The Emperor's Court

The dining table, filled with different types of cuisine, ranging from sea food to dessert, evidently the main course is refined steak.

Dew took in the whole view of maids serving him the food, he glanced at the cutlery presented to him around his plate, only with a little bit of knowledge he give it a try, holding a knife with one hand while other holding the fork.

In his first try, he performed this elegantly, without breaking the dinning etiquette. Ruprecht, standing a step behind Eberhardt noticed something but didn't raise any question, only lowering his head.

'What is it? Did he noticed something? Dew asked in his heart, he has keen sense which helped him multiple times and he never questioned his senses.

"This is enough." Dew said while rising from his sit, he asked Ruprecht, "Is there anything happening in the court of which I should be informed?" Dew, sighed, still wanting to eat more as he had never eaten something this tasty but there were more important matters at the hand.

'There is really something different about His Majesty today.' Ruprecht thought in his heart.

"Yes, Your Majesty, the vessels are urging you to listen to their new project which could benefit both the Emperor and the people of the Empire." With an utmost sincerity Ruprecht said those words, burying his internal thoughts at the corner of his mind.

"Oh, then I should grant them the chance to show what they had come up with." Dew said with nonchalance.

*In Court meeting*

'Has the sun risen from the west? But I perfectly saw it has risen from the East!' Vessel 1 cried out internally.

'No, no, this must be a dream! , as how could that dumb emperor who only chased women grant them the permission so easily without them offering a bait.' Vessel 2 full of suspicion cried out internally.

'Has he finally come to shoulder his responsibility, if it is then, the empire could still be safe.' Vessel 3 already made an assumption of his own.

Dew, sitting on the high throne, decorated with gold, the crown embedded with three large jewels and numerous small jewels, resting on his head.

He could practically read the thoughts of his three vessels who were kneeling in front of him.

"Raise your head." He commanded.

The three vessels, standing at once, explained Eberhardt of their new project.

Dew, seemingly inattentive of the words said by his vessels, his head resting on his on hand and his arm resting on the armrest, the other hand's index finger tapping on the the other armrest, in reality he was in deep thought, remembering this part of the novel.

'I was right, it is not the time yet, I could make changes.' He said in his heart.

The vessels had completed explaining the plan, waiting anxiously for the Emperor's decision, one of them had given up on hope of their project getting accepted after watching the Emperor behavior.

More than 10 minutes had passed and the Emperor still hadn't said anything, he even didn't rejected the proposal at once after listening, this made the vessels feel very nervous.

Ruprecht, standing beside the Eberhardt, was also waiting for his judgement, especially after noticing his change in behavior from the morning.

"I will implement this project but-" The vessels pricking up their ears to listen with full attention, their faces filled with joy when they hear Eberhardt first word but soon those excitement came to halt when they heard "but".

Again, with their hold breaths, waited for the Emperor to finish his words, Dew didn't make them wait long as he opened his mouth and said, "I would make some changes in the plan."

With this the court meeting ended, leaving the three dumbfounded vessels standing, Dew simply glanced at them before leaving, Ruprecht following behind him.

It was nearing the time of Lunch, Dew didn't wanted to eat in the dinning room as he never had eaten before in an spacious dinning room filled with servant, attending to him.

He simply, ordered Ruprecht to bring his meal to his room, and Ruprecht did as he was ordered.

'Ahm', these really are the best dish he had eaten so far, in his previous life Dew worked like a machine to provide his sister of everything, indulging her in every way.

But his sister never asked for things he couldn't give him, she was very sensible for her age, his thoughts drifted far, very far in the memories of his sister whom he cherished so much.

"Marie, I have made it my mission to save this empire from meeting its doom and also I'll save your favorite character like you had wanted."

The servants took the plates and left after cleaning. Once Dew had eaten his lunch, he went to his working room, his desk without any speck of dust, he know, that Eberhardt never took his responsibility seriously, and at some point he even stop coming to his office.

Dew had thought, it would be covered in spiderwebs but he forgot that it was not the normal office, however, of an Emperor.

He pulled the chair, sitting in a comforting position, Ruprecht who had led him to the office upon being asked was one step behind in pulling the chair for the Emperor as he was astonished with this drastic change in His Majesty.

"Grind the ink." Dew commanded his royal valet, while he took out the imperial paper used by Emperor for writing.

Ruprecht had already gained his seriousness, started grinding the ink, his eyes focusing on every minute behavior of the Emperor.

Noticing, the gaze of his royal valet, Eberhardt looked up, meeting his narrowed eyes with Ruprecht sharp eyes, for a minute both of them only looked into each others eyes as if deciphering the other's internal thoughts, however, it was only for a minute before Ruprecht moved his emerald eyes to the ink grinding.

"You could ask me, I will tell you." Dew told Ruprecht, taking in the side profile of him, he commented, 'He have good figure, refined muscle, tall height and especially those emerald eyes, only locking eyes for once, it made such an deep impact on me.'

Dew, a little bit of envy of his royal valet, as his body fall more on the lean side, his pale white skin that could dampen a maiden charm, his fur like soft skin which made him think if Eberhardt really ever lifted the sword or not or had he ever practiced on his fighting skill?