Facing Marie's favorite character

'Time really flies like a fired bullet.' sighing in his heart, Dew looked down at the dish, in an elegant technique the pheasant meat was placed, cooked with a rich sauce made from wine, butter, and spices, served with a variety of vegetables, reflecting the luxury of the dish.

Dew, really wanting to enjoy his supper, however, he couldn't after seeing Adelheid sitting across from him, even the distance between them was not short, he could still see clear hostility in her eyes.

'Whatever, it's not like he can tell her that Eberhardt is no more and he was Dew.'

The servants that were standing about a distance, felt the tense atmosphere, some new servants that were not used to this appeared to be anxious while there were also some trained attendants who had witnessed all kinds of scene in the palace.

Adelheid, putting down her knife and fork, questioned Eberhardt, "Why are you so quiet today? And I heard you accepted your vessels proposal, Why?" Her eyebrows raised, her lavender eyes demanding answer.

'It's really true, those features are beyond compare to any other woman in the Empire.' Dew, not answering, complimenting his sister's favorite character looks.

Staring deep in Adelheid lavender eyes Dew replied with a question, "Since when did a servant have the right to question the Emperor?" Not a single hint of gentleness on Dew's expression, a chill air surrounding the environment, who could thought it was the same man who had complimented Adelheid a few moments before in his heart.

She flinched, the confident with which she had asked the question seems to be lessened, 'this man really is dangerous, he insulted me before also but it was only simple mean words without this cold aura, I have to really do something!!'


Chair, on which Adelheid sat, fell as she intentionally pushed it, throwing only repulsed glare while gritting her teeth at the nonchalant Dew who was continuing to eat his meal. She left to her room after giving a last glance to the Emperor.

Not even a minute after Adelheid disappearance he also stopped eating, leaving the dining room.

Servants picked the fallen chair, took the plates and leftover dishes to the kitchen, cleaning the whole room, with their practiced motion.

Walking to his balcony, Dew stood at the balustrade, taking in the beauty of the night time in this world, gentle and cool wind blowing, fluttering his robes, the scent of the jasmine flowers growing nearby entered his nose, he gazed at the full moon and the shining stars.

In his previous life, he never really cared about things like finding a moment of solace, only enjoying his own presence without any worry because he had started to work from very early age, providing the needs of his sister, taking care of her on his own, looking back at his 24 years of life, he really never looked at the night sky like this.

It gave him a sense of joy, maybe because of the new environment, he can't sleep, looking at the comfy bed as if he would fall asleep the minute he laid on it but he know himself well that tonight he would not be able to sleep.

"Your Majesty, forgive this valet to disturb you so late at night but it is my duty to inform you of the task that you gave me." Ruprecht, kneeling, asking for pardon informed the Emperor, Ruprecht seemingly appeared from the thin air but Dew knew he had come from the door and even waited for a minute or more before saying.

The keen senses of Dew can't be neglected, even while gazing with deep appreciation at the night view he still had discovered Ruprecht presence, but he didn't feel like to call him out.

"Speak." Dew ordered without giving him permission to stand.

"Duke of Wurttemberg has received the letter, opened it at once the letter fell in his hand, replying to which he said he will pay you a visit tomorrow and he...." a hesitation appeared on Ruprecht face which stopped him from speaking more.

"Continue." noticing his valet hesitation, Dew said.

"....He asked if His Majesty playing prank on him." At last those words were spoken, even it was not his words Ruprecht still couldn't bear the thought of His Majesty listening those words from his own mouth. His hand clenched hard into fist, still kneeling, in wait of his Master response.

The sound of the night insects was all that could be heard for a moment.

Few more minutes passed before Dew opened his mouth to speak, "You can leave now." With said that he moved first, in his loose night robe, heading forward to his bed, the lights of the room was already turned off.

Taking a last glimpse at His Majesty, Ruprecht exited the room.

The Duchy of Wurttemberg, located at an isolated place, the defense of the Ducal house couldn't be laughed at, especially the defense system of a house that monopolizes the military weapons.

Ruprecht, in spite of having visited the Wurttermberg Duchy a few times in past, was still on the edge.

*In the Duke working space*

Standing, without being offered to sit, Ruprecht watched the man in front of him with his scrutinizing gaze, the head of the house, Duke Sigurd Wurttemberg.

A man with inky eyes reading the letter, that was gripped firmly in his hand, spoke while showing a visible mocking grin, "Does His Majesty playing a prank on me?" his deep low voice, which could cause a hearer wanting more of his voice.

But that was not the case for Ruprecht, he, who clearly heard how the Duke insulted His Majesty, could not stay silent and warned the Duke, "Mind your words when you speak of His Majesty." Ruprecht reminded the Duke.

Sigurd, only laughing more, visibly paying no heed to Ruprecht words.

Watching the loyal valet of the Emperor, Sigurd said with a smirk hanging on his face, " Tell the Emperor that the Duke Sigurd will pay a visit to him."

Ruprecht left at once after hearing the Duke's reply, feeling angry at his helplessness of not being able to properly defend his master.