He sat there stunned.

 The sound of water from the overhead shower broke through his deep thoughts. He had sat there reevaluating his life. One moment he had everything he'd ever wanted and now... all that was a lie? 

 He looked at the letter again. Should he believe it or not? After all, it was written by his fake fiancée who was dead. She was known to be evil, promiscuous and bullied his real fiancée. Was this also a lie that had been fed to him or what? Just what exactly has been going on in his life that he hadn't noticed or realize? 

Slowly he dragged himself upright. "Wake up!" Again that bold voice inside his head shouted at him. He held his head and wondered where he had heard the voice before. It felt familiar yet strange at the same time. He shed off his clothes revealing a well ripped body and stepped into the shower. The slightly hot water stung the skin as it fell on it but he didn't feel it, his mind was again deep in thought. 

It wasn't until his skin reddened nd threatened to break did he turn the shower off, grab a towel and walked out of the bathroom. " Hi there", a soft sultry feminine voice greeted him. Startled he looked up. There she was his fiancée, Melanie, lying on the bed with nothing but a scanty lingerie.

She was a beauty unmatched. With long flowing luscious blonde hair and deep almond shaped golden eyes and a well proportioned body with curves in all the right places. Who wouldn't fall for her. She was beautiful and belonged to him. So for her to be in his bed right there was natural. However, he was not in the mood. Her presence, for some reason, made him angry. 

 " Why are you here"? he asked, irritation heavy in his voice. Surprised, she sat up and tried to act coy. "I just wanted to see you and maybe help you sleep well tonight is that wrong"? she asked shyly. Lucas looked at her and felt disillusioned. Was it because of the letter? He sat down at the edge of the bed exasperated. The day had been too much even for him. 

 To Melanie, seeing him sit meant she had won. Slowly, she approached him and began to rub his back softly as if giving him a massage. He has such a strong wide back and massive shoulders, she thought as she licked he lower lip, to think I almost lost him to Lisa, good thing she's dead. Loudly she said to him," Luc, can you tell me about that letter that you were reading in your office,"? The air around them electrified as he turned and looked at her angrily. Melanie froze still fear running down her body. Who was this, staring at her like a monster ready to deliver the final blow to its prey. "How do you know about that"? he asked, his voice dark and angry.

 Melanie fearfully replied," I-i-it was Mark who told me about it." The gaze got darker. She gulped in fear trying to back away. " Ah, so now you and Mark have become gossip buddies eh"? He no longer tried to hide his anger. He stood up and looked at her and said," Get out. " 

 Fear had paralyzed her legs. This wasn't the Lucas she knew. This was someone else no, this was a monster. Slowly she dragged herself to her feet and grabbing her dress almost ran out but his voice stopped her. "Oh and one more thing, never come to my house again without my permission you understand"? He said looking at her coldly. Something was wrong. She thought as she ran out of the house and into her car. Did the drugs wear off