He stood and put the book back in the shelf and walks out of his office. He finds both Mark and Dan discussing the latest football match animatedly. The threw a glance at him and continue their conversation. What the hell? He asked himself. Was it always like this? Blatant disrespect. Yet he was their boss, a CEO. What a joke he thought. 

 What did you expect you useless wimp? A voice inside him boldly asks. Surprised, he turns thinking that it belonged to someone else. However a sharp pain hits his head and he falls back staggering. The two men stop talking and rush to him. A look of disgust flashed on their faces but quickly disappeared. But Lucas had seen it as he struggled to get up. Their fake smile and concern hit him hard. Just what is going on?

Mark helped him take a seat at one of the chairs outside his office while Dan called his brother Jake who was a well renown doctor. He even had his own private hospital. Upon hearing that Lucas had almost collapsed, Jake told them to bring him to the hospital and also take over all the tasks remaining. 

Dan groaned. He hated work. He also hated overtime. He looked at Mark and said, " Rock-paper-scissors"? Mark merely nodded. Curious Lucas asked," What does that mean"? Dan who was already playing answered casually," Oh we're just choosing who between us is staying and who'll be leaving with you right now." Lucas was dumbfounded. A game? His life was being based on a mere game. " Do you do this often"? he asked trying very hard to keep his voice neutral." Yep", came the answer. Lucas was numb. 

 He trusted them, believed in them heck he could go to the moon and back for them but to them he was nothing. His life was a mere game. Unable to contain himself, he stood up and slowly walked to the elevator. Mark, who had won the game, told him," Let me take you there Luc." To which he replied," No I think its best if I got to the elevator first." his voice cracked around the edges." Why don't you get the car ready"? He said and Mark agreed. Dan entered the office groaning. Lucas looked around him. He was alone. The short steps toward the elevator was the longest walk in his entire life. 

The drive towards the hospital was spent in silence. Mark tried to make a conversation with him to no avail. Lucas was silent. Too silent. His gut instinct warned him something was wrong but he ignored it. Months later, he wished he hadn't ignored it.

 Jake, whose eyes were a similar color though a bit darker than Lucas' , examined him. He asked questions about how he was feeling but was only given monologue like answers." Did you enjoy the letter you were reading so much that you gave yourself a headache,"? he asked.

 Lucas snapped his head up and stared at Jake in shock. Jake who was looking at the chart continued oblivious," Who sent you that? I mean who sends letters these days? But ..." Lucas was no longer listening. How he know? he asked himself then he remembered. The hidden cameras. He really was a bird in a cage a very expensive one at that. 

The rest of the session flew by like a blur. He couldn't remember getting in the car or arriving in his own home. What he did remember was the crumpled letter that was burning a hole in his pocket. He ran to the bathroom, turned on both the sink's tap and the overhead shower. He sat down on the cold hard tiled floor and removed the letter. Finding where he had left off he continued;

  Unfortunately this is the only evidence I can give you for now. If you want to know more, you can go to the Eastern Safe Deposit Bank down on the Ariki Street. That's if you want to know more. If you don't and consider this to be the ramblings of a foolish woman feel free to burn this letter and forget about it all. Whatever you choose won't matter cos I'm already dead. I sincerely hope one day you'll be free. 

 Yours fakelly, Lisa.


 He sat there stunned.