What happened on that day's morning?

On a cozy window seat with lots of cushions sat Lady Adelheid, her dark lashes drooping down, her lavender eyes focusing on the book in her hand, with each turning pages came rustling sound.

It was a bright day, morning sun rays falling on the book as well as on Adelheid side profile, adding charm to her alluring beauty.

She stopped reading, when a memory flashed in her mind, that unconsciously made the lady closed her eyes.

A bewilderment in the eyes of that man, she clearly saw it, however, why? Wasn't that man the one who forcefully made her to enter his room? Insulting her by those mean words, making her to stay all night in his room assisting him during his fever.

The very first thing that man do after waking up, was to give her astonished stare, what, he was the one to ask her and now he is looking at her like that, usually, he will have that mocking grin on his face and would make fun of Adelheid by saying how she is no more than a servant in his eyes.

"Are you feeling okay now?" Adelheid, sitting beside the bed on a chair, asked the bewildered Dew...no...the bewildered Emperor.

Silence engulfed the room, only the sound of faint breathing of the two people present in the room could be heard.

Dew, having an internal conflict, didn't say anything, only staring deeply at the glaring Adelheid.

At last Dew only made an 'hm' sound, after hearing which, Adelheid raised from her chair, without even bowing or showing respect to the Emperor of this empire, she left the scene.

Dew slowly processed the whole thing that happened now, his fingers subconsciously rubbing his temples, 'Isn't that girl just now look like Adelheid. But, Again why would a girl like that whom he didn't know asked him if he's okay or not? Is she the doctor?

He looked around him, noticing a wet towel sinking in the big bowl of used water, placed near the table beside the bed.

It seems, Dew couldn't even get the chance to think properly of his situation as there was a sudden knock on the door.

He took a moment of thinking, then said, "Come in."

Two maids, wearing historical attendants outfit that fit for royal servants entered the room with their heads bowed.

In sync, both greeted the Emperor with a deep bow, without knowing that he was Dew, "Your Majesty." After greeting, one of the maid said, "May this humble servant fetch the bowl?" It was visible on her face, the panic, but she still maintained to ask without any trembling in her voice.

Dew, immediately catching those details, how the maid addressed him, how the person from before behaved and how these servants behaved, noticing every odd points.

'What a situation is this? some people whom you don't even know come to you behaving abnormally...no...that is not the point, the point is where is this place, he had surveyed his surrounding and believing in one thing for sure that this is not a hospital.'

Both maids, with their heads bowed waiting for the Emperor's permission. One of the maids who had braided hairs couldn't hold more of the tension building in her mind, making her stumble a little, the other one grabbed her by shoulder preventing her from falling.

Terror, only terror was there in the hearts of two girls whose age didn't succeed more than 17. Kneeling at once, their heads touching the ground, their voices shaken, cried out loudly,"Forgive us insolent maids, Your Majesty!!"

Dew, can't believe his eyes, the sight that unfolded in front of him, make him realize, that they are afraid, but of whom? He can't think of a reason why they were afraid of him. However, the maids were still kneeling asking him for his forgiveness.

"Fetch the bowl, and be dismissed." He commanded, taking a deep look at the maids thanking him and leaving with the bowl with hurried footsteps.

It was silence again in the room.

Adelheid opened her eyes, the soft breeze flowing down her face, she got up from the cozy window seat, placing the book on the round table, at a distance from the place.

'What His Majesty said? I can ask the questions raising inside me.' Ruprecht halting his hands that were grinding ink, turning his head to the Emperor, who had that invisible gentleness in his eyes, maybe he is assuming things, maybe nothing has changed but still his heart leaned more towards his assumptions.

Eberhardt, the Emperor, looked at his royal valet, he know that Ruprecht might have started doubting his actions, as he had practically read Ruprecht all life, from his birth to his death.

"What changes is His Majesty going to do the proposal presented by the vessels?" Burying the question that Ruprecht really wanted to ask, he come up with another question that he was curious about.

He was also there, listening to the whole plan of the vessels, if his opinions mattered then he would want to warn His Majesty about the side effects of that plan and in worst condition it might backfire, which will really be dangerous.

Dew, who had already started writing as the ink had reached the perfect consistency for writing, glanced at Ruprecht with his side eyes without turning his head, he had guessed earlier that his royal valet would question him about the sudden change in him nevertheless he asked about his plan.

"Sure I will tell, however, this is not the time yet." Eberhardt handed a letter that was written just now to Ruprecht, ordering him, "This letter should arrived to the Duke of Wurttemberg by tomorrow's morning."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Ruprecht said while taking the letter as well as responsibility of delivering it to the Duke. He left after that, Dew leaning a little backwards, tilting his head back, his eyes closed, his mind arranging the important novel's plot point in order.

He sighed in his heart, still not accepting his situation, even a day has not passed but he still started his plan as that day is coming, the day when Adelheid made her move.

Eberhardt....oh....Eberhardt, look at the mess you had made, in the earlier part of the novel his character was not the worst as that title belong to someone else, however, he brought ruin to his Empire by walking the path of his own destruction.

'I hope Marie would not cry much and focus on the future she have ahead. Your big brother still care for you even if we live in different worlds now.'