Chapter 20: Racing Against Time

The car sped down the early morning streets of Alexandria, the sky beginning to lighten with the approaching dawn. It was 6:00 AM, and they had less than an hour and a half to board the ship. Fortunately, they were close to the port. Chris, exhausted from the night's events, had dozed off again, his head resting against the window. Elina glanced at Chris's shoulder, marveling at how the wound from the bullet had completely healed. Her crystal's healing powers had saved him.

Light kept his eyes on the road, his senses on high alert to avoid any further encounters with enemies. The car ride was silent until Elina spoke up.

"What was that attack you used earlier?" she asked, breaking the silence.

"That was my crystal," Light replied. "I can create phantoms. But that particular attack... I used it for the first time."

"So you can't fully control your powers yet?" Elina asked.

"No, not yet," Light admitted. "But I'm getting there. What about you? How do you feel about your powers?"

"I think my powers will help us in the future," Elina said thoughtfully. "And I want to see what else I can do."

"Yes, let's find out about our powers together," Light agreed. "And something we totally forgot... we still have the crystal that Bane used."

"Do you think we have to use it too?" Elina asked.

"For now, we're okay," Light said. "But we might meet enemies who use more than one crystal. Let's focus on our next step now. We're close. Look."

Elina looked out of the window and saw the cruise ship looming in the distance. Its massive silhouette was outlined against the early morning sky, lights twinkling along its decks.

"I think we should park the car and go on foot from here," Elina suggested.

"Yes, wake him up," Light agreed, slowing the car to find a suitable parking spot.

Elina gently shook Chris. "Chris, wake up. We're almost there."

Chris groggily opened his eyes, blinking away the remnants of sleep. "Are we at the port?"

"Almost," Light said, parking the car in a secluded spot. "We need to walk the rest of the way."

They gathered their belongings and set off towards the port, blending in with the early morning crowd of travelers and dock workers. The air was filled with the sounds of seagulls and the distant hum of ship engines.

As they approached the boarding area, they could see the ship's crew directing passengers. They needed a plan to sneak on board without drawing attention. Light spotted a group of workers unloading supplies and nudged Chris and Elina.

"Follow my lead," he whispered.

They joined the workers, grabbing a few crates to carry and blending in with the crew. As they approached the gangway, a security officer glanced at them but seemed more interested in the official-looking documents another worker was showing him. They slipped past without incident, their hearts pounding with adrenaline.

Once on board, they quickly found a quiet corner to regroup. Chris leaned against a wall, catching his breath. "We made it. Now what?"

"We need to find a safe spot to stay hidden until the ship sets sail," Light said. "Then we can figure out our next move."

Elina nodded, her eyes scanning the area. "This ship is huge. We should be able to find a place where no one will notice us."

They moved through the ship, avoiding crowded areas and sticking to less frequented corridors. Eventually, they found an empty storage room near the lower decks. It wasn't comfortable, but it would do for now.

As they settled in, the ship's horn blared, signaling its imminent departure. The vibration of the engines starting up was a welcome relief—they were finally on their way to Venice.

Chris sat down on a crate, looking at his friends. "We need to stay alert. Who knows what kind of enemies we might face next?"

"Agreed," Light said. "But for now, let's take a moment to rest and regroup."

Elina leaned against the wall, her mind racing with thoughts of what lay ahead. "We made it this far. We'll get through this together."

As the ship pulled away from the port, their journey to uncover the mysteries of the crystals and to protect each other continued. The challenges ahead were daunting, but together, they felt ready to face whatever came their way.

What new challenges will they face in Venice?


To be continued.