Chapter 16: Road to Alexandria

Chris gripped the steering wheel tightly as the car sped down the highway towards Alexandria. The night was still young, and the events of the day replayed in his mind like a relentless loop. Beside him, Elina sat in the co-driver's seat, her gaze fixed on the road ahead. In the backseat, Light was finally asleep, exhausted from their narrow escape and the emotional toll of encountering Silas.

Elina broke the silence, her voice soft but tinged with worry. "Chris, do you think there will be more coming after us in the future?"

Chris sighed, his eyes never leaving the road. "I don't know, Elina. But given everything we've learned about the Crystal Hunters, I wouldn't be surprised if they keep coming. They want these crystals badly, and I doubt Silas is going to give up easily."

Elina nodded, her thoughts drifting to the dangers ahead. "I just can't believe how quickly everything has changed. One moment, I'm living a relatively normal life, and the next, I'm caught up in this... war."

Chris glanced at her, offering a reassuring smile. "We'll get through this. We have to. For Emma, for Fin, and for everyone else affected by these crystals."

Elina managed a small smile in return, but the worry in her eyes didn't fade. "Do you think we'll find any allies in Alexandria?"

"I hope so," Chris replied. "We can't do this alone. Light mentioned there might be others like us out there, people who know about the crystals and are willing to help. We just have to find them."

The road stretched out before them, an endless ribbon of asphalt cutting through the Egyptian desert. The car's headlights illuminated the path, casting long shadows on the sand dunes that flanked the highway.

Elina shifted in her seat, trying to get comfortable. "How did you handle it, Chris? Finding out about the crystal and everything else?"

Chris's grip on the wheel tightened. "It wasn't easy. At first, I was overwhelmed. I didn't know what to think or who to trust. But then I realized that I didn't have a choice. I had to be strong for Emma. And now, for all of us."

Elina looked at him, admiration in her eyes. "You're a good person, Chris. I can see why Light trusts you."

Chris chuckled softly. "Thanks, Elina. That means a lot."

For a moment, they drove in companionable silence, the rhythmic hum of the car's engine providing a soothing backdrop to their thoughts.

Elina broke the silence again. "Do you think we'll ever be able to live normal lives again?"

Chris sighed. "I don't know. But I like to think that if we can stop the Crystal Hunters and keep the crystals safe, maybe someday we can. Until then, we just have to keep fighting."

Elina nodded, her resolve strengthening. "You're right. We can't give up."

As they continued their journey, the lights of Alexandria began to appear on the horizon. Elina pointed in the city's direction with a relieved smile on her face. Chris felt the same but didn't show it. His life had turned upside down in the last few days, and he was only thinking about Emma. Where could she be? Is she safe? Will he be able to see her soon again? His thoughts were interrupted by Light's loud yawning. He woke up and looked outside.

Light stretched and yawned. "Did we arrive?"

Chris glanced at the city lights growing closer. "Soon we will be there. What should we do when we arrive?"

"We have to find a ship that goes to Venice. Elina, do a search on the internet about it," Light instructed.

Elina nodded, pulling out her phone. "Sure."

Light looked at his watch. "What time is it?"

Chris checked the car's clock. "22:30. Maybe it would be a clever idea to find a hotel for the night, and tomorrow morning we can start our journey."

Elina nodded in agreement. "Yes, I think so too. We have to rest to be fresh for our journey."

Light agreed. "Okay, then let's do it like that."

As they neared Alexandria, the city's skyline became more distinct against the night sky. The towering buildings were outlined by twinkling lights, and the iconic landmarks of Alexandria stood out, their silhouettes majestic and timeless. The streets, though not bustling at this hour, still glimmered with activity, cars moving steadily along the roads and people making their way through the city. The Mediterranean Sea stretched out beyond the cityscape, its dark waters reflecting the glow of the city lights, creating a serene yet captivating scene. The sight filled them with a sense of hope and anticipation as they approached their temporary refuge.

Elina's face lit up as she found what they were looking for. "I found it."

Chris glanced over, curiosity piqued. "What did you find?"

"The ship we need," Elina replied with a grin. "It departs tomorrow morning at 7:30."

"Perfect," Light said, waking up fully. "What kind of ship is it?"

Elina's grin widened. "It's a cruise ship. It will arrive in Venice around 13:30."

Chris nodded, a sense of relief washing over him. "So the only thing we have to worry about now is how to sneak inside."

"We'll find a way," Light assured him confidently.

Chris couldn't help but smile. "Oh yeah, guys... Welcome to Alexandria."

They looked out at the city lights as they entered Alexandria. Elina had already found a cheap hotel for them to stay at for a few hours to rest. She quickly set the destination on the GPS, guiding them to their temporary refuge as they prepared for the next leg of their journey.


To be continued