The Little Beauty in Front of the Clinic

At five to nine, Shen Yaqi punctually appeared in front of her cousin Tang Qinglu's private clinic.

This visit was different from the previous ones; she had sneaked out of her home! Although her cousin also supported her audacious actions, it was better to be secretive.

Wearing a pale yellow small round hat and exaggerated sunglasses covering her cheeks, her graceful figure was completely enveloped in trousers and a loose T-shirt; surely no one would recognize her now!


"Ah!" Shen Yaqi let out a delicate cry. Shen, who wasn't accustomed to watching where she was walking, bumped into a man who was equally inattentive.

The impact immediately exposed Shen's weakness from not being used to wearing high heels, and her whole body tilted slightly, about to fall to the side of the road. Fortunately, at this moment, the culprit finally had a twelfth-hour change of heart and reached out an arm to support Miss Shen's slender waist.

"That hurts! How do you walk?!"

Shen Yaqi's appearance could drive nearly 9,999 out of 10,000 men wild. Any man who realized he had bumped into such a stunning beauty would be secretly delighted and then take the opportunity to fawn over her. Shen Yaqi was already prepared to vent her anger; she had been holding back so much at home, and now she was determined to give this big oaf a piece of her mind!

"Hiss—" the man who bumped into her let out a sharp intake of breath.

Shen Yaqi looked down, and her face immediately turned bright red. The thin heel of her high heels, worn for the first time today, had stepped on the man's toe; it must have been quite painful.

"I'm sorry, are you alright?" Not being a naturally fierce woman, Shen Yaqi quickly apologized, blushing.

The aggrieved man who was stepped on shook his head, but his pained expression did not seem to suggest that he was alright...

Shen Yaqi wanted to say something more, but the man who was stepped on and disoriented seemed to be in a hurry to be reincarnated, casually tossing Shen Yaqi to the side of the road. Shen Yaqi's tight little bottom made an intimate contact with the ground.

This extremely inconsiderate action, if done by any other man, would be hard to execute so perfectly. This man seemed completely unaffected by the beauty's charm, as if he was holding a piece of pork, and the road was a chopping board, casually tossing a beauty's bottom onto the rough ground as if it were the most natural and justified thing in the world. Wow! Such treatment would undoubtedly cause a storm of anger in any other beauty, and of course, Shen Yaqi was no exception.

"You!" The slight guilt she felt for stepping on him also completely dissipated.

"Do you have any humanity?!" Shen Yaqi, touching her very sore bottom, could no longer maintain her ladylike demeanor. This jerk must be sick, yes, that's right, he must have come out of her cousin's clinic, definitely sick!

Ye Feng was stunned for a moment, turned around and looked at the girl who had fallen to the ground, and suddenly realized that she was talking to him.

Ye Feng opened his mouth, helplessly turned around and ran away; the damn memory disorder! Today is the day for receiving relief money, and the monthly relief funds are distributed on time, no exceptions!

"Come back!" Shen Yaqi shouted with grievance and indignation, but reality was too helpless. All that was left for Shen Yaqi was a receding figure, just a glimpse of the man's profile. Shen Yaqi, who wanted to settle this account with him, felt a surge of anger. She had been holding back so much anger at home last night, and today she was inexplicably bumped into and thrown down by someone else, and she couldn't even remember the face of her enemy to seek revenge in the future. Could it be that she was really plagued by bad luck?

"Cousin!" Two minutes later, a neatly dressed Shen Yaqi appeared in front of Tang Qinglu.

Tang Qinglu is a medical doctor who returned from studying in Country A, and this clinic has been passed down from her grandfather's generation. The Tang family has been in the medical profession for generations, and their medical skills are naturally superb. With Tang Qinglu's Western education, her reputation has spread even further. The not-so-large clinic has already shown a trend of expansion.

Seeing her cute and exaggeratedly dressed little cousin in front of her, although understanding her difficulties, Tang Qinglu couldn't help but laugh. Seeing her cousin making fun of her behavior naturally led to Shen Yaqi's dissatisfaction.

"Cousin! You bully me too!" Shen Yaqi pouted her cute little mouth and acted coquettishly, holding Tang Qinglu's slender hand.

"How dare I, even your uncle doesn't dare to provoke you!" Tang Qinglu affectionately pinched the little girl's face.

"Humph, you still say that, he doesn't want me now, I have to come to you, cousin, you must not tell them I'm here with you!" Shen Yaqi pretended to be a discarded little kitten, looking pitiful.

"Silly girl, your uncle is doing this for your own good. Huh? What's wrong with your shoes?" Tang Qinglu noticed that the heel of the little girl's high heels was actually broken.

"Humph! When you mention it, I get angry. Just at the door of your clinic, a very disgusting old man bumped into me, didn't even apologize, deliberately threw me to the ground and then ran away!" Thinking of what just happened, Shen Yaqi felt both aggrieved and sad, but after saying a few words, she hesitated. Well, that man just now wasn't ugly, he seemed quite young and not bad-looking. Humph, but since you bumped into me, you're disgusting! Ptui!

"At the door of my clinic? Is he my patient?" Tang Qinglu couldn't help but flip through the medical records on the table.

"Let me see!" Shen Yaqi became excited, grabbing the medical records on the table, the top one obviously belonging to the guy who had just left—Ma Weifeng, male, 30 years old, with urinary system failure, accompanied by local inflammation, red and swollen urethra, with warts, unable to urinate.

Hmm, it must be that guy!

"What's wrong with this person?" Shen Yaqi asked with great interest.

"..." Tang Qinglu looked at her cousin's excited, flushed face and didn't know how to speak.

"Tell me! Cousin! I won't spread other people's privacy everywhere, I'm just curious!" Shen Yaqi quickly used her coquettish charm on her cousin.

Tang Qinglu's pretty face also turned slightly red. This patient is strictly not her patient, but just happened to come for a physical examination. His disease is not what she is in charge of. She just had her assistant check him and has already sent him elsewhere for treatment.

"This person... is impotent!" Tang Qinglu looked embarrassed but finally said it out loud, after all, as a doctor, she has seen many such scenes.

"Ah?!" Now it's Shen Yaqi's turn to blush like an apple.

That man is impotent? He doesn't look like it at all... Unexpectedly, that person is quite handsome, how pitiful!