Chapter 12: Old Classmates Reunion

Night fell.

The Billy Manor, located in the suburbs of the Strait City, had been rented out for the day.

It was said that a young wealthy lady had rented the manor for one simple purpose: to host a class reunion.

Although the purpose was simple, the expense was considerable, because the rental fee for the Billy Manor started at least at one hundred thousand per day!

Under the cover of night, cars began to pull up one after another at the entrance of the manor.

Attentive waiters were already waiting to guide the guests into the manor.

At this moment, Song Siqing was already waiting at the entrance.

She was dressed in a beautiful evening gown, with a short hemline that exposed her slender and shapely legs, tempting anyone to take a bite.

Occasionally, old classmates greeted Song Siqing and invited her to enter the manor together, but she declined each time because she was waiting for someone.

"Hasn't that jerk, Wu Zhiming, said anything to Jingjing?" Song Siqing glanced at her watch and muttered to herself.

It was almost half-past seven now, and most of the people had already arrived at the manor. It had been ten minutes since she last saw someone arrive, and practically everyone who would attend the reunion should have already arrived.

"Damn mosquitoes!" Yao Jing angrily slapped a mosquito on her arm.

Just then, two beams of light approached from afar. Eventually, the lights stopped near Song Siqing.

"Oh my god, a Rolls-Royce Phantom! Who's the rich guy that came?" Song Siqing couldn't help but exclaim when she saw the flying emblem on the car's hood, then she looked towards the car door.

After the car came to a stop, the driver got out and opened the door.

"Wow, someone who can't even drive themselves, how prestigious!" Song Siqing muttered in surprise. Then, she saw the person who got out of the car.

"Wu Zhiming!" Song Siqing exclaimed in surprise as she saw Wu Zhiming getting out of the car. At this moment, Wu Zhiming was wearing a handsome suit, which was different from his usual attire, but Song Siqing still recognized him at a glance.

Wu Zhiming didn't seem to notice Song Siqing. He reached out to the person inside the car, and then, a slender jade hand reached out from the car door and placed itself in Wu Zhiming's hand.

Wu Zhiming smiled faintly and pulled the owner of the jade hand out.

Yao Jing appeared in front of Song Siqing like this.

"Oh my god!" Song Siqing couldn't help but scream when she saw Yao Jing appear.

"Siqing!" Yao Jing heard the voice and waved to Song Siqing.

"My goodness, Jingjing, how did you come in a Rolls-Royce!" Song Siqing quickly walked to Yao Jing's side and asked in surprise.

"I borrowed it from someone," Yao Jing smiled and said.

"Borrowed it?" Song Siqing was stunned for a moment, then annoyed, "Why didn't you come earlier? There were so many people at the door just now, and now there's no one. No one knows you came in a Rolls-Royce!"

"Why don't you go inside and get someone out here to have a look?" Wu Zhiming suggested.

"Yes! That's right, let's call them out!" Song Siqing's eyes lit up, and she actually intended to walk into the manor. However, Yao Jing grabbed her.

"Come on, let it go. I can't afford to lose face," Yao Jing said, linking arms with Song Siqing and leading her forward.

Wu Zhiming glanced at his empty wrist and smiled, then followed behind the two.

After passing through the gates of the manor, a large lawn appeared in front of everyone.

The lawn had already been decorated with exquisite colored lights, emitting a soft glow in the night.

On the lawn, a long table was set up with exquisite food laid out on top.

Not far away, a Western band was playing cheerful music.

Many young people, all dressed in fashionable attire, were gathered in groups, chatting away.

It was a very Western-style gathering, with a buffet-style setup. Waiters were carrying trays of fine wine among the guests.

When Yao Jing and Song Siqing walked onto the lawn together, the once bustling atmosphere suddenly quieted down, leaving only the sound of the band playing.

All eyes were locked on Yao Jing and Song Siqing.

Yao Jing was wearing a light blue dress, holding a Chanel handbag in her hand, with a hint of coldness in her eyes, giving off an aura of dignity and nobility.

Song Siqing, on the other hand, wore a short skirt, light makeup on her face, and carried many branded items. With a smile on her lips and her eyes sparkling, she exuded a lively and spirited charm.

These two women, with completely different but equally stunning styles, became the absolute focus as soon as they entered.

In comparison, Wu Zhiming, who appeared behind them, seemed a bit overshadowed. Although he was very handsome, handsomeness and beauty were inherently unequal things. One hundred points of handsomeness could not be compared with one hundred points of beauty.

"Yao Jing, Song Siqing! You two school flowers are really making a grand entrance!" A woman who looked quite good came over hand in hand with a middle-aged man.

"Shuhui! I've missed you so much!" Song Siqing let go of Yao Jing's hand and walked excitedly to the other person's side, opening her arms to embrace her.

Song Siqing's enthusiastic gesture caught the other person off guard for a moment, but she quickly responded, also hugging Song Siqing and saying, "It's been so long since I've seen you, I've missed you, Siqing."

