Chapter 13: Token of Love

The banquet for the class reunion was officially underway. Around fifty of Yao Jing's high school classmates attended, along with their respective partners, totaling nearly eighty people at the event. Some were chatting and reminiscing, others were toasting and celebrating, and some were playing with their children. The scene appeared harmonious and lively.

However, regardless of what these people were doing, their eyes were often drawn to Yao Jing's direction, and occasional mocking laughter could be heard.

"Don't think I don't know the purpose behind you asking Zhiming to bring me to this class reunion," Yao Jing said calmly, holding a tall wine glass, standing next to Song Siqing.

"What purpose could I possibly have?" Song Siqing looked somewhat guilty and avoided making eye contact with Yao Jing.

"Don't have such intentions in the future. I don't like it," Yao Jing sighed.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Song Siqing said.

At this moment, Wu Zhiming approached with a plate of food in hand.

"You really went all out. These are all good stuff," Wu Zhiming chuckled.

"Men must spare no expense for a woman's face. Understand?" Song Siqing said, glancing at Yao Jing's bag.

"Do you know how much Jingjing's bag costs?" Wu Zhiming asked with a smile.

"A high imitation bag? How much could it be worth? A couple thousand at most," Song Siqing said disdainfully.

Wu Zhiming smiled but didn't say much. He could sense Song Siqing's bias against him. Since that was the case, even if he claimed that the bag he bought for Yao Jing was worth over a million, Song Siqing wouldn't believe it anyway. Just like before, when everyone was misled by He Shuhui to think that he bought a high imitation bag for Yao Jing, he wouldn't bother explaining. Explaining would make him appear guilty. Not explaining would at least save face.

As for when everyone would find out the truth, Wu Zhiming wasn't concerned. Whether it was buying bags, clothes, or riding in a Rolls-Royce, he only wanted Yao Jing to feel his care as a husband, without any pretense.

Of course, if conditions permitted, he wouldn't mind showing off and humiliating some people. However, such things depended on the circumstances. You couldn't just directly smash someone's face with hundreds or thousands of yuan. Or show off your WeChat Pay balance all over the place. Doing so would be too tasteless.

Wu Zhiming glanced at his phone. It was already 7:30, but the necklace he bought hadn't arrived yet.

Wu Zhiming was puzzled. His subordinates generally wouldn't delay his affairs unless there were some uncontrollable circumstances.

Just then, Wu Zhiming's phone rang.

Glancing at his phone, Wu Zhiming handed the plate to Song Siqing and walked away towards a nearby shadow.

"What's he doing? Is he treating me like a waitress?!" Song Siqing looked at the plate in her hand, astonished.

"If he wants you to hold it, what's the big deal? Will it kill you?" Yao Jing smiled and said.

"If someone has to hold it, it should be you, his wife! Jingjing, you two are bullying me!" Song Siqing pouted, feeling aggrieved.

Yao Jing smiled and looked into the distance.

Wu Zhiming was standing under the shadow, holding his phone.

"Boss, there's been a car accident at the highway exit leading to the Billy Manor. The scene is severely congested. We're currently arranging for a drone to deliver what you requested to the Billy Manor. It's expected to arrive in two minutes. Boss, we apologize for the delay and ask for your punishment," a man's voice came from Wu Zhiming's phone.

"It's just a few minutes late, it's no big deal. Are the guys alright?" Wu Zhiming asked.

"Everything is fine. The main issue is the heavy traffic on the highway now. Our car can't get through, but luckily, there's a drone on board," the voice from the phone said.

"That's good. I'm on the lawn here. Just have the drone deliver it directly to me when it arrives!" Wu Zhiming said.

"Got it!"

After hanging up the phone, Wu Zhiming turned back to Yao Jing's side.

At this moment, there were many people around Yao Jing, mostly women, including He Shuhui.

Surprisingly, He Shuhui had changed her outfit. She had swapped her red formal dress for a golden one, and it was even low-cut.

Around He Shuhui's exposed chest was a necklace. The pendant of the necklace was a blue heart-shaped gem the size of a pigeon's egg, sparkling under the lights.

The women surrounding Yao Jing were all discussing in excitement.

"Shuhui, your necklace is so beautiful! I've never seen such a large gemstone in my life!" one girl exclaimed in admiration.

"This is the token of love my husband gave me when we got married," He Shuhui said sweetly, wrapping her arms around Zhou Wenwei's.

"This token of love must not be cheap, right?" someone asked.

"Money is just something outside of the body. As long as Shuhui is happy, it doesn't matter how much is spent!" Zhou Wenwei waved his hand very low-keyly. He didn't mention the price of the necklace, but everyone knew it was definitely worth at least a million.

For women, a jewelry worth a million was definitely what they dreamed of.

At tonight's class reunion, many women wore their most precious jewelry to stand out. Some even spent money to rent jewelry. However, in front of He Shuhui's necklace, their jewelry suddenly lost its luster.

