Vessels proposal has a problem!?

The Eldoria Empire, blessed with vast natural resources, was a realm where the very earth seemed to brim with nature's gifts. Towering forest, dense and verdant, stretched across the landscape, offering a bounty of timber and rare herbs. Fertile plains yielded rich harvest, feeding the populace with ease and surplus.

However, it was not the only wealth, mines of Gold, upon which the Empire was named, these mines were legendary, their riches so abundant that the mere mention of them sparked envy in the hearts of neighboring Empires.

Despite its abundant resources, Eldoria was ruled by emperor Eberhardt, infamous for his womanizing behavior, only few flattery and praise was all that could sway him easily to fall in the greed of others.

Dew, sitting on a high royal throne, looking down at the three vessels standing there with restlessness in their eyes. His mind, occupied with his Empire, that he had gotten just a day ago.

Beside him, Ruprecht was present, contemplating on why His Majesty has not speak anything until now, he took a glance at him, observing his still eyes, not reflecting any of his inner monologue.

Sighing in his heart, Ruprecht thought, nowdays it had become strenuous to read His Majesty thoughts even in the past it was unpredictable but he could still manage to understand the Emperor, however, now it feels like a different person has entered his body.

Dew, unbeknown to his valet notion, pondered on why would Eberhardt be ignorant enough to let this precious land become a ruin, wouldn't this land was practically a gift, thrown by God, his way.

Pitying in his heart, Dew glanced at the entrance, the other four people whose attention was all along on the Emperor, simultaneously look at the man who had just walked through the entrance.

The Duke of Wurttemberg, Sigurd, walking in self reliant manner, his mid-night black hair styled meticulously, his velvet black doublet fastened with a row of polished brass buttons, embroidered with gold thread tracing intricate patterns along the edges of doublet, forming delicate swirls and flourishes that spoke the wealth and status of his master.

His tall figure standing beside the three vessels whose eyes were widened in surprise.

"Your Majesty." With a bow, Sigurd greeted the Emperor, with a smile curving his lips upward, without even waiting for or taking the Emperor permission, Sigurd lifted his head, meeting the pensive stare of the Emperor with his sharp and vicious inky eyes.

"Explain your proposal again." Dew commanded, not even breaking the eye contact with the Duke, at last it was the Duke who shifted his stare to the three vessels.

From yesterday, after the audience with the Emperor, the three vessels were on edge, they couldn't get a good night rest, and now they are standing in front of two intimidating people.

In past His Majesty didn't even take a glance at the court meeting and the Duke would seldom interfere, however, now they both took interest in their proposal!! Is there a default with it!?

The three vessels, internally hoping that the other two start talking, however, the environment only ended up getting more tense.

Rainer, one of the vessel, took a deep breath and began, "Your Majesty, we are grateful for this audience, we have come up with a proposal to establish a monopoly in the trade of herbs and potions."

Matthias stepped forward to elaborate, " Your Majesty, this monopoly will be tightly regulated by the crown, ensuring fair prices and efficient quality. We have identified a reliable suppliers and skilled alchemist. With the crown's backing, we can sure that Eldoria will become a center for medicinal excellence, attracting scholars and healers across the land."

Whoever heard their proposal at once would only appreciate their effort, their idea to come up with such a plan that would clearly benefit the Eldoria Empire.

"But there is a problem." Sigurd uttered in his deep voice, gaining a look from Dew.

Raising his eyebrow, Dew questioned the Duke, "And what is that?"

Sigurd, chuckling at thought of what this ignorant Emperor playing this time, maybe some court-games?

The vessels couldn't figure out, where the problem lie in their proposal, so they all looked at the Duke Wurttemberg.

"There are two complications." Sigurd began explaining.

"First obstacle is Competition."

"...But there is no one who monopolizes trading of herbs so how could there be a competition?" Lothar questioned in his timid voice.

Dew who was silent till now, elucidated, "In competition, it is not entirely true that only same group compete for same resources, an unrelated group could also be an opponent."

Eberhardt's words only confused the poor vessels instead of solving their queries, with eyes full on unclarity they look at the Duke's way.

Sigurd, whose eyes narrowed at the Emperor, start speaking again.

"The idea to monopolize the trade of herbs and potion is lucrative which can green the eyes of any other people." He paused for a little, taking in the expression of the Emperor who was nonchalant.

"And with given care and effort it could make tons of profit which can be a threat to other retailer, not excluding the big monopolist of Heydrich Estate."

Indeed, the head of the house Heydrich was a cunning man thriving with greed, he run the trading of salt and sugar, that was in high demand by all the people including the nobles.

So how could a man like him be silent when such a threat is lurking nearby. He also had a good relation with Eberhardt, no, not good relation, more like a servant's sugarcoated words melting his master's wisdom.

"What is the second problem?"

Ruprecht voice out, because he has only seen one problem with the proposal, and after hearing there are two, obviously, he would want to hear it.