The Title of Treasure Hunter

Two weeks ago, Ye Feng was merely an ordinary priest, one among countless others across the continent. The monotonous and arduous leveling process had once shaken his resolve. Pure stat allocation, already deemed a method for creating trash characters in the ancient era of 2D online games decades ago, seemed even more obsolete in the age of virtual technology. However, when Ye Feng reached level 45, an unexpected discovery altered his perspective.

The all-knowledge stat allocation method had an unknown compensation after level 45! With each level-up, MP recovery speed increased by an additional 10%! "How insane!" This was the first exclamation that escaped Ye Feng's lips after checking his stats panel. This meant that by the time Ye Feng reached level 55, his MP recovery speed would be double that of others! Potions in the world of Radiance had strong resistances, meaning no player could consume them indefinitely. This was also a measure to limit players' game time. As a result, any equipment with HP and MP recovery attributes was sold at sky-high prices! Ye Feng remembered that three days ago, the 'Sky Mage,' who was among the top ten in the game's level rankings, had acquired a cross spear with a +15% HP recovery speed attribute. This silver weapon was auctioned at the price of a gold weapon on the trading platform!

It was worth it! Low HP cap? So what? Low defense? So what? No evasion? So what? 200% MP recovery! It was all worth it!

In the past seven days, Ye Feng's leveling speed had skyrocketed. The MP that previously took over three minutes of meditation to replenish now took less than two. Moreover, Ye Feng's MP cap was likely the highest in all of Radiance. Despite the game having started six months ago, only a dozen players had crossed the level 50 threshold in the entire Radiance server. Among these, only four were magic-based professions. The highest level player in the server, a warrior named Night Glory, was expected to surpass the level 60 barrier within two or three days. It was rumored that leveling would become even more insane after level 60.

Compared to characters who never allocated to knowledge at level 50, Ye Feng's MP cap of over 3000 at level 49 was six times that of the former!


Escaping the eerie atmosphere of Dragon Mountain, Ye Feng found a spot he deemed safe and selected the logout option. 

"Young man, are you sure you want to leave the world of Radiance?" An emotionless old man appeared, shaking his thick, white beard as he asked Ye Feng. Ye Feng quietly nodded, not using the voice system but waiting for the system's default determination.

A severe head injury to his left brain had caused partial temporary amnesia, language impairment, and communication barriers. In Radiance, many players like Ye Feng could not communicate normally using language, but in this world, language was unnecessary. 

After a comfortable night, Ye Feng emerged from the gaming pod. In stark contrast to the luxurious gaming pod was the dilapidated condition of Ye Feng's home, with only a few pieces of simple furniture and the early morning sunlight revealing his occupation as a welfare-dependent pauper. 

Who am I? This was the question Ye Feng had to face every morning. He couldn't remember when, but he suddenly found himself living without any memory of his identity. Fortunately, with a faint memory still lingering in his mind, he had his own house and a meager government welfare to avoid starving on the streets. The house was decent, an old-style apartment, but unfortunately empty. After much effort, Ye Feng found the key in the dusty door crevice. This luxurious gaming pod was the result of a lucky draw and the game's company's promotional gimmick. The delivery personnel had offered to buy the limited-edition pod for double its cash value, but for reasons unknown even to himself, perhaps a disregard for money, Ye Feng, who wasn't very bright, didn't desire money much, so the gaming pod became the only appliance in his house besides the light.

"7:30 AM, go to the hospital for a routine check-up. 8:30 AM, go to the welfare office to collect this month's welfare. 9:00 AM, go to the bank to exchange for next month's credit points." Ye Feng hadn't forgotten his daytime identity, reading aloud the first line from the new notebook he had bought this month.

In reality, Ye Feng no longer needed that paltry welfare. Ever since the first day he entered Radiance and hit the jackpot by killing a low-level monster, the Grand Rooster, which dropped a ring with +5% HP recovery speed, he no longer needed to live on welfare. With a natural knack for treasure hunting, Ye Feng's warehouse was more diverse than any other level 49 priest's. Even the barren Dragon Mountain contributed greatly to Ye Feng's treasure hunting, providing nearly 100,000 gold coins each month. These coins, once in Ye Feng's hands, were immediately converted into credit points and eventually into food in his belly and the electricity flowing through cables.

After hastily swallowing the food he had set aside from the night before, Ye Feng felt a wave of fatigue before he even left the house. "So sleepy!" He thought, "Let's play a bit more in the game..."

The fairness of Radiance lay in the fact that everyone had to wake up, just as everyone had to sleep. Once a person was awake, the game console would forcefully log the character out. So, people like Ye Feng, who got sleepy early in the evening and slept till dawn, were at an advantage. In the game, he was often the most active.


Re-entering the game, Ye Feng found himself still in a light sleep state. For someone like him, this was when his intuitive system was at its peak.

Dragon Mountain, coordinates 3332.2578, altitude 132 meters! With seemingly precise measurement, Ye Feng dashed forward. The darkness had receded, the night completely washed away, and the red sun was rising. Before Ye Feng appeared an antique-looking chest.

A black treasure chest! Ye Feng was thrilled. To stumble upon a black treasure chest that appeared only once a week, and at the moment he was about to leave!

"Open!" Ye Feng took out an exquisitely crafted key from his bag. In Radiance, treasure chests came in common, black, white, and mysterious varieties, with the latter three being the only ones capable of yielding rare items.

"You have obtained a high-level anti-magic scroll! You have opened 20 treasure chests and earned the title of Treasure Chest Hunter!"