Chapter 17: A Moment's Respite

They arrived at the hotel at 23:30. It was a small, unassuming place with a modest reception area adjacent to a cozy bar. The atmosphere was calm, a stark contrast to the chaos they had just escaped. After checking in, they hurried to their room, eager to rest. The room was simple, featuring a large bed for two and a small couch. From the window, they could see the port and the cruise ship they planned to board the next morning.

Chris glanced around the room and made a quick decision. "Elina, you sleep on the bed. Light, you take the couch. I need a drink, so I'll head down to the bar for a bit."

Elina looked concerned. "Alone? Are you sure that's a good idea?"

Chris nodded, determined. "Yes. I need to clear my head. I can't sleep right now."

Light protested with a playful grin, "Hey, Chris, why do you get to decide who sleeps where? I want the bed."

Chris chuckled, "She's a girl. Be a gentleman, Light." With that, he headed downstairs to the hotel's bar.

The bar had a classic ambiance. Smooth jazz music played softly in the background, the lights were dim, casting a warm glow, and the bartender wore a sharp suit, adding to the sophisticated atmosphere. Chris took a seat at the bar, watching the bartender expertly prepare drinks.

He ordered his favorite: an Old-Fashioned. The bartender moved with precision and grace, combining sugar, bitters, and a splash of water in a glass before adding a large ice cube. He poured a generous amount of bourbon over the ice and stirred gently, releasing the drink's aromas. Finally, he garnished the cocktail with a twist of orange peel, expressing the citrus oils over the surface before placing the glass in front of Chris.

Chris took a sip, savoring the complex flavors that mingled together perfectly. The sweetness of the sugar, the subtle bitterness of the bitters, the smooth warmth of the bourbon, and the bright zest of the orange peel all combined to create a symphony of tastes. He let out a sigh, feeling a momentary sense of peace wash over him.

As he nursed his drink, his thoughts drifted back to the day's events. The weight of responsibility and the uncertainty of their future pressed heavily on his mind. But for now, in this small, quiet bar, he allowed himself a brief respite from the turmoil.

Suddenly, the bartender came closer to Chris and handed him a letter before retreating behind the bar again. Chris couldn't understand the meaning of this action. He asked the bartender, but he didn't answer. So, he opened the letter.

"Meet me outside the hotel at 00:15, C!!!"

Who is this person? Did they find them? Are they in danger? Should he warn the others?

Chris looked at his watch. It was 00:13. In two minutes, he had to go outside. Summoning his courage, he finished his drink in one gulp, stood up, and began walking outside. He wasn't sure what he would find, but he couldn't help but follow his instincts. He went outside and looked at his watch again. 00:15. He was on time. He looked around and saw a woman with pink hair waving at him from across the street. She appeared to be around 45 years old. Preparing himself for the worst, he watched as she started moving towards him.

"Who are you?" Chris demanded.

"Hello, Chris. My name is Cassandra, and I'm the 7th Rank of the Crystal Hunters," she replied smoothly.

Chris couldn't move. The 7th Rank was in front of him. How did she find them?

He made himself ready for a fight, but Cassandra laughed. "You don't have to fight me. I don't have any orders."

"Then why are you here?" Chris asked, suspicion lacing his voice.

"Let's say I'm here to cooperate with you," Cassandra replied.

"What do you mean? We are enemies," Chris said, still on guard.

"Yes, that's true in a way," Cassandra admitted.

Chris was confused. He couldn't understand what she wanted from him.

"I can't tell you details right now, but one thing I can assure you is that I will never try to harm you, your friends, or Emma," Cassandra continued.

"Emma? You know my sister? Is she alright? Where is she?" Chris asked, his voice rising with urgency.

"She is fine... I don't know where exactly she is right now, but look at this," Cassandra said, pulling out her phone. She showed him a video of herself with Emma eating and talking together. Emma looked fine. She stared at the camera and said, "Big Brother, I'm fine... Aunt Cassie is taking care of me... She is not bad... But I'm still scared. I love you, Big Brother." The video ended. Chris teared up, seeing Emma was alright, and then turned to Cassandra.

"Where is she now?" he asked.

"I don't know. They changed her location. But I can assure you they won't harm her until they get what they want... Your Black Crystal. I know it's difficult to trust me, but I won't harm you," Cassandra explained.

"I don't trust you... But Emma seemed like she was trusting you. So, what do you want from me?" Chris asked, still wary.

"Take this device. It shows you where exactly I am. If you see the next time that I'm close to you, come and meet me alone, without the others. I will give you something very important. Now go to rest... Your ship is departing in a few hours," Cassandra said, handing him a small tracker. She winked at him and left.

Chris went back to the room and sat down on the floor. He had so many things swirling around in his head, but somehow he felt like he had just gained a new ally. A few moments later, he fell asleep, exhausted but hopeful.


To be continued