Chapter 21: Meeting at Sea

The morning sun cast a warm glow over the cruise ship as it glided smoothly through the Mediterranean waters. Inside their hidden spot, Chris, Light, and Elina woke up to the gentle rocking of the ship. The luxurious surroundings of the cruise ship were a stark contrast to the tension and danger that had marked their recent days.

Chris rubbed his eyes, still groggy from the night's events. His shoulder felt miraculously healed, thanks to Elina's newfound powers. He glanced around, taking in the opulent decor of the ship, and couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

Light stretched and yawned, his eyes sharp and alert despite the early hour. "We need to stay on our guard," he said, breaking the silence. "This ship may be luxurious, but we can't forget why we're here."

Elina nodded, her expression serious. "I agree. We should take turns exploring the ship and see if we can gather any useful information."

Chris knew this was the moment to share what had been weighing on his mind. "There's something I need to tell you both," he began, his voice tense. "Before we left the hotel, I had a meeting with someone... Cassandra."

Light and Elina exchanged shocked glances. "Cassandra? Who is she?" Elina asked.

Chris nodded. "She is the 7th Rank of the Crystal Hunters. She approached me outside the hotel. She said she's not our enemy and showed me a video of Emma. She claimed she wants to help us, but I don't know if we can trust her."

"Why didn't you tell us earlier?" Light asked, a hint of frustration in his voice.

"I wasn't sure how to bring it up, and everything was happening so fast," Chris explained. "But now I think it's important you both know. She gave me a tracking device to find her when we need her."

Elina frowned. "So, what do we do now? Can we trust her?"

"I don't know," Chris admitted. "But for now, we have to stay focused and be cautious."

As they continued to discuss their next steps, Light decided to take the first shift exploring the ship. He slipped out of their hiding spot, moving quietly through the corridors. The ship's opulent decor and the sounds of passengers enjoying their vacation provided a stark contrast to the tension that gripped him.

Suddenly, Light spotted a figure lurking in the shadows, watching him. Determined to uncover the truth, he decided to confront them. He followed the figure through the labyrinthine corridors of the ship until he finally cornered them in a secluded area.

"Who are you and why are you following us?" Light demanded.

The figure turned around, revealing a young woman around 22 years old with striking blue eyes and short, dark hair. She looked both surprised and relieved to see Light.

"My name is Sara," she said. "I've been looking for you, Light."

Light was skeptical. "How do you know my name?"

Sara smiled slightly. "I know a lot of things about you. It's funny that we never met before, even though we share a deep connection with the same person."

Light's eyes narrowed. "Heeh? What do you mean?"

"I'm the older sister of your best friend, Fin. Half-sister," Sara explained.

Light was shocked. He never knew Fin had a sister. "You... You are his sister? But he never told me he had a sister."

Sara nodded. "I know he never did. After all, he didn't know it either. You see, we have the same father but not the same mother. Our father kept it a secret for a very long time. Since the moment he heard about Fin's death... He was devastated and told me everything."

Light wasn't sure if he could trust her, but he grabbed her hand and led her towards their hideout.

"Follow me," Light instructed.

"Where to?" Sara asked.

"To meet my friends," Light replied.

As they approached the hideout, Light felt a mix of anxiety and determination. He needed to trust Sara, but he also had to be cautious for the sake of his friends. He opened the door to their hidden spot, where Chris and Elina were waiting. They saw that Light wasn't alone.

Chris asked, "Who is that?"

"This is Sara," Light introduced her. "She says she's Fin's half-sister."

Chris asked, "Did you know that he had a sister?"

Light replied, "No. He never mentioned her."

Chris inquired, "Can we trust her?"

Light nodded, "I think so."

Chris and Elina exchanged wary glances.

Sara met their gaze steadily. "I know it's hard to trust someone new, especially given everything you've been through. I'm following you a long time now. I know what you have been through. But we have the same goal. I want to take down the one responsible for my brother's death and you want to save your sister. I can be a big help in that journey. Please, give me a chance."

Chris sighed. "You don't seem like a bad person."

Sara nodded gratefully. "Thank you. I won't let you down."

Elina seemed to not trust her even if Chris agreed to take her in. "Do you have any Crystals?"

Sara replied, "Yes, I have the Green Crystal. I can manipulate nature and the plants. It's really useful."

Elina looked at her with suspicion. "I don't trust you, but if the other two say you can join, I won't disagree. But just so you know, I will have my eyes on you. And if I see something bad, I will throw you in the sea."

Sara responded, "Thank you for your honesty, but I'm not here to hurt anyone from you."

Elina replied, "Yeah... Let's see."

As the ship continued its journey toward Venice, the group settled in to listen to what Sara had to say. With new allies and unknown enemies, their path forward was fraught with uncertainty. What new challenges would they face in Venice, and could Sara truly be trusted? Only time would tell.


To be continued