"Women, oh women." Not far away, Wu Zhiming couldn't help but sigh. He had heard that Song Siqing and this woman named He Shuhui didn't get along well. As a result, seeing Song Siqing acting out this sisterly scene now was quite unexpected. It's a pity she didn't participate in "Birth of an Actor."

"Is this your husband?" Song Siqing smiled and looked at the middle-aged man next to He Shuhui.

This man was about 1.7 meters tall, slightly shorter than Song Siqing even with her high heels, and weighed around 170 or 180 pounds. He was probably in his forties, belonging to Song Siqing's uncle's generation.

Although his figure and appearance were not outstanding, his dressing was far from simple. In Song Siqing's eyes, the man's outfit was all branded, worth at least half a million, and he wore a Richard Mille watch worth over a million.

"Hello, I'm Zhou Wenwei," the middle-aged man said politely, extending his right hand adorned with the Richard Mille watch, inadvertently positioning the dial towards Song Siqing.

"Hello," Song Siqing's eyes formed crescents as she smiled, lightly shaking Zhou Wenwei's hand.

At that moment, Yao Jing and Wu Zhiming happened to walk up to He Shuhui.

"Honey, let me introduce you. This is the school flower I often mention to you, Yao Jing!" He Shuhui pointed at Yao Jing and introduced.

Zhou Wenwei's eyes quickly scanned Yao Jing, a hint of greed flashing in his eyes. Then, Zhou Wenwei extended his right hand again.

"Hello, Yao Jing, I'm Shuhui's husband, Zhou Wenwei," Zhou Wenwei said gentlemanly.

"Hello, I'm Yao Jing's husband, Wu Zhiming." Wu Zhiming took the initiative to shake Zhou Wenwei's hand.

"Oh, hello, hello!" Zhou Wenwei was taken aback for a moment, not expecting Wu Zhiming to extend his hand. However, his response was quick, and he immediately smiled and said, "I've heard your name before."

"Yao Jing, I heard people say that your husband is the second young master of the Wu family, is that true?" He Shuhui asked with a smile.

As soon as this question came out, everyone around turned to look at Wu Zhiming.

Most of these people had never seen Wu Zhiming before, nor did they know his name. However, they all knew that the Wu family had a useless second young master, and that this useless second young master was Yao Jing's husband. Now that He Shuhui deliberately brought up the term "second young master of the Wu family," the meaning was clear.

Everyone wanted to see how Yao Jing and Wu Zhiming would respond.

"Yes," Yao Jing nodded, smiling as she held Wu Zhiming's hand. "My husband is indeed the second young master of the Wu family."

"Oh! It's really well-deserved!" He Shuhui glanced meaningfully at Wu Zhiming, then smiled at Yao Jing's handbag and said, "Oh, Jingjing, you actually bought the Chanel Rainbow series? This bag is not cheap, it's over four hundred thousand! I've always wanted to buy it, but it's out of stock in China. Can you show it to me?!"

As soon as He Shuhui mentioned that Yao Jing's bag cost over four hundred thousand, the people around immediately became interested and gathered around.

"The Rainbow series?"

Yao Jing was taken aback. She remembered that the salesperson had said her bag was from the Dreamy series. How did it become the Rainbow series when it reached He Shuhui?

Although she was a bit puzzled, Yao Jing still took off her bag and handed it to He Shuhui.

"Thank you! You're so kind!" He Shuhui took the bag with a smile, then looked at it carefully. After a few glances, she showed a surprised expression and said, "Huh, why is this different from the series I wanted to buy? The pattern and leather texture, and even this diamond-encrusted logo... There's also a name inside... This is not the Rainbow series. I've never seen this bag in Chanel's store."

As soon as He Shuhui said this, everyone around suddenly understood. It turned out that Yao Jing's bag, worth over four hundred thousand, was a counterfeit! And it wasn't even a very good imitation!

"I don't know about that. This was given to me by my husband," Yao Jing said.

"Oh, I see!" He Shuhui suddenly realized, then looked at Wu Zhiming meaningfully and said, "But this bag is also good. When it comes to gifts, the most important thing is the intention. As the saying goes, it's the thought that counts!"

The people around all smiled. Wu Zhiming bought a high imitation bag for Yao Jing, and Yao Jing was caught carrying it out. This was indeed quite embarrassing.

Song Siqing, on the side, frowned slightly and gave Wu Zhiming an annoyed look before smiling and saying, "Alright, alright, I'm getting hungry. Can we start eating now?"

"Let's start, let's start. Don't be shy. Tonight, I've prepared top-quality Wagyu beef and Bordeaux red wine. There's plenty to eat and drink. I've also arranged rooms for you. If you get drunk, you can go straight to sleep. We have activities planned for tomorrow!" He Shuhui smiled.

"Are we staying overnight? That's great!" Song Siqing said with a smile.

Yao Jing furrowed her brow slightly. If they were staying overnight, then... wouldn't she have to share a room with Wu Zhiming?

Yao Jing glanced at Wu Zhiming and saw him looking at her excitedly.

"You've become naughty!" Yao Jing muttered to herself inwardly.