Everyone secretly glanced at each other's jewelry, hoping to find something worse than their own to boost their confidence.

To their surprise, Yao Jing wasn't wearing a necklace.

Yao Jing only had a high imitation shoulder bag and a nameless old-fashioned gold ring on her ring finger. Apart from these, she had nothing else!

Instantly, everyone's confidence returned. Yao Jing, who was undoubtedly the most beautiful, only had a ring all over her body. That was indeed a bit shabby.

Many people couldn't help but feel a little smug. Although they weren't as beautiful as Yao Jing, their lives were much better than hers. At least their husbands weren't useless, and they still had diamond rings and gemstone necklaces.

"Jingjing, what token of love did your husband give you when you got married? Your husband is from a prestigious family, so the token of love must be extraordinary, right?" He Shuhui smiled and asked.

"We got married in a hurry, and we didn't prepare many things. Besides, we're both casual people, so we didn't prepare any token of love," Yao Jing smiled and said.

"I don't believe it!" He Shuhui chuckled, "The Wu family is a big clan. How could the second young master of the Wu family get married without a decent token of love?"

"That's right, Yao Jing, how could you possibly not have a token of love when you got married? Take it out and let us see. Don't hide it!" someone chimed in.

As soon as someone joined in, others around started to join in the excitement.

Yao Jing frowned slightly.

She was a strong person in the company, but in her personal life, she had become more easygoing. However, being surrounded by so many people making a fuss made her feel a little angry. In her opinion, a token of love was a very intimate thing. If you were willing to show it off to others, that was your business. If I don't want to show it, or I say I don't have one, and you still force me to show it, then it's a bit too much.

Yao Jing wasn't someone who would remain passive when attacked, as evidenced by her confrontation with Fan Yutong in the Chanel boutique.

Just as Yao Jing was about to retaliate, Wu Zhiming arrived by her side.

Wu Zhiming smiled as he took Yao Jing's hand and addressed the people around them, "When Jingjing married me, I wasn't doing well in the family, so I didn't have the means to buy a token of love. However, over the years, Jingjing has always been by my side, which moved me deeply. So, I wanted to take this opportunity, in everyone's presence, to present the token of love I just bought to Jingjing! I hope our love will remain steadfast forever!"

Upon hearing this, Yao Jing abruptly withdrew her hand from Wu Zhiming's grasp and said with embarrassment, "What are you doing? We've been married for so long, what's the point of a token of love? It's just asking for ridicule."

Seeing Yao Jing's reaction, Wu Zhiming knew what she was thinking. He leaned close to Yao Jing and whispered in her ear, "It's just a gift. Don't think too much about it."

"It's unnecessary," Yao Jing replied.

"It is necessary," Wu Zhiming nodded.

"Well then, what token of love did you prepare for Yao Jing? Show us!" He Shuhui said with a smile.

Wu Zhiming smiled and turned to the sky.

Faint rumbling sounds came from the sky.

Everyone looked up together.

They saw a white drone flying from a distance.

A few seconds later, the drone flew to Wu Zhiming's side.

Wu Zhiming reached out and took a beautifully crafted box from underneath the drone, then looked at Yao Jing.

Yao Jing's eyes dodged away, unable to meet Wu Zhiming's gaze.

This was the first time in four years of marriage that Yao Jing felt flustered when facing Wu Zhiming. Previously, even when Wu Zhiming said those nice wedding vows to her, her heart remained calm.

"Thank you," Wu Zhiming said solemnly, looking at Yao Jing.

That was all he said.

After saying that, Wu Zhiming opened the box.

The light fell on the box, shining brightly as it spread out from the center.

When everyone saw what was in the box clearly, they all gasped in shock.

It was an incredibly beautiful diamond necklace!

The necklace was laid out in a net-like pattern, with a diamond at every intersection. These diamonds formed a web, reflecting light and shimmering like the vast Milky Way.

But that wasn't all. At the bottom of this diamond web was a red gemstone.

This gemstone was as big as an egg and had a teardrop-like shape, which was very rare among gemstones.

"What necklace is this? It looks quite nice," He Shuhui said with a forced smile, her face stiff.

"This must be a synthetic ruby, as natural rubies aren't this big!" someone speculated.

"These diamonds must also be synthetic, right? If they were natural diamonds, with so many of them, this necklace would cost tens of millions!" someone immediately agreed.

The people around nodded in agreement.

"I see, I was wondering... But even if they're synthetic, it's still quite good, and it looks beautiful!" He Shuhui smiled.

"No, this isn't synthetic!" Zhou Wenwei, who had been silent all along, suddenly spoke up. Everyone turned to look at him, even Yao Jing.

"This... This is clearly the 'Tears of the Goddess' that sold for $4.5 million at the Christie's summer auction a few hours ago!" Zhou Wenwei exclaimed excitedly.