It was hours later when I woke up and the sun had gone down. Still in the throes of sleep, it was decided, that I wasn't going to cook, we going to postpone that. I pick up my phone and call Mike, he doesn't pick up, so I shoot him a text instead.
'Hey, can we do dinner tomorrow or some other time? Am sorry to cancel, am just not feeling it.'
And I go back to sleep. I will have a snack later, food is just meant for survival one can go without a couple of meals. My body was tired, and my limbs didn't have any energy to get up and I closed my eyes again falling into slumber land.
In between being awake and fast asleep, I heard a consistent pounding at the door; I ignored it wishing the intruder would go away, or maybe it was a neighbor's door. Unfortunately, it grew louder and I had to wake up. Did Mike change his mind because I wasn't up for visitors, nor accompany, isn't it late or something?