Chapter 19: Close Call

3:33 AM

Chris was sleeping on the floor next to the couch when Elina ran towards him, waking him up with frantic screams. Light stood by the window, looking outside with a tense expression. Chris, groggy from sleep, struggled to gather his strength and focus on the situation. The room was filled with loud noises, making it hard to hear Elina's words. He staggered to his feet and joined Light at the window. Outside, two black cars were parked, and eight armed men were firing at their room.

Chris's only thought was, "Fuck, they found us... But how? Was this Cassandra's doing?" He rushed to the door and opened it, stepping into chaos. Hotel guests were running panicked in the hallways, the fire alarm blaring, children crying. He turned to Elina and Light.

"We have to run and get mixed with the rest of the people," Chris shouted.

"Okay, but we still have to be careful," Light replied.

"We need to be ready to fight anytime," Chris said.

"Let's go, guys," Elina urged.

They grabbed their belongings and ran through the hotel's hallways. The noise was deafening. They reached the reception and the bar where Chris had his drink earlier. As they passed the entrance, trying to blend in as tourists, one of the men spotted them. Recognizing them from Bane's description, he raised his gun and fired at Elina. But she wasn't hit. Chris had jumped in front of her, taking the bullet.

"CHRIIIIS!" Light screamed.

"Why? How?" Elina gasped, speechless.

Chris lay on the ground, unconscious. Light formed a circle with his fingers, summoning black smoke with his attack, "Nightmare War." Everything went black. Elina watched in horror and awe as phantom-like silhouettes with swords emerged from the smoke, taking down every enemy that stepped into the darkness. Within moments, all enemies were down. Light returned to normal and rushed to Chris, while Elina cried over him.

"What was that?" Elina asked, her voice trembling.

"We don't have time. I'll tell you later. We have to run. NOW. I'll go get the car," Light said urgently.

"Okay... I'll stay with Chris. I have to press on the wound; he's losing too much blood," Elina said, tears streaming down her face.

Light ran to the car, started it, and drove to them. He helped Elina get Chris into the backseat, where she continued to press on his wound. Light entered their destination into the GPS and sped off. While driving, he noticed a pink light emanating from the backseat.

"Elina, what is this light?" Light asked, confused.

"Um... I guess it's me," Elina replied, unsure.

"What do you mean?" Light stopped the car and turned around.

Elina looked at her glowing hands. "I think it's my crystal."

The pink light was coming from Elina's hands on Chris's wound. Suddenly, the light disappeared, and Chris woke up.

Both Light and Elina were in shock. They started crying and hugged Chris, who was bewildered.

"Guys, what's wrong? Why are you playing around?" Chris asked, confused.

"Don't you ever scare us like that, you idiot," Light said, laughing with tears in his eyes as he lightly slapped Chris's face.

"Chris!" Elina exclaimed.

"Tell me," Chris said.

"Thank you for saving me," Elina said sincerely.

"You don't have to thank me. Guys, come on, let's leave the drama aside and focus on how we're going to get inside this ship," Chris said, regaining his composure.

"Ah, you just came back from the dead and now you're giving orders again, hahaha," Light joked.

They glanced at the car's clock. It was 5:20 AM. They had to hurry.


To be continued