Eberhardt von Richthofen

The expansive bedroom, with high, vaulted ceilings adorned with intricate frescoes depicting mythological scenes. Large, arched windows with leaded glass panes allow natural light to flood the room during the day, while heavy, brocade curtains can be drawn to provide privacy and darkness. The floor is made of polished marble, laid out in an intricate geometric pattern, with richly woven carpets covering certain areas for warmth and comfort.

At the center of the room stands a grand four-poster bed, its frame carved from dark, lustrous wood mahogany. The bed is draped with luxurious fabric of velvet, and damask, in deep, crimson and gold. The canopy above the bed features gold embroidery and tassels.

Dew, standing in front of a dressing mirror, taking a careful look at himself with eyes showing no intention of his inner thoughts.

He glanced at his surrounding carefully after dismissing those maids who had come and also that person that shocked him to his core.

"Did you see how His Majesty behave this morning?" A female attendant on her way back, with a big bowl of used water, from Dew's room asked carefully to the other one beside her.

Replying with utmost caution, the other attendant said, "It feels like something is going to happen soon."

"No, this can't happen, it has to be a dream or else how could someone be transmigrated to a novel who they had read for only an hour?" Dew, in denial, shook his head, and after some time, his slender and pale fingers holding his chin, appearing to be in deep thought.

Already surveying the room, and noticing how the characters, he had met so far, behave, he had an strong feeling that the body he took is of the Emperor of The Eldoria Empire.

Thinking hard, but still couldn't find the answer of his sudden transmigration and if he took the Emperor's body then where is his soul? Did he died in real life and his soul entered the Emperor's body? what about Emperor soul then?

So many questions yet not a single answer, these only induce pain in Dew's head, he gripped his head that was throbbing, pacing towards the bed and sitting, he asked, "Marie, can you pass me a headache tablet?"

No one was present in the room, a pin drop silence after Dew's words come out, finally realizing that Marie is nowhere in this world and he would never see her or hear her voice in this life of his.

Silent cry, it was the only words which can describe his state, the thought of never seeing his little sister hit him hard, making him tremble at his own helplessness.

Dew never really cried after his parents death, he was only 13 years old when they died, leaving him and his 6 year old sister alone.

They were always together, in summer they played, in spring they watched the flowers bloom, in autumn gathering the dry leaves from their backyard, and in winter making snowman and throwing snowball at each other, breaking in laughter after seeing the messed form of themselves.

Now he was alone again, he felt alone for the first time after his parents death, he still remember, how little Marie came to him tightly hugging a stuffed panda, eyes full of tears, asking him what happened to their parents.

How could he answer her that they were no more, a child with her tender heart, how could he break it, so he lied, telling her the God took their parents and had sent them to a better world so they can't be with them anymore.

"Then why didn't God also take us with them, wouldn't it be better?" Marie's innocent voice fell on Dew's ear which seemed like an arrow piercing his heart.

With a wryly smile he said, "Maybe God wanted us to stay here in this world together. Promise me that you would not leave your big brother like our parents." Dew pulled his pinky finger, placing it in front of Marie.

"I promise and You also can't leave, okay." Marie said confidently, her little pinky finger locking with Dew's, making the promise.

Tears fell from Dew's eyes when he remember his promise, the promise he couldn't keep.

An hour had passed, a calmed Dew, sitting on his fine bed, made his mind on what to do from now on.

Eberhardt Von Richthofen, the Emperor of The Eldoria empire, infamous for his selfishness and wrong decisions, was also an womanizer. His soul had entered that man's body.

From reading the novel, he knew that he still have time, time to save this dooming empire, Dew didn't know exactly at what point the story is but he definitely know one thing that the Empire didn't fall, and his sister favorite character is still alive as he saw that person the very time he open his eyes in this world.

Dew, called out the servant by ringing the bell, within a minute a royal valet, Ruprecht, who had served the emperor with unwavering loyalty till the end of the novel entered the room quietly, his footsteps muffled by the thick, ornate carpet.

Ruprecht bowed deeply, a gesture of both respect and routine."Good morning, Your Majesty, Did you call for this servant?" He greeted his Lord while asking what his Lord need him for.

"Assist me with the dressing." Dew commanded, arising from his sitting position, knowing fully well about Ruprecht, the only one who was with the Eberhardt till his death and eventually ending his own life after the emperor death.

Ruprecht nodded, and moved with practice eased, knowing each step of the elaborate process by heart. He began by assisting the king out of his night robe, revealing the king's lean frame.

He, first, presented the Emperor with a fresh linen chemise, its fabric finely woven and soft against skin. He carefully helped the Emperor into the garment, smoothing out any wrinkles.

At last, a cape embroidered with intricate gold thread, lined with the softest, pure white ermine fur, providing warmth and comfort. It was fastened at the Emperor shoulder with ornate gold clasp like roaring lions, the symbol of his royal house.

These clasps were not just decorative, they were functional, ensuring the cape draped perfectly over his shoulders and flowed elegantly down to the floor.

Ruprecht, bowed again and stepped back after doing his work, Dew who was looking at himself in the mirror couldn't believe that he could look so good in the Emperor's clothes.

Yes, Eberhardt has the same face as Dew's, the only thing it was missing was Dew's indifferent expression.