It's true."

"Whew!" Song Siqing on the other end of the phone gasped.

"If there's nothing else, that's it for now." After Wu Zhiming finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

On the other end of the phone, there were all kinds of expressions on Song Siqing's small face.

She just heard more rumors just now, and those rumors were quite vivid, so she thought of asking finally, but she didn't expect that Wu Zhiming actually gave her an affirmative answer.

How could this be possible?

Where did Wu Zhiming get one billion from?

Song Siqing couldn't figure it out no matter how she thought.

Not only Song Siqing couldn't figure this out, many people in Haixia City also couldn't figure it out.

The matter that Wu Zhiming lavishly spent one billion to buy the Wu Group finally fermented.

In the afternoon, quite a number of people already knew about this.

Many people, like Song Siqing, couldn't understand why Wu Zhiming could take out one billion, and all kinds of speculations in the market also emerged one after another.

Some people guessed that Wu Zhiming was kept by a rich woman, and some people guessed that Wu Zhiming was a male escort. After all, Wu Zhiming was still very handsome. Not only women liked this kind, but also some men liked him like this.

Some people also guessed that Wu Zhiming was just a puppet and was put on the stage, and the main purpose of the other party was to acquire the Wu Group.

No matter how strange these speculations were, the core content was that the money that Wu Zhiming used to buy the Wu Group was not his own.

However, no matter whose money Wu Zhiming used to buy the Wu Group, it was doomed to be a losing deal, because the total sum of the fines and compensation amounts that the Wu Group was about to face, the conservative estimate had already exceeded the total assets of the entire group.

In the eyes of everyone, Wu Zhiming's glory was only temporary. As long as that fine notice came down, the Wu Group would inevitably collapse with a bang.

The next morning.

Wu Zhiming came to the company very early.

"Boss, just as you said before, ninety percent of the entire management of the company didn't come today." Wang Hai said to Wu Zhiming with a smile.

"Shen Hongyue and Wu Zhixing have run the company for many years, and almost all the senior management of the company are his people. It's only natural that this kind of situation occurs. Fire all these people." Wu Zhiming said faintly.

"Seventy percent of these people didn't come to work only after listening to Shen Hongyue's order, and another twenty percent are waiting and seeing. Do we also fire these people?" Wang Hai asked.

"The company doesn't need fence-sitters. Let them all go." Wu Zhiming said.

"Yes!" Wang Hai nodded.

"In addition, bring up all those people we have placed in the lower levels of the company over the years. It's time for them to play their roles." Wu Zhiming said.

"Shen Hongyue will definitely be confused." Wang Hai laughed.

"No, she won't be confused. She will only think that since we choose managers from the bottom-level personnel, then we are already at a dead end." Wu Zhiming said with a smile.

"The more she thinks we are at a dead end, the more uncomfortable she will be when everything turns upside down. Boss, this move you played is really heart-breaking! Wonderful, wonderful!" Wang Hai exclaimed.

Wu Zhiming smiled and didn't say much.

At nine o'clock in the morning.

A huge news came out within the Wu Group.

Ninety percent of the middle and senior management in the Wu Group were all fired.

The entire management of the Wu Group was emptied in an instant, and the operation of the group suddenly fell into a stagnant state.

Somewhere in Haixia City.

"Still too young!" Shen Hongyue faced a group of Wu family members and said with a sneer, "When you're young, you're impetuous. Especially for someone like Wu Zhiming who has been suppressed for more than twenty years. Once they gain power, they probably think the whole world is theirs. Whoever stands in their way, they will get rid of whoever. Wu Zhiming actually dares to fire ninety percent of the senior executives all at once! Now I really want to see what kind of people he will use to operate the company! This billion that is likely to go down the drain will probably be quite a sight."

"Madam, this move of yours to take away the firewood from under the cauldron is really amazing!" The people around said one after another.

"What kind of thing is Wu Zhiming to fight against me? As long as he can't hold on, the people behind him will definitely make a move. Then I can take a good look at exactly which son of a bitch dares to make a move against me!" Shen Hongyue said with killing intent on her face.

Just at this moment, Dong Jian walked over from the side.

"Madam, we just received the news that Wu Zhiming has promoted some people from the bottom of the company to become the new management of the company." Dong Jian said.

"It seems that Wu Zhiming is also at his wits' end. He actually directly selects people from the bottom to enter the management. We just need to watch the drama next. The Wu Group is such a big mess. Without rich management and operation experience, the whole mess will collapse in a short time. Those people at the bottom only know how to follow orders and do things. Where do they know how to manage and operate?" Shen Hongyue said with a big laugh.

The people around nodded in agreement one after another.

On the other side, within the Wu Group.

Because of the large-scale departure of the management, the panic in the entire Wu Group once reached its peak.

Even the appearance of the new management couldn't eliminate this kind of panic, because the employees of the Wu Group found that almost all the new management were their former colleagues!

Suddenly, former colleagues became leaders. Not to mention whether they could get over it emotionally, everyone also quite doubted their abilities.

However, soon this panic began to dissipate, because many people found that the new management actually quickly and orderly arranged the work in the company!

These people knew the operation of the entire company like the back of their hand, and even knew every person's ability in the company like the back of their hand. They assigned tasks according to abilities, and everyone played the greatest role in their respective positions!

On this basis, Wu Zhiming waved his hand grandly and issued another welfare notice, increasing a lot of welfare for all the staff of the company.

Under these two measures, the panicked Wu Group actually stabilized in the blink of an eye!

Shen Hongyue, who learned this news, was completely confused.

"Are you sure the whole company is in perfect order?" Shen Hongyue asked Dong Jian beside her again. She still trusted her son's personal secretary very much. However, what Dong Jian said was too unbelievable for her.

"Yes!" Dong Jian nodded and said, "The company is operating very well, and the relationship with several partners is also very stable."

"Damn it, a mistake!" Shen Hongyue clenched her fist in annoyance. She was actually a very smart person. As soon as she heard Dong Jian say this, she knew that she had made a wrong decision.

Judging from the current situation of the Wu Group, Wu Zhiming and the people behind him should have already laid foreshadowing inside the Wu Group. And in order to paralyze the Wu Group, she deliberately let her people not go to work, which just gave Wu Zhiming the opportunity to fire those people. Wu Zhiming went with the flow and replaced the entire company with a brand new management!

This was a huge mistake. If she hadn't let those managers leave, then she could still know every move of the Wu Group like the back of her hand. Many times she could also use those managers to do something. Now, it's good that almost all the people who obeyed her have left. Then she can almost completely lose control over the Wu Group.