"Anything the matter?"

Rahim was done without me realizing it. There was a bottle of wine on the table and a glass containing the contents of the bottle beside me.


"Your face says otherwise."

"Just waiting for some info nothing major."

"Okay. But if you need help or anything, you won't hesitate, right?"

"Yes,…. Definitely."

"Good. So tell me, how was your day, sweetheart."

"It was eventful." That was the least to say.

I didn't feel guilty about what had transpired between Mike and me this afternoon but I felt a tinge of some emotion; I couldn't place a name nor put a finger on it. The waiter comes by and serves us the starters

"The photo shoot a success?

"Yeah, the campaign was."

I take out my phone and show him a sample of pictures I took of the models and one of Jade, and us in front of the posters.

"Is this your friend who was modeling?" Pointing at Jade.