The gentlemen went back to discussing whatever was the matter and I switched them off; all I wanted was to hear what Matt had to say, and then leave. Him making us wait here is stupid, he is building up the tension and I know how much he loves looking more important than anyone in the room, and lets you know it.

I wonder why we didn't meet in one of the offices in town, Matt knew how this could affect me. Here on his throne, he had the upper hand and he is having fun tormenting me. I lived here for years, it was home for a while, and as fates had it; I didn't leave being at peace with everybody, some feathers were ruffled and Matt's ego was more than bruised, you would think he were my husband.

One of Matt's suited minions came out of his chamber and all eyes were on him.

"Miss Zola, Mr. Mwajuma is summoning you."

Summon??? I roll my eyes. Only Matt could say such words to rub in his power and dominance. Ben and Rahim stand up but the minion stops